Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

August 2009

wonders if anyone has written a digital library product thats easy to install.

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need a twitter app for the mac and touch, hearing good things about TwitterFon and Tweetie, what others should I be looking at?

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@danaferguson I need to rearrange my iTunes library a bit, I think those are going to have to become two of the playlists. :D

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@mrwtn865 and then of course I remember than I am not by any means a “gangster.”

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@mrwtn865 about the only time I think about rap is when I finish a program or paper and have the scene from office space in my head.

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RT: @npnicole RT: @zombiesam RT: @jillgengler: “you notice how it’s never about just data anymore? it’s always about metadata.” #mattbeth

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@mrwtn865 I can do without the baseball bat, but your comment has me wanting to do a round of iTunes purchases.

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@mrwtn865 one of the joys of trying to be interdisciplinary, there is just so much cool stuff out there.

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@danaferguson probably would have been a good show, but yes I think they build that sense into printers and copiers these days.

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@TnTechCSC 405 is looking great!

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just joined the American Library Association and LITA.

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Headed to faculty meetings, guess the summer has ended at this point.

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@mrwtn865 Thanks for the birthday message.

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@npnicole maybe not the best sign, which usability text is it?

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back to reading, time for fall #gslis classes to start

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how different would packaging be if at the time of sale you had the option to require the store open and dispose of the packaging for you

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Seems like quite a few people are having bad weeks, hope things get better for everyone.

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Wii Play: in separate frames, I used a jump successfully twice, including hitting the target ball into the pocket on one

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talking about the fact I haven’t updated twitter in 2 days.

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sometimes small towns work in mysterious ways

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macbook headed to genius bar :(

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Glad to have gotten some sleep after bootcamp, but enjoyed the 10 days.

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finding an at least somewhat quiet place to work and finish all this up.

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