@nicolibrarian initially misread you tweet as “change your sock/s.” — Which had me really curious as to what was going on.
We moved from possible tetanus shot to full on stitches risk with this DIY project. #FB #HalloweenFears #fb
EricaJoy Erica Releaseeng twitter.com/riscfuture/sta…
evening project: determine which is less comfortable for a six foot tall person, airplane seats or elementary school cafeteria seating. #fb
“People can’t fly man” - @ClintDrums; “But tornados can” - Me (@kayakerscout)

oceankidbilly Stats pun spotted @simple today pic.twitter.com/9ZNi4KW562
The purple and gold plates were one of the few things left in the @tennesseetech cafeteria that had been around as long as me. #GoneNow #fb
@evetsnosdoog user could execute script with the UNC path value, but it wasn’t running at logon.
@evetsnosdoog needless to say, was trying this and it wasn’t working, moved script to netlogon share and magic
@evetsnosdoog thanks! Do I have to do something special to trust that location? (cmd script in question)
Any active directory wizards following me? Can logon script (as user profile property) reference a non-DC hosted unc path?

edutopia Lifelong learning FTW! pic.twitter.com/RIXNFVbqLe
@Wordshore if passenger train, I hope your destination was Memphis.

SweetFishMedia “If Plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters.” - Claire Cook, Author pic.twitter.com/t4IeKgecnk
A disturbingly non-zero number of people reply to meeting invites at 7pm.
I may well have experimented with every possible way to make #LoginVSI not work, but now that it is running, is kinda fun to watch it run.
“failure is success”
I totally intend to get some extra miles out of this wizard hat. #Halloween
@DynamicWebPaige sounds like success
“should you really be eating something you don’t want to touch?” #fb
lamw Nice post from @alanrenouf on Automating the addition of a vGPU to a VM. Handy for Horizon View & gen. VDI use case virtu-al.net/2015/10/26/add…
belril Microsoft made the natural language handling part of Project Oxford publicly available as a beta: infoworld.com/article/299779…
Shuffled playlist decided today’s theme song was the theme to Friends. I don’t feel particularly good about this. #fb
Only heard the first part, but there’s now a song about buying a moped? #fb
benefit of modern technology: you can spend as long browsing for a movie to watch as actually watching a movie #fb
fare C is a programming language for turning low-level byte arrays into security advisories.
“it’s a box with text” #ComparingTerminalEmulators

EricaJoy “Thirty Percent Feedback”: 42floors.com/blog/startups/…
I’m a fan.
(h/t @chrisbiscardi like a year ago) pic.twitter.com/3XP7mOYfEs
and yes, it was pre-school counting and not CS counting, I started at one.
*counts students that have shown up for class, out loud* “yes, I can count, I watched Sesame Street” #fb
“That’s how sad and pathetic my life is, I worry that I had a dream about Oracle licensing.” #fb
Step 1) volunteer to use hot glue gun for group of youth, for safety and all that. Step 2) hot glue googly eye to finger #AdultingFail #fb
@grouchyCEO maybe put all that in your bio and be seebioCEO?

virten ESXi Network Troubleshooting with tcpdump-uw and pktcap-uw virten.net/2015/10/esxi-n… pic.twitter.com/khv5Onts81
Pinboard If you’re a web designer/front-end developer, It may help to think of the fan on your laptop as a shaming rather than a cooling device
SwiftOnSecurity The world would be so much more organized if we had 19” rackmounts everywhere
At the Houston airport, for as much dancing as one can do in a plane seat, dancing in sprit with #GHC15.
Took all week, but I did manage to find a bug/break something in the course’s lab environment this afternoon.
So it seems that Outlook 2013 finally spellchecks in the subject field!? When did this change?
@jacobisbell dead cow, shotgun, flood, router update, spat between ISPs, DDOS attack, broken monitoring system, possibilities nearly endless
I promise I’m in training… #MTCookieMonster #MicroTekDallas flic.kr/p/zPGEmP
mollydotcom I really dislike HTML5 for making every Web developer think he or she has to build a responsive app, add 10,000 scripts, use a JS framework.
@ClearpathSG drop me on one of the VCP lists if you’ve got a spot. :)
Song parody idea of the day (inspired by Horizon Cloud Pods): “I left my data in San Francisco”.
Exciting to see so many tweets from #GHC15, hopefully the start of a great conference.

jpaulreed Say it with me: “You can’t hate the “curl | bash” but be OK deploying from GitHub.”-@petecheslock #VelocityConf pic.twitter.com/v6GMxyZLwh
art2gee .@VMware CEO @PGelsinger: “Taking risks = the lowest risk. Inaction becomes the biggest risk business can take today.” #VMworld2015
@RonOglesby @iShBuu you gentlemen are welcome anytime. Might work better to let me get out of Texas first however.
@iShBuu @RonOglesby might need to tweak the location a bit, Lynchburg being dry and all, but sounds like a plan. #TourThenMeeting
@RonOglesby @iShBuu if tweets had captions/titles I feel like this one’s should be “Ron Oglesby, life coach”
@iShBuu @RonOglesby that bottle looks a bit empty. Come down to Tennessee, I know where we can find you some more. :)
lamw Great read - Her Code Got Humans on the Moon - And Invented Software Itself wired.com/2015/10/margar…
@NashvilleVMUG looks like schedule got a slight update. @davedelaney on social media & brand is now a lunch talk?
So @NashvilleVMUG crammed a bunch of “top pick” sessions (my view) into block 2, but a full day of great content: twitter.com/nashvillevmug/…
then the sads, I had them all.
Started off as joke tweet for “downtime as a service”, then realized that same abbreviation as desktop as a service. twitter.com/sadserver/stat…

vmwarehorizon Achieving high-performance 3D graphics with Horizon 6 vmw.re/1R7OgUU pic.twitter.com/cGEQzUoGLN
foiltheplot Teach a man to fish, he can feed himself. Teach a man to phish, and he can run e-mail scams to buy all the food he wants.
found ice rink, pretty sure that would trigger a cascading failure in my plans. #ERTripIfITried #fb
so Texas
“Mini datacenter” otherwise known as a “rack” #The42ULife
stephenodonnell Capacity of SSD Shipped Equals 16% of Total HDD Exabytes in 2015 – Trendfocubit.ly/1VJnEAbi5 << Won’t be long now RIP HDD
“I don’t have enough room in my truck for full on Disney hands.” #YesIWasSingingFrozen #fb
Hopefully after this @ClintDrums won’t have to cringe when he sees what I’ve done/written.
Now have a @pluralsight course via work, excited to be starting on Powershell for IT admins.
Been a while since I’ve been to an evening activity on campus, taking in the Center Stage speaker tonight.
“Better to be a tool maker than a tool”
@_POPPELGAARD @Easi123 if those prices are right, I’d be inclined to say “why didn’t we look at remote [hardware] workstations.”
@VMwareEducation looking forward to starting some VCIX studies. #NotSoSubtleHint
Beta results did take a bit to do the bit dance, but the #VCP6-DCV cert made an appearance on my VMware transcript today. #vmwcertified #fb
Well this could get interesting in a hurry. twitter.com/projectvrc/sta…
Dear power outage, Not sure how the rest of the @tennesseetech campus felt about it, but I didn’t find it helpful at all. #fb
anyone I know (or know of) via Twitter going to be in Horizon Design and Deploy training next week?
My guest for the weekend voted we call it quits after the first quarter. #LotsORain
TnTechFootball 1:45 1Q: Tech touchdown!! Brock McCoin scores again for the Golden Eagles!!! Game tied at 14-14 #LetsGoTech #PurplePride
Do recall however that @TTUGoldenEagles had better weather for that one.
As a @tennesseetech student went to half of a football game, and none since, fixing that tonight. #techyeah
@MannySidhu2 took mine the 21st and passed.
@MannySidhu2 what were those dates?
So in the course of the day today, I encountered people from each of the other two high schools in the county of my youth. #fb
Well PearsonVUE now shows my VCP6-DCV beta exam result, rather than “taken”.
_POPPELGAARD #wishlist @VMware please build a monitoring tool that will show usage of vGPU/GPU pass-through for all machines in 1 view cc @patlee