griffey Happy 2017, eastern time. We’ve still got another 55 minutes here in Central of 2016, wish us luck.
mattufford Hey y’all, I lost a friend who loved to read, and I need a good literacy/reading charity. National is good, Chicago-based is better. Thanks.
SwiftOnSecurity .@astern These days the first step for fixing any Win7 bugs in biz should be installing this. I could talk for hours…

b0rk our star: the packet!
Some exciting news for 2017. Update on Windows 10 and vlan interfaces,….
Thanks to @SwiftOnSecurity,…, got an unhappy Win7 Windows Update functioning normally again on base OS image.
jfrappier Encourage taking risks, learn, experiment #vBrownBag #DevOps
@IvanAtDell any of the VxRail that’s there the Dell hw based product?
@rhbBSE @NVIDIAGRID @_BenWJones thanks. None of my previous creds worked, so tried and failed yesterday to reset password. Worked fine today
Hum… might be time for a field trip.…
@vCenterNerd thanks! After this (2nd) one, I’ll have what I set out to get. Probably just be keeping what I have up to date for a while.
@vCenterNerd Have my VCAP6-DTM Deploy Jan 6, then the relaxing. Right now, however, your relax first plan sounds a lot better.
@vCenterNerd congratulations and good luck with both relaxing & the VCDX
@NVIDIAGRID on Dec 2 received email that enterprise portal was migrating, never got referenced password reset. Still migrating the portal?
For @vmwarehorizon #VDI admins, one of these new flings is a neat View Client Resizer.……
Just realized I didn’t play Elf’s Lament even once while finishing up grading this semester. #ProbablyASignOfSomething #fb
did two nodes + witness. 3rd helpful post was…, but that wouldn’t fit in the first tweet.
via @lamw… and @CormacJHogan… blog posts, now have VSAN cluster running on @vmw_workstation
@mjbrender enjoyed, thanks for presenting!
Recommended resource for learning git, “git - the simple guide”, from tonight’s #vBrownbag #commitmas
mistwire #vBrownBag @mjbrender @jilljubs focus and separate your goals into bites #commitmas #github
VMwarevSphere Breaking! The VM Encryption engineering team
has released a PowerCLI module for VM Encryption. Get the details now:…
“I can’t computer” - I think I’m going to work this expression into at least weekly usage. #vbrownbag
#vBrownbag #Commitmas tonight. @mjbrender talking building together. Started with a history of #Commitmas.
BuzzFeed quiz determined from my Starbucks order I’ll get married in 2017. They know something I don’t or they need a better algorithm. #fb
If your switch is spitting toner you’ve got a problem.
One less reason to run to emacs……
sehnaoui Me: For Christmas, I want a dragon.
Santa: Be realistic.
Me: Ok I want a secure firewall.
Santa: What color, for your dragon ?
Bit of an understatement, “this is a huge enhancement from the previous PowerShell implementation which fell…DS
rhbBSE A few FAQs on Azure N-series inc. Do Azure N-Series VMs include NVIDIA GRID software license?… via @wordpressdotcom
This morning @BitsandGuns warned me about talking about our storage arrays. Now on the phone will Dell support…
@ALDTD @vCenterNerd @MyVMUG @VMware I know I’m going to miss part of the sessions tomorrow, but going to try to catch as much of it as I can
@ALDTD @vCenterNerd @MyVMUG @VMware not heckling, you sure you have that right? Thought that was the joy of attending such events.
@seanpmassey so you’re teaching them subcontracting?
@rhbBSE @CarlWebster @JimMoyle does having a new @CarlWebster make Carl the old @CarlWebster? #JustTooObvious

Kujman5000 Hey folks, try out Malwarebytes 3.0 Beta because we want all the feedbacks! NOM NOM INPUT!…