freshome Upside-Down Wall Mural Unveiled in River Reflection freshome.com/upside-down-wa… pic.twitter.com/sZdUZacNJk
@ClintDrums @CharlesGonzales and so it begins
Will be interesting to see if this is a trend that takes hold across higher ed. twitter.com/ITBill/status/…

codeorg Every student should learn computational thinking and have the chance to try coding too. huffingtonpost.com/esther-wojcick… pic.twitter.com/Bpxi6oviS4
send help, singing “like a surgeon” #fb
today at work was either Purple Shirt Day or Shirt from the Dryer Day, either way I participated.
@RonOglesby very nice and #NewLifeGoal

pluralsight Happy 30th to The #Amiga! What’s your favorite title from the classic gaming machine? #TBT pic.twitter.com/9mWSrbjfiZ
Hey, @UnideskCorp, support form is missing a few versions on the pull down. :)
@Michael_EDavis @iShBuu hadn’t considered it, #UntilNowOfCourse
@RonOglesby figured that was the case, also figured most of this was stuff that needed a larger initial “release” than a tweet.
Now for the first time in even longer I pulled a Greg (@iShBuu) and have a same day deployment. #Unidesk 2.9.3.
@RonOglesby Just think about how much fun the rest of us will have with the screenshots. #HintHint
While may be giving an evil monkey stare while I do it, a high five to the @UnideskCorp development team for this rapid release progression.
Get ready to tweet that for the first time in a good while I had gotten onto the current release of #Unidesk, @UnideskCorp releases 2.9.3.
@kevinclosson ok, you lost me
@dey5401 of course I first saw @kevinclosson‘a tweet in the context of @mcowger’s: twitter.com/mcowger/status…
@dey5401 of frantic? — I had in mind the hurried, disorganized meaning. @kevinclosson
kevinclosson When did frantic become an essential quality in engineering?
hfxpublib The British Library puts 1,000,000 images into the public domain, making them free to reuse & remix ow.ly/2bu83P #info
“Let’s wake up the crickets” - @ClintDrums
@alanrenouf @vBrianGraf @rnelson0 @zmilleson @tenthirtyam Alan, hope you continue & find success with some of the newly posted @vmwflings

jfrappier When you’re finished changing, you’re finished pic.twitter.com/QAGmIn0Ef0
I’m not sure if this would be easier or harder than the fog machine idea that’s floating around. #AtLeastLooksFun twitter.com/vmturbo/status…
@VMwareEducation decompression break at Starbucks
Nice argument for using DSC. Hopefully something that will continue to be picked up by 3rd party vendors. twitter.com/powershellgeek…
_danilo The only people you can trust to work with are those who deal with you honestly, fairly and with complete enthusiasm for your path and story
TechieRyan Using PowerCLI to invoke Guest Operations API to a Nested ESXi VM<very cool #vmware virtuallyghetto.com/2015/07/using-…
Of course I’m personally a big fan of the “big tent” approach, hopefully this will become more common in Higher Ed. twitter.com/guzdial/status…

furthermore_ux “No one gets it right the first time” Dan Saffer @odannyboy pic.twitter.com/Pmhk4f04JB
@MacMike you see this? twitter.com/nginx/status/6…
@vmjimenez12 was it the customer hangout you were in? If so, hope it was beneficial for you.
@vmjimenez12 @grouchyCEO and to think @iShBuu tried to tell me my windows were cooler than his office decoration!
and like all VDI discussions, NP v P comes to the table
Should have known that @iShBuu would raise the bar for background objects in a web conference. #BlockWallForMe
Getting ready to chat with some fellow @UnideskCorp customers about #VDI. #FunTimesAhead
binge watching Girl Meets World #fb
ChrisKrupiarz “The Women Who Rule Pluto” Follow them: @kennicosmith @bokunenjin @colkin #WomenInSTEM theatlantic.com/technology/arc…
I remembered to look both ways walking out of the grocery store, so that’s going for me.
Also got a tour of @iShBuu’s office and found out Unidesk released v2.9.2. #TheGoodsKeepComing
Thanks to Ryan, got a video tour of @UnideskCorp, including saying hi to @grouchyCEO — who looked the opposite of grouchy today.
jimmydivvy NASA: Decade long flight across the solar system. Arrives within 72 seconds of predicted. No errors.
Me: undefined is not a function
won’t* stop working
I’ll go to the shelter area, but I want stop working.
sadserver there’s a right way to do something
and then there’s what was deployed to production.
paraphrasing: I think so, @BitsandGuns, but where are you going to get seven more ssd drives?
Read article about unread book, find timely quote related to planning, illustrating one of the points of the article.
“planning isn’t a cage that prevents spontaneity. It’s a handrail that helps you climb to more interesting places”gu.com/p/49ybk/stw #fb
catehstn Too busy to be polite? Gt stfd - “it may feel like your rudeness is saving you time, but it isn’t” - buff.ly/1HUOsXE
Think someone fell on the release button over at @UnideskCorp, lots of new goodies hit the forum.
@iShBuu if that fate meets both of us by Thursday, I vote we tweet out a link and have one heck of an unofficial webinar. :)
@iShBuu you still the solution architect for the hang out on Thursday?
@iShBuu looks like it
@iShBuu Part of the problem was hopefully fixed by replacing a slow performing drive, now onto a subset of VMs with a large write increase.
@iShBuu everything but the power cord tripping. Had a spike in write latency and what had been a slow march upward of read latency.
“We’ll now attempt to return you to your regularly scheduled IO operations”
sadserver there is no bail out for technical debt
tennesseetech Whitson-Hester School of Nursing named home to one of the top online nursing programs in US onlineu.org/top-colleges/n… #techyeah
SwiftOnSecurity Once you learn a scripting or programming language, the world changes. How you see everything shifts.
@cakeis_not_alie must be the week for that, had similar with a drive that hadn’t/wouldn’t fully fail.
@lamw can’t claim to provide much of a platform for EUC if there’s only one way to do something, so 1000x yes.
mcowger @lamw @justin_guidroz IMO, a feature without a public, supported, documented API isn’t ‘done’.
@rdcumby new goal?
If @CarlWebster succeeds in getting @VMware to finally fix view scripting, this tweet on a shirt will need to happen twitter.com/carlwebster/st…

bascule The JavaScript abyss (via cube-drone.com/comics/c/relen…) pic.twitter.com/C6uj10grHn
Debugging #VDI IO performance and drinking a #frappuccino. One of these things is much more enjoyable than the other.
“all of the moneyz” #CostOfConferences
@dey5401 think so
Anyone using Client Drive redirection in production yet? twitter.com/vmwarecares/st…
@CarlWebster @youngtech @JRutski @shawnbass @vmwarehorizon @alanrenouf inclined to suggest larger board, but so little there 2x4 should work
in the positive column for today, no one tied a horse to me. amazon.com/Great-Ugly-Cam… #fb
alagalah @ChrisWahl SLAs are real. I was attacked by one once. Nasty creatures. It’s howl was painful, but as it turns out the bite? Not so much
“It’s a hardware question, why depend on software”
Sign I work with a few too many VMs: first response to losing the mouse pointer is to press CTRL+ALT, second is extreme mouse movement.
Either got a lot done today, or not much of anything. Either way, today was a good reminder I work with some excellent people. :)
@kylemurley So what level of access to your ESX VM do you have? I assumed from the 1k mile away view, you’d have full control (i.e. root)
@kylemurley at this point my curiosity is going to get the better of me and I’ll have to. Will have to get something off my plate first.
@kylemurley @ravellosystems ya, found @vDerekS’s post before the KB. Guess I was a bit off on visualizing the layers you were working with.
@kylemurley @ravellosystems You may have already tried them, but something like: derekseaman.com/2014/06/nestin… (2/2)
@kylemurley no experience with @ravellosystems, but to run hyper-v on an esxi hosted box there’s a couple of VMX hacks. (1/2)
laurensnow15 Play by play commentary now? “Provide your own soundtrack.” #NashvilleJuly4
I have taken to shouting “power lines” every time they show up in the #NashvilleJuly4 live stream.
SSVideoBoy episode 9
rain has descended on the empire….#nashvillejuly4
Watching Martina McBride perform as part of #NashvilleJuly4. Some guys during “This One’s for the Girls” were clearly not impressed. #fb
currently singing “Big Yellow Taxi” at an entirely inappropriate volume #fb
ZodiacBoard The power of SDN is now available to everyone! #OpenFlow #SDN #Kickstarter kickstarter.com/projects/north…