Would like to have one list and know when each movie was available for each type of viewing.
Anyone have a good system for keeping up with the movies they want to see & availability (theater, buy, steaming) dates?
meyerweb Hey, did you know that CSS doesn’t work right if you get the syntax wrong? TOTALLY TRUE STORY.
Relay for Life is Saturday, noon-midnight on the West Side of Cookeville! #ComeOnDown (relayforlife.org/cookevilletn)
so we having “IMing “for instant messaging, “texting” for text messages, what is the verb for the use of google’s new hangouts? #fb
ThatAndromeda You guys! 50% discount on @mitpress books! Yum. mitpress.mit.edu/content/spread…

RichardWiseman Rather liking the traffic bollards at Cambridge university library pic.twitter.com/p4Dw1mCxth
Fairly sure I shouldn’t be this excited to have a working stored procedure, but some days it really is the small steps.
had a song stuck in my head, turn on radio to listen to something else, said song then plays first thing :/ #fb
@summermistine hope you and @jlprince21 are having a great one!
StKonrath #Storytelling: Secret ‘Twitter garden’ reveals itself when you tweet, by @lesatnews news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105…
Personally I consider it a problem when my soda starts doing this. #ButItIsACoolDesign #fb
because, “I hear an odd sound, I think I’ll go investigate” always works out so well. #fb
thinkgeek Today in Geek History: Paul Marcarelli, aka “that Verizon guy,” was born in 1970. The ad campaign ended in 2011 so we don’t hear him now.
cameronmoll “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ―Oscar Wilde
@tootallmoose I’ve actually liked it so far.
@tootallmoose …except I was chatting with someone and they didn’t have one.
@tootallmoose in the desktop browser interface, there’s green bars for people that are online now…
google hangouts, now the second new messaging app to come along where I don’t understand the status indicators #fb
you might be a bit of a nerd if you’re currently in a group chat trying out all the features of google’s new hangouts
personally I prefer 1) finish downloading app updates 2) sync mobile device w/ apps. iTunes, however, seems to prefer the reverse #fb
hopefully everyone has a great week! #fb
bsuto The “http://” at the beginning of URLs is a command to the browser. It stands for “head to this place:” followed by two laser-gun noises.
wasn’t thrilled with the weather today, then see the southern part of the state is dodging tornados. Decided some light rain was acceptable.
@JacobIsbell You may want to take a look at some of the @OReillyMedia webcast as of late, they’ve been on a JavaScript kick, including node.
@tomrose_ well at least they’re consistent, find on support calls I have to remind the rep >1 times that my 500 VMs aren’t linked clones.
@JacobIsbell have a project planned?
thinkgeek In other news, Disney has backpedaled on its Merida makeover! j.mp/18OmOXK Relevant: twitpic.com/cr1skf
looking forward to seeing some great friends and having some good food tomorrow night!
@nicolibrarian sounds exciting! But that may just be the combined effect of all those exclamation marks.
@JacobIsbell also, you’ve stated an intention to swipe all my candy, have to keep an eye on this.
@JacobIsbell didn’t realize having me as a follower was such an honor…
@JacobIsbell took me 2 weeks to refill it. There’s clearly a limit on how often this will work if you plan to wipe out the supply each time.
@JacobIsbell you driving into Nashville every day?
One problem fixed! #fb
enjoying the nice weather and relaxing after the semester’s end.
@Paul112890 yep, finished that up this morning. Pretty sure records would be physically standing in front of me by now if I hadn’t. #serious
a garden trowel and a grill brush are not interchangeable devices… #fb
just a three fire truck kind of day here at @tennesseetech #fb
If I’m going to have to face the peanut gallery again, @JacobIsbell, then I really do need the break!
still out of jolly ranchers…
@JacobIsbell Also assuming at least a few of you are in #CSC3550 in the fall.
@JacobIsbell Yep, but class had ended before I posted that, semester dragging on without any class meetings would be bad.
retweeted cute photo, lost a follower, probably not related…
I’m trying folks! #fb
I don’t normally get in on the retweeting photos thing, but how could I not with that last one?

EmergencyPuppy Beaver pup, getting a bath. pic.twitter.com/XrKJ8FvGPC
asked when common test taking behavior went out of style, was informed in #csc2560 that happened when it was announced I was proctoring exam
For material they repeatedly claimed was hard, the #csc2560 class sure is making a fun time out of taking their exam.
@summermistine now we just have to get you tweeting a bit more often. :)
@summermistine your last two tweets are both spot on!
yep, ready to be done with the semester at this point. #fb
@nicolibrarian (long conversation pause) how about yourself?
TimothyLHall Austin Peay and D2L’s Degree Compass in the news. New tool uses big data to predict student performance — gigaom.com/2013/05/07/new…u
if I was ever going to hurt myself while on a video chat I would do it while chatting with @elbrownmcne. #fb
pretty sure “glitch in the matrix” is the easiest way to describe the dream I woke up from #crazy #fb
this afternoon/evening’s weather highlights the need to do some grilling out.
@nicolibrarian my life (the 140 char version) professionally: staying busy with VDI, personally: rocking a new set of wheels (see fb).
thinking @UnideskCorp support is staying busy today, was half expecting to end up with sequential ticket numbers, didn’t. #HaveDoneItBefore
keeps randomly singing the same 3 words from a song over and over… #fb
the downside of giving all my candy away in class last week has suddenly become apparent. #NeedAJollyRancher #fb

FastCoDesign In Austin, a modern-day master of the neon sign: trib.al/XjVNsGx pic.twitter.com/1oEz6O9srC
asking if something makes you old is pretty much confirmation that it does right? #fb
Where it not for the rain, be a good night for a milkshake run. Probably wouldn’t spring for a peanut butter and bacon one, however. #fb
… now standing at Eric’s (@elbrownmcne) high school reunion. Upperman #ClassOf88 #YouDoTheMath
I think this is karma coming around. Every time I tell students when I got to Tech, they figure out their grade in elementary school…
took my #CSC3100 class candy today, my cousin is now telling me I should have taken them tacos. She suggested Cool Ranch Doritos Loco tacos.
@stephen50191 graded and submitted grades to iLearn to two different things.
candy bowl is empty, last in-class activity “submitted”, #CSC3100 is done. #JustGradesLeft
It is an IDEA plane! #FoundInBrun207 #fb
@RonOglesby was looking for a reason to try out the chat!