Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

July 2017

Hacksterio Women in Hardware: A new interview series brought to you by @adafruit, Hackster, @Microsoft, @autodesk + @Qualcomm!…i6

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Jul 31st, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

AmandaMSaunders These aren’t real rocks - a graphic artist used @nvidia technology to create photorealistic landscapes.

via LinkedIn (retweeted on 12:20 PM, Jul 31st, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

A great write up to cover what is changing with Win10 releases. Also be sure to check the tweet’s replies, some…5H

via Twitter for iPhone

Also, thanks to the panel of friends that I’ve spent the day with their encouragement to post and for the first post celebration!

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A huge thanks to the community at large for all the little things that contributed to deciding to do this. Too many to tag in a tweet I fear

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Long time in the making, blog post one is now live

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sadserver after performing some big data analysis on .bash_history I can conclude that you have no idea how to use linux, or type.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:10 PM, Jul 28th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

today’s UI takeaway: faucet and a soap dispenser hanging over the same sink? make both be sensor driven or manual, mix & match is confusing

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packed house for @ScenicSummit “From Developer to Data Scientist” presentation

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gstrouth Now supports vCenter 6 U3 VCSA migration…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 9:21 PM, Jul 27th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Whoops! Joining in progress. Did manage to jumped in during discussion of Flask, a programming thing I’ve actually touched.

via Twitter Web Client

@AmandaMSaunders First pic I saw it looked brown, this one I see the mute green. See value in changing with hw…WG

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So shorter (exam duration) with more questions? DTM: v6 24Q/240min, v7 50Q/135min. Similar for DCV it seems,…co

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@VMwareEducation Laundry list of EUC products in the VCAP6.5-DCV MQC description seems out of place.

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So is it EOL all the things week or something?

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@mikestanley non-responsively sized overlays and text served as images?

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upside: thanks to @RebeccaFitzhugh now have one meal stop selected for , downside: so does the rest of…3W

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@skpodila probably averages out to at least a couple of times a week

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@ALDTD but are you going to include any containers?

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@_vCallaway @vCenterNerd I hope I don’t let @vCenterNerd down when the zombies come. Shows no mercy in the datacenter.

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@tbgree00 @Rackspace Ya, got home and got a nap in early afternoon so was doing ok for the evening, but was very technology-ed out.

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Got busted yesterday not logging into , guess I should be sure to make this.…

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“you only need one commit if you’re committing perfection”

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@tbgree00 @Rackspace Honestly surprised I’m online at all right now, was a late night/early morn getting storage…0m

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Transmit 5 is here, with @Rackspace Cloud Files support! Despite the new features, is going to take a bit to come…WP

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me writing basic powershell: *looks everything up*
me running esxcli commands via powercli: *does all the powercli from memory*

via Twitter for iPhone

No matter how high performance the storage, 3:30am is not when I want to making use of that performance.

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but I just… ok, bring on the download…

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VMware The 2017 schedule builder feature is now live! Start searching and adding sessions to your heart’s…wY

via Radian6 -Social Media Management (retweeted on 11:28 AM, Jul 18th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

today is things misread “Electrical Reliability Test Engineer” read as “Ethical Reliability Test Engineer”

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So now we learn that the community doesn’t like having to wait for their information.

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discoposse I really admire that folks on are admitting where they’ve been challenged and I would bet lots of learning happening!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:51 PM, Jul 13th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Pinboard From the moment you create a ‘users’ table you can safely assume every bus in the wider metro area will be gunning for you

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 7:44 PM, Jul 13th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@_KatkaW_ @ALDTD has @ALDTD tweeted since the name drop, maybe someone needs to check on him?

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Defending both design and choice of airline, go @vCenterNerd!

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So @RebeccaFitzhugh doesn’t give contestants points for using @rubrikInc, can it get me…

via Flickr

Never made it to watching last week’s episode of , now getting onto this week’s episode late.

via Twitter Web Client

when editing sshd_config over an ssh connection, best verify the documentation you’re reading is for the version/build of sshd involved

via Twitter for Mac

BrentO Always be yourself.
Unless you can be root.
Then be root.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 8:58 PM, Jul 7th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Missed yesterday, but thanks to twitter, now have movie picked out for weekend. Also,…8c

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@JillLiles1 @ALDTD Is the 8,360 number total number of VCAP certifications issued (any version) or the total…2u

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@JillLiles1 @ALDTD So the 5,069 number is the total number of issued VCAP version 6 certifications?

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@sammcgeown @ALDTD If that’s the case then there’s quite a few, ~3000, VCAPs missing from the breakdown by program/specialization

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@JillLiles1 @ALDTD Looking at the graphic, I would expect sum of VCAPs by program area to be the larger number as…SK

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@JillLiles1 @ALDTD makes sense that # of VCAPs issued is greater than # of people with VCAPs.

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Started off the week with a VCAP6-DTM Deploy pass. That finished up my VCIX6-DTM as well.

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@mkbaldwin21 heard from a LinkedIn recruiter once via LinkedIn

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@ALDTD @kylejenneruk @VMwareEducation well it is at least one more as I was passing DTM deploy while @VMwareEducation was posting this :)

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@ALDTD can we fit something that big in Tennessee?

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@ALDTD Guess that’s something to bug education about after the holiday. Hope you have a great TX 4th of July.

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@ALDTD Feel like I’m missing something, shouldn’t “global number of VCAPs across programs…” 8360 & grand total…U6

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