Hacksterio Women in Hardware: A new interview series brought to you by @adafruit, Hackster, @Microsoft, @autodesk + @Qualcomm!..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…i6
@dougtraill @NvidiaAI cool shirt design!
AmandaMSaunders These aren’t real rocks - a graphic artist used @nvidia technology to create photorealistic landscapes. lnkd.in/gMRyd7n
A great write up to cover what is changing with Win10 releases. Also be sure to check the tweet’s replies, some goo..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…5H
Also, thanks to the panel of friends that I’ve spent the day with their encouragement to post and for the first post celebration!
A huge thanks to the community at large for all the little things that contributed to deciding to do this. Too many to tag in a tweet I fear
Long time in the making, blog post one is now live quirkyvirtualization.net. #fb
sadserver after performing some big data analysis on .bash_history I can conclude that you have no idea how to use linux, or type.
today’s UI takeaway: faucet and a soap dispenser hanging over the same sink? make both be sensor driven or manual, mix & match is confusing
packed house for @ScenicSummit “From Developer to Data Scientist” presentation
Now at @ScenicSummit for the day.
gstrouth Now supports vCenter 6 U3 VCSA migration twitter.com/mtellin/status…
Whoops! Joining #vBrownbag in progress. Did manage to jumped in during discussion of Flask, a programming thing I’ve actually touched.
@AmandaMSaunders First pic I saw it looked brown, this one I see the mute green. See value in changing with hw gens..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…WG
@AmandaMSaunders no more bright green on the hardware?
So shorter (exam duration) with more questions? DTM: v6 24Q/240min, v7 50Q/135min. Similar for DCV it seems, chang..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…co
@VMwareEducation Laundry list of EUC products in the VCAP6.5-DCV MQC description seems out of place.
but, but, I just… hello treadmill twitter.com/vmwareeducatio…
So is it EOL all the things week or something?
@mikestanley non-responsively sized overlays and text served as images?
upside: thanks to @RebeccaFitzhugh now have one meal stop selected for #VMworld, downside: so does the rest of twit..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…3W
@skpodila probably averages out to at least a couple of times a week
@ALDTD but are you going to include any containers?
@_vCallaway @vCenterNerd I hope I don’t let @vCenterNerd down when the zombies come. Shows no mercy in the datacenter.
@tbgree00 @Rackspace Ya, got home and got a nap in early afternoon so was doing ok for the evening, but was very technology-ed out.
Got busted yesterday not logging into #vBrownBag, guess I should be sure to make this. twitter.com/discoposse/sta…
“you only need one commit if you’re committing perfection”
@tbgree00 @Rackspace Honestly surprised I’m online at all right now, was a late night/early morn getting storage ba..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…0m
Transmit 5 is here, with @Rackspace Cloud Files support! Despite the new features, is going to take a bit to come a..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…WP
me writing basic powershell: *looks everything up*
me running esxcli commands via powercli: *does all the powercli from memory*
No matter how high performance the storage, 3:30am is not when I want to making use of that performance.
but I just… ok, bring on the download twitter.com/mattheldstab/s…
VMware The #VMworld 2017 schedule builder feature is now live! Start searching and adding sessions to your heart’s content..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…wY
today is things misread “Electrical Reliability Test Engineer” read as “Ethical Reliability Test Engineer” #fb
So now we learn that the #virtualdesignmaster community doesn’t like having to wait for their information.
discoposse I really admire that folks on #virtualdesignmaster are admitting where they’ve been challenged and I would bet lots of learning happening!
Pinboard From the moment you create a ‘users’ table you can safely assume every bus in the wider metro area will be gunning for you
Defending both design and choice of airline, go @vCenterNerd! #NotGettingPunchedInTheFace
Book or not, I have points! twitter.com/rebeccafitzhug…
So @RebeccaFitzhugh doesn’t give #VirtualDesignMaster contestants points for using @rubrikInc, can it get me… flic.kr/p/Ws4Dau
Never made it to watching last week’s episode of #VirtualDesignMaster, now getting onto this week’s episode late. #BadViewer #HereNow
when editing sshd_config over an ssh connection, best verify the documentation you’re reading is for the version/build of sshd involved
Lots of activity today at @TechCEROC. twitter.com/techceroc/stat…
BrentO Always be yourself.
Unless you can be root.
Then be root.
Missed #VirtualDesignMaster yesterday, but thanks to twitter, now have movie picked out for weekend. Also, someone..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…8c
@JillLiles1 @ALDTD Is the 8,360 number total number of VCAP certifications issued (any version) or the total number..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…2u
@JillLiles1 @ALDTD So the 5,069 number is the total number of issued VCAP version 6 certifications?
@sammcgeown @ALDTD If that’s the case then there’s quite a few, ~3000, VCAPs missing from the breakdown by program/specialization
@JillLiles1 @ALDTD Looking at the graphic, I would expect sum of VCAPs by program area to be the larger number as i..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…SK
@JillLiles1 @ALDTD makes sense that # of VCAPs issued is greater than # of people with VCAPs.
Started off the week with a VCAP6-DTM Deploy pass. That finished up my VCIX6-DTM as well. #vmwcertified
@RonOglesby happy anniversary!
@mkbaldwin21 heard from a LinkedIn recruiter once via LinkedIn
@ALDTD @kylejenneruk @VMwareEducation Thanks!
@ALDTD @kylejenneruk @VMwareEducation well it is at least one more as I was passing DTM deploy while @VMwareEducation was posting this :)
@ALDTD can we fit something that big in Tennessee?
@ALDTD Guess that’s something to bug education about after the holiday. Hope you have a great TX 4th of July.
@ALDTD Feel like I’m missing something, shouldn’t “global number of VCAPs across programs…” 8360 & grand total on..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…U6
@vCenterNerd zombies?