For those not stalking @VMwareEducation’s replies, there is an update on the VCP6-DCV exam results blog post:…
@dey5401 Given the time my class meets, it is not uncommon that some of the students of #TeamEy end up with better parking spots than me.
@Windows Going with that, hopefully will be ok. Do have to pick up a new printer now. (6/6)
@Windows Windows 10 installer in place, not my ideal plan given the problems with the Win7 install, did however work. (5/6)
@Windows Windows 10 installer from media reported a lack of drivers for a require component, but didn’t name. (4/6)
@Windows Online tool to download a Win7 iso wouldn’t let me use the OEM key. (3/6)
@Windows System recovery image (Win7) from OEM (Dell) resulted in an install that wouldn’t run Windows Update. (2/6)
@Windows HDD in my cousin’s computer appeared to have some problems, replaced. (1/6)
benbendc Excellent! FREE!! The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design from IDEO - 192 page book
“You’re not suppose to parse HTML with a reg ex, but that’s never stopped anyone in the past.”
@VMwareEducation, totally support what @gr1pp3r is saying here. Whatever is going on, let the community know.…
10 mins before class and I’m the first one in the door… #CouldBeAShortClass
sometimes it really is a layer 1 issue
I don’t know where to lay blame, but the home/consumer @Windows experience is rather lacking when something goes even a little wrong.
Early registration applies prior to Sept. 30th, abstract submissions close Oct. 15th. Multiple presentation formats available.
Registration and call for presentations are both currently open for the Southeast Women in Computing Conference:

powershellgeek Introduction to Windows Containers
Perfect4WP Wow! @OReillyMedia releases famous “Transforms in #CSS” #Ebook for free
first stop to getting out of firefight mode, stop handing out flamethrowers. #ITSolutions
ChrisWahl Snazzy-Up Your PowerShell with a GUI < nice post, @tscalzott!
Here I sit, waiting for a maintenance window.
out of context quote of the day: “it happens often enough we gave it a name”
As someone with future plans for VCIX exams, this is good. However, seems like a large outage for little impact.…
jessitron OH: Toe the company line or move the company forward. You can’t do both.
@Michael_EDavis @iShBuu pretty sure the material stress analysis they do across the hall from me would be way more likely to trigger that
@_POPPELGAARD @rspruijt @IntelNUC Hopefully the fine folks at @intel can make some magic happen.
FYI: Repeatedly placing head to desk does not improve IOPs of storage array located in datacenter.
“There’s no way this is a supported configuration” #BoldlyGo
powershellgeek Visio Stencils / PNGs for all things Microsoft Cloud @VirtualPCGuy

OReillyMedia Get your free copy of ‘Python for Scientists’ start a more streamlined process

SFoskett The truth is out there…

NielsPflaeging Remember: Your #organization is already #networked. It is just (very likely) not allowed to #operate in network mode.
gvanrossum Why is Python 3 better than Python 2? Start reading here:…
“Silos are for farmers.” Randomly we open a book to this page, taking it as a sign. #NotAFarmer
vBrianGraf #PowerCLI 6.0 Release 2 is Now Generally Available! Download it Now!… #vExpert #VMware
patrickfulton It’s the time of the year when I switch from writing vanilla JavaScript to writing pumpkin spice JavaScript
two OS version upgrades later, now have an A. #NowIStopNeedSleep #FixRestLater
current plan to fix SSL issues: upgrade until vm is broken
Streets of Chattanooga.
silviakspiva Wow!
“intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal than people with lower IQ scores.”
Thanks @realnicknevarez!…
fairly sure the main issue with fixing my personal site’s issues on the Qualys SSL Lab Server test is repeatedly trying to do so at 11pm+
TarletonG Cornell is hiring 2 asst professors in “new media & society” + “visual aspects of comm” Great place to be a scholar
I now fully expect that sometime next week @iShBuu will have enough boxes of granola to build a small fort.…
LegalExecutives “You don’t need 100% confidence to try something new, just enough to know you must try.” - Anirma Gupta of @Intuit #WTL15

powershellgeek Monitoring and Visualizing SQL Server using System Center Operations Manager
@VirtualMarkR one item I ran into in my lab environment: the admin password must be complex for deployment to work
VirtualMarkR You working w/ @vmwarehorizon EUC Access Point? Docs not cutting it ? See my blog on How-To @ #vmware #horizonview
chrisdhalstead Great article Mark!…

EMCIsilon Take the #Isilon OneFS Simulator for a spin for FREE:

jschauma “The CompuServe of Things” by @windley…

SalilSuri Also located under the “drivers & Tools” section! Comes with release notes, and works with versions ESXi >= 5.0! :)

SalilSuri New version of VMware Tools ver 10.0 released. Link to direct download:…
@CTOAdvisor If you’re willing to including people that didn’t go to VMworld and are still in the office, nope.
@seanpmassey @andyjmorgan good deal, find any particular issue(s) that were holding you back?
To the point I want a “I won’t be attending, please send link to recording” option for enrolling in vendor sponsored webinars.
Anyone working on adding another day or two to this weekend? #fb

nivex Do you need #ipv6? A helpful flowchart. hangs around in /opt/VMware/gateway/conf, if setup doesn’t work, can edit and run “supervisorctl restart admin”
3) somewhere in copying the cert thumbprint from IE, thru the C# client, and into the appliance was adding non-printing character
2) parsing of the dns servers from deploying the OVF, appeared to result in a resolv.conf that wasn’t valid, only supply one dns server.
Couple of findings: 1) internally the appliance, the admin password is subject to complexity rules, non-complex password = fail.
@seanpmassey @andyjmorgan don’t currently have any view desktops in my homelab, so not 100% on end to end functionality.
Success! Have the single nic euc accesspoint running. (cc:@seanpmassey @andyjmorgan)
vRealizeOps Understanding the Density badge – vRealize Operations Tech Tips
Another reason for #GPU on #VDI, malware parity with physical desktops.…
@seanpmassey @andyjmorgan spent some time last night trying to get going, also failed
if the page loads it worked, else start over, don’t make for the best deployment instructions in the world
@seanpmassey @andyjmorgan you succeed in getting the gateway running?
lab install of new Horizon ap appliance is a Friday night thing right? right?
Looking over the #tweetnest archive, I wrote 114 tweets last month. November of 2013 was the last time I wrote that many tweets in a month.
Now to find enough memory to run the appliance and try it out…
Tech preview release of vVNX w/ VVol didn’t make waves on my feed same initial release did. If like me, you missed it…
In my best Major Kong: “I got one vCPU and no mandatory profile…” #fb #StopWorryingAndTrustTheDeploy

powershellgeek Windows 10 Masters Online Workshop Series #WIN10

MicrosoftPress Explore the cool new features in #WindowsServer2016. Watch #MVAJumpStart on demand… #MSmva
Emad_Younis All the #VMworld #vBrownBag tech talks can be found here…
Glad to see the @vmwarehorizon release (and downloads) coming so soon after announcement. Some of the previous delays were crazy long.
@VMwareEducation Would be great to disclosure like this for other items the community is waiting for. Examples: VCIX blueprints and courses.
Great to see update from @VMwareEducation. Wish the beta exam process had this level of disclosure the entire time.…
Today’s @tennesseetech cafeteria observations: 1) new soft-serve machine, 2) still no soft-serve. #CanWeGetAnETA
MyVMUG Coming Soon! #vCloudAir for #VMUGAdvantage and #EVALExperience. Subscribers get $600 free service credits for 1 year!
Wrote an email to make the @UnideskCorp “simulacrum” happy, talk about being a slave to the machine.
OH: “why do you own a fog machine?”
in the middle of a printer discussion: “overclocking the rollers” — @ClintDrums
CTOAdvisor Taking risk is the lowest risk - @PGelsinger #VMworld
TheRegister Sysadmin blog: The future of IT is – to deliver automation.

seanpmassey What’s New in VMware Horizon 6.2–Core…
seanpmassey Blog: What’s New in VMware Horizon 6.2–User

vpieters If you love space you’re going to like this collection of wallpapers.
andreleibovici Free Stanford University course on Mining Massive Datasets. Learn MapReduce and Mining algorithms.