Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

March 2020

@gstrouth @mattheldstab The lack of DC1 and DC2 didn’t bother you?

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@CaitVmug Glad to hear this isn’t going to be a one time thing. Hopefully things will calm down a bit here and I’…gz

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andyjmorgan Whew, that was a HELL of a week. As promised, the alpha of the Wake On Lan Mesh Service is now available. This…YZ

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:17 PM, Mar 20th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

@gstrouth Additionally, if our HPC cluster had compatible GPUs, I’d certainly be starting a discussion to have…Ws

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@gstrouth I sized current GPU profile based on performance with PCoIP (zero-client based lab). If that number is…w4

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Now to find out if anyone has a Quadro RTX 5000 (or greater)…

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If your vGPU usage is license constrained rather than hardware limited, an option to take on some additional…mu

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@seanpmassey @ExchangeGoddess @Rorymon “without a cooresponding DR event…” Guessing there are many…LT

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@CTOAdvisor Make money, sure, there’s additional purchasing (goods and services) happening to meet needs.…sJ

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@mikestanley @Nerd_Herd_Pod Looks like you now have Halloween costuming sorted for the year as well.

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@mattheldstab @CaitVmug at the point you grab a full size keyboard, wouldn’t there be another T key to use?

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I stopped opening new sessions as I’ve maxed out my CPU

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I’ll just start the Horizon client… 16 times.

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@mikestanley Having asked mere hours prior if you had submitted something, felt a bit bad reading the announcement today.

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Some days just call for stickers. Thanks to @VirtualG_UK and the assistance from @kev_johnson and @Ronald_DJ_PQR.

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michaelzimmer Our students are just as stressed about moving to online classes, and likely even more vulnerable overall right…uJ

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:18 PM, Mar 15th, 2020 via Twitter for iPad)

Suddenly finding yourself with empty computer labs and an sharp increase in remote users? An option to keep in mind.…

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@mikestanley Will be interesting to see if anyone is able to replicate the conference elements that aren’t…g5

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@CaitVmug The joke clearly went over my head, good to hear all is well with Karma.

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@CommsNinja I may have laughed louder than appropriate in the middle of a restaurant when I saw this.

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CommsNinja The year of ……

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:07 PM, Mar 6th, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

“Bummed” is a good word for it. Was looking forward to some great discussions and community.…

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@seanpmassey @vmwarehorizon For lots of things this is a great fit. Given current events/discussions have had “…L7

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@JeffPitsch @CarlWebster Yes personally, very fortunate. Unfortunately, there are 3 known fatalities here locally,…3v

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@BradTompkins_ @MyVMUG Thanks to you and @CaitVmug for the updates on the VMUG team. Glad to hear everyone is accounted for.

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@JeffPitsch @CarlWebster The local (in Putnam county) damage here seems to have been between my home and work,…Ey

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@JeffPitsch @CarlWebster Nothing to feel bad about. Just confirming for you that, yes there was a tornado and…Cz

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@JeffPitsch @CarlWebster There’s fairly significant path of damage from west of Nashville, into downtown, and…Jn

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TNTechCEROC Dr. Ambareen Siraj of CEROC at Tennessee Tech is honored to be one of the top 12 influencers in cybersecurity……lk

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:48 PM, Mar 2nd, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)