Dear @hermanmiller the last time I moved, these came off my Liaison cabinets. Any idea where they go back?
#Tweetnest Oddness
is it just me or are the new adium t-shirts a bit overpriced for a duck printed in the middle of a t-shirt? #fb
looking at the platypus book for the first time in a long time, the screenshots are a blast from the past in some cases. #fb
Ya @ZicklePop, someone in the office said Ctrl+H, but that requires remembering a command for something I rarely use. Would prefer a button.
I seem to be trash talking to cloud a lot today. Dear cloud: I’m sorry. Everyone else: it’s a tool not a solution to everything!
Hey, any one know where in the IE8 interface I can find my history? #havingaUIissue #fb
so it seems between using it as an example today and class and now, has updated their website. #fb
karenneves Holy crap! Angry Birds Halloween costumes!!!
MSFTResearch MSR’s Tony Hey discusses the need to collaborate to realize the power of the fourth paradigm & solve important problems:
@ZicklePop I’m not sure how much those features are worth to me, for example, buying a comparable amount of flash storage to current HD.
anyone find it interesting that new macbook air commercial refer to it as the next generation of macbooks, not the next gen macbook air? #fb
hope that the faces I’m not seeing in class today overslept because of the power outage, and aren’t missing due to storm damage. #fb
realizing two things right now 1) I need to update my online backup copy of files 2) I haven’t logged into my cloud storage in a while…
meyerweb Every time I store my stuff in a cloud, it falls to earth and breaks. Seems counter-productive. Maybe balloons are a better strategy?
picking what to eat for lunch based on what expires first…
Hopefully this weather will pass, and we won’t have any more need to seek shelter.
@nicolibrarian haven’t seen the current issue, is it worse than ones from previous years?…
if you’re formally citing something for which a date of access is required, maybe you should reconsider what it is you’re citing. #fb
clippy for unix: it looks like you’d like to edit your bind configuration file
it’s an air guitar kind of morning. #fb
Just upgraded passenger to v3 from 2.2.15. Didn’t have a required package. @phusion_nl’s great installer pointed me to right package.
So it seems @mrwtn865 doesn’t value metadata, and it is trying to sway me to the darkside with him.
OH: “you can turn them on, but you can’t login”
If you’re going to sit on the new cart in #Br405 or #Br406, make sure you jump high enough to actually get to the top.
I left Bruner yesterday at 12:30 in the am and found on the 2nd floor: a math faculty member, a physics faculty member, and myself. #fb
New @CACMmag article on sharing of research code. Nice summary of the issues research sharing:…
TheOfficialACM 35th Annual ACM ICPC “Battle of the Brains” Software Competition, sponsored by IBM, Kicks Off October 22
@nicolibrarian Well you did say this weekend you were going to continue getting cuter.
Is it really @elbrownmcne back on twitter?!?! #shocked
let’s not talk about how long that item has been sitting in @OmniFocus, ok?
@ZicklePop would that be people who do online media, but stay off of major sites, facebook, twitter, et. al.?
@nicolibrarian just realized you had a photo with that, I don’t think I’ll go stand outside GSLIS with a meth lab. :/
@nicolibrarian @trevormunoz don’t forget about all your techs building a meth lab! Maybe even while the dinos are attacking with lasers.
for all the talk of laptops in higher-ed environments, seeing my class today, would be informative.
my Comp. Sci. side keeps coming out, I want to build things… :( #fb
paul_houle <- D.C. Metro gets burned when vendor of proprietary smart cards goes under
@danaferguson The room is probably a bit cheaper than the outer space trip. Whatever solution you go with, however, hope it gets better.
well at least this year the headache went away for the LEEP dinner. :(
Had a great time seeing fellow 14.2ers at the LEEP dinner, as well as seeing all kinds of Data Curation folks during the day. #gslisui #LEEP
so for some reason, Jeremy is a #tt
If we’re stuck with terms like digital native, can we at least make them interesting, maybe “information carnivore”? #yesthisneedsadrawing
This morning’s presentations highlighted quite well the limits of grant funded work dominating the academic scene.
asbruckman Vest: young people surveyed by national academy on why they didn’t choose engineering: didn’t see it as improving the world #medialab
joandimicco Intrigued by reoccurring theme of the importance of architecture in supporting creativity/collaboration/innovation @MediaLab
mollydotcom Dear Web Devs, did you know that every time you purposely block a browser or other UA, 10,000 unicorns die?
merrierm Know someone blind in the Seattle area who would like to participate in a research study on touch screen accessibility? contact me!
LibrarianLaks How do you redefine the definition of librarian so people recognize our importance #knowledgemanagement #gslisUI
adactio My new favourite phrase, courtesy of @brucel, is “napalming the cowpaths.”…
of all my trips up here, why was yesterday’s the one I take the wrong ramp to get on I-57? #threemilestonextexit #fb
@friendsofED Thanks for the info I’m following up with apress’s academic contact.
I’m wearing orange today, break out your cameras! #fb
@friendsofED Wasn’t there a getting started with Javascript book on your coming soon list?
Having said that, disappointed I got in in time to get the insert advertising storyboard paper, but not in time to get the paper (@Levenger)
Glad I got in the @Levenger circa notebook, especially in the Folio. Replaced three spiral notebooks from my bag with one circa folio!
@summerMistine Amazing day’s are good! Hope it works out.
I now have a much better understanding of how the Comp. Sci. side of the world ends up with a million schemas for the same thing. #fb
@nicolibrarian Yay! Well, except that “final” part…. #Happyforyou #Sadfortherestofus
OH: “They’re sick, they’ve got a bad case of C++ Fever” #fb
Reverse recommendations: suggest stuff people wouldn’t like to them, so they buy stuff to improve the recs. Any idea if this would work? #fb
I could use a @billgates style reading retreat, maybe even two (one for recreational reading, the other for the academic stuff). #fb
@ZicklePop was going for something less business basis and more on technical terms, example sip, for which I know of at least two meanings.
I think it is time to start a registry of acronyms.
only had to play role of a sandwich generation member for a few hours, and didn’t really do anything, but that was my fill for a while. #fb
ibmdesign “Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era.” Clement Mok.
The Internet Bunny #fb
Finally got around to uploading a photo of my hub from @ParallelsMac. Usb-ing it up Vader style
MicrosoftPress Even more updated list of our #free #ebooks: #office2010 #wp7 #vs2010 #virtualization #win7
Win a copy of my fave Web IDE: Komodo! Just follow @ActiveState & Retweet
@cbtarsala it made it to a towel:… !
So I’ve now used twitter to figure out the current facebook mime. #socialworldcolide #fb
I haz #newtwitter!
So what happens if I put an HTML5 video element in a blink element? #notthatIwoulddosuchathing
IBMResearch Collaboratories: Shared interest, shared expertise co-located to maximize impact - relationships around the world. #RIA10
I have just been informed that glitter “crushes men’s souls” #fb
IBMResearch How should we as computer scientists be interacting with consumers of our technology - i.e. massive scale analytics solutions #RIA10
The survey results for @alistapart’s People Who Make Websites 2009 are up: (…) #fb
anyone else have problems with taking a long time to startup? #fb
@maxey2005 I assure you that’s only because the 140 char limit wouldn’t let me include a reference to Party in the USA at the same time. :D
“I mean I guess Donald Knuth doesn’t do email, so X can just be the non-facebooker” — me
@maxey2005 you have to do a lot of work in InDesign to get your Comic Sans text placed just right, with Publisher, you just drop it in. :D
@gslis_help_desk That’s ok, I’ll be up there for #LEEP weekend in a few weeks, can get one then.
@gslis_help_desk use to be the picture here on twitter, was a front-on of the helpdesk, with the sign/banner hanging under it.
it’s actually cool enough in my office that I had to put on my hoodie, wow!
just answered a typography question… this can’t be good… #fb
@gslis_help_desk random question, but there use to be a photo that was the awesomeness of the decked out helpdesk, it still around online?
:( making progress on things, just seems like it’s going really slow, regardless of what I work on. #fb
@summerMistine and people claim I eat lunch late… Hope you found someplace good!
I couldn’t believe it either, but there I was editing PHP in a Microsoft program (@msexpression).
ghc Eric Roberts - “The best way to make computing attractive to women and minorities is to make it attractive to people” #ghc10 #k12
@summerMistine well they’ve got some part of prob everyone in technology’s email, after that it is just a matter of some data mining.
sarahsharp Barbra Liskov says python is (currently) the best programming language to start a beginning programmer on. #ghc10
@tweed any way to get a list of people I follow up while writing a tweet? Never can remember usernames to reference, much less spell them.
ghc delighted that @casadevega is studying twitter use at #ghc10 for his masters thesis #squee
mollydotcom Extremely comprehensive overview of WAI-ARIA. A must read for all, and in particular anyone building web apps: