@mikestanley You look relaxed and ready to talk dinosaurs! Keep the tweets coming, has been great to virtually follow along.

mikestanley Rocking the beanbag at #DellTechWorld. pic.twitter.com/KhUFuPySqp
@lamw Ironically enough was standing up the nested hosts, to try out some infrastructure as code, will have to circ..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…MG
@mikestanley @CTOAdvisor Got to meet Keith a few years ago at the last #DellTechWorld event in Austin. I hadn’t met..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0M
@girlgerms Congratulations, exciting times ahead!
@mikestanley Cool activity to have at a conference!
DM sent, regardless of resolving this particular issue, are there commonly service impacting issues that aren’t ref..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…DC
AmandaMSaunders Now that @GoogleColab upgraded to @nvidia T4s, you can experiment with @rapidsai for FREE! Check it out here:..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Kg
@GoDaddyHelp being told on the phone there is a maintenance activity impacting updating records with @GoDaddy DNS h..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…lt
infrastructure as code takes on an additional level of fun as it gets late and your error rate typing goes up
Decided to try out @lamw’s Nested ESXi appliance in a effort to quickly build a nested vSphere environment. Worked..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gT
Also helpful if your ideas exceed your graphic arts skills, regardless of presentation experience. twitter.com/seanpmassey/st…
Crashed @mikerenfro’s viewing of this. Did a good job filling in some gaps in my knowledge of the solution. twitter.com/nvidiaai/statu…
This will be found and consumed. twitter.com/seanpmassey/st…
@ItsAllSoYummy @mikestanley @seanpmassey @CommsNinja @etrVMUG @Brett_Guarino Knew we could get this back on track,..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…fX
@mikestanley @seanpmassey @CommsNinja @etrVMUG @Brett_Guarino clearly we just need to find out how open to taking r..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9v
@seanpmassey @mikestanley @CommsNinja @etrVMUG @Brett_Guarino My travel time to @etrVMUG probably precludes me from..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…vF
@mikestanley @seanpmassey @CommsNinja Seems like this is the start of a plan involving the consumption of chicken a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Go
and thus concludes the story of how 1/2 our group independently ended up at the same restaurant for lunch today
@mikestanley “some event in 2018” makes me sound more traveled than I feel, but I guess I haven’t done too badly the last couple of years
@mikestanley Um… the longer I think about it the less sure of an answer I become. Obviously some event in 2018, but not sure which.
@mikestanley @rubrikInc #TrueStory this is the pattern of @rubrikInc sock I was wearing on Monday at #THEITS.
I also rock the introvert life, so there was a certain joy that came from the navigation announcing the route home had started.
Had a great time at the Tennessee Higher Education Information Technology Symposium (#THEITS). Was great to see and..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…g6
Great example of the community that #THEITS brings together and a great community focused presentation. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
@CharlesGonzales full conference schedule is at theits2019.busyconf.com/schedule
Database triggers session starting off with a bonus musical performance from Larry Holder. #THEITS
Well lived to tell the tale following that presentation. Now off to a database presentation, think I’m under caffei..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…o4
Not sure my brain is ready for IT security and audit at 8am, but here we go #THEITS.
aaronbuley Wow. @cloudfoundry just dropped a TON of content on their YouTube channel.
CF Summit North America 2019 (Philad..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bi
@gstrouth Thanks for the follow up discussion on this!
Great day at #THEITS. Several great presentations from colleagues across the state and plenty of hallway track disc..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0a
If you’ve been preparing for an exam, may want to take a look at this and make sure your plans are compatible. twitter.com/vmwareeducatio…
Time for some multi-factor authentication discussion. Lots of folks for this #THEITS session.
Great presentation from Brad, several good points to consider. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
Time to start off #THEITS sessions for 2019. First up on my schedule, hearing about MTSU’s use of virtual desktops and apps.
Will try to have the label maker out and about in the morning. Can also preprint labels on request.
Last year for #THEITS I printed two labels, including my own, for folks to display their twitter handle on their ba..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yR
So the label maker has returned to #THEITS. Backpack is smaller this year, so can’t carry around as easily. Will ha..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…z7
@CloudMakerBrian good luck!
@vSphereSecurity @gstrouth Looks good, have some reading to do.
@vSphereSecurity @gstrouth @gstrouth, see that KB 55806 has been updated, kb.vmware.com/kb/55806? Maybe..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Vn
@ajwms Congratulations!
@arielsanchezmor safe travels for both the people and the lab gear!
@johnddias @Sunny_Dua @MyVMUG @VMware Realized I never made it back to this, thanks for the info! Looks like I’ll b..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…J7
Trying out features (rtav, client drive redirection, etc) on my work in progress Windows 10 build. Turns out still..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…wi
“You might not have shown up to the rodeo a bull rider, but once someone throws you over the fence and onto the saddle, it is yours now”
Look before you leap on this one. twitter.com/vmwarehorizon/…
@MyVMUG @VMware does this include the announced yesterday vROPs 7.5, or stopping at what’s new in 7.0?
@gstrouth @vSphereSecurity Ya, will be interesting to see how this plays out longer term, for purposes of homelab,..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nj
@mikestanley between #BrickUniverse this past weekend and now this news, the world seems determined to tempt me with legos this week.
@mikestanley recreating a movie scene?
In case the L1TF and scheduler discussion in the vSphere 6.7 U2 announcement caught your attention, this from..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…d3
Kept putting off signing up for the @LoginVSI #VDIPerformanceSummit, but @youngtech made an excellent point by stat..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…UT
editingemily I’m super excited about this. I hope you’ll join us every day in April for a huge variety of #Azure technical conte..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…aN
@CloudMakerBrian @IBM @VMware nice, congratulations