@antiheroine Happy New Year!
So three blog posts today, not sure I’ll be looking at a keyboard tomorrow. quirkyvirtualization.net
Need this in your lab, but need a hand getting started? Check out my latest post: quirkyvirtualization.net/2017/12/31/dep… twitter.com/thepeb/status/…
So it turns out I was right on getting this published at the end of the month, just didn’t realize that month was D..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…m2
after checking 3 copies of an application across two different VMs and still not finding the expected configuration..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…8B
so the title did change close to the last minute, but I still think I was on the something with twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
Anyone have a technique for automating the network configuration for VMware Workstation that could save me from/spe..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Hj
billpollock 2 days left. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. @nostarch humblebundle.com/books/be-a-cod…
@cloudcredible see for example this thread twitter.com/karlchilds/sta… with input form @karlchilds
@cloudcredible right, I have both the VCAPs, and the VCIX6-DTM badge. There isn’t the full page certificate for the..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…wo
maybe will be posted today/tomorrow?
I feel like the title of this next blog post could just as easily be “Let’s Break Your Computer Next”, but came up with something nicer.
arielsanchezmor #vCommunity! I need 100 RTs of this tweet so @ajkuftic will start a regional tech podcast highlighting people from..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…qu
Whatever your holiday and whatever your plans, wishing everyone Happy Holidays and celebrations!
@daniellek_ford Merry Christmas!

craigmod (incredible breakdown on why computers today feel laggier than those of ye olden days) danluu.com/input-lag/ pic.twitter.com/qRCGvZXj8k
like fight or VMworld from this summer, no good way to know you’re right and some (sub-adult kids) are too easy.
For the people watchers out there, found new holiday game to play while shopping. Guess the relation of people shop..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…SI
Finally published a new blog post, quirkyvirtualization.net/2017/12/22/acm…, in which I commit to more posts on the same topic. #fb
So are they just dropping restaurants into Pleasant View from low orbit now? #fb
I’m not 100% I could tell you the best weather for a sleigh ride together, but I’m sure what Nashville currently ha..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…rE
@LoginVSI Plan to start 2018 with the multimedia workload, didn’t have it completely happy before quitting time tod..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Ue
Update to latest build of @LoginVSI, find some subtle, but very nice, improvements in the start test wizard.
MagnarJohnsen Want to learn about GPU, remote graphics and user experience? Save the date for this @TeamRGE webinar brianmadden.com/opinion/The-Te…
“Test1” was not the best idea I ever came up with for naming a lab virtual machine…

ClusterDeepDive Keeping the good news coming… A preview of whats happening in 2018! #ClusterDeepDive #vExpert pic.twitter.com/yxiMXaQeSR
@ALDTD @tbgree00 not saying he’s wrong, but it seems like signing up for @ALDTD’s NSX course might be less than beneficial.
@VMnate ya, was good. Had a nice chat with our Dell rep, but otherwise got there a bit late to do any mingling.
I know I’ve got some security focused folks that follow me, if you haven’t seen this yet, worth a look over. twitter.com/stevehardee/st…
TechCEROC Congratulations to all those who graduate from Tennessee Tech today! We are proud of all of you! #wingsup #TnTech
unrelated note, mixed feelings about the the option to post an entire thread of tweets at once
well two pages added to the blog, maybe tomorrow a new post? #AFewPostsBehind
So I haven’t posted on my blog since the end of October. As proof I still have the password, I offer you this page..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…vW
@daniellek_ford @Codydearkland sounds like a solid plan!
Great group of folks here, congrats to everyone involved! twitter.com/sarahmannionuk…
further evidence I’m going to have to stop saying I need to get SSL setup in my lab and actually do it…twitter.com/i/web/status/9…QS
reverentgeek Parents: it’s never too early or too late to talk to your kids about the dangers of Sharepoint.
doug_arcidino Hey awesome people at @QNAP_nas ! Where can one send feature requests? Several of your NAS devices supports VMs and..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…3O
@VMnate you here?
Ready for #LastJediVMwareDellEMC. - Here for the product info of course. ;)
@tbgree00 congrats!
OH: “94% DevOps”
So what are folks actually uploading for @cloudcredible task 3177, VCIX6-DTM, asks for a certificate that doesn’t exist…
I normally skip these virtual events, but going to try out a few sessions for this one. twitter.com/myvmug/status/…
“diskless servers are one thing, ramless servers are another” #fb
HelgeKlein 1. Shadow IT has come out of the shadows
2. You can’t do everything in the cloud
3. Your systems have already been..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…VT
“clearly Santa uses RedHat” #fb
@MacMike @NVIDIAVirt You trying to say I talk about vGPU too much, Mike?
Wait, there are @NVIDIAVirt socks!?!? twitter.com/wonder_nerd/st…
“An empty car wandering the highways for months or years until someone notices the credit card fuel charges” - This..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…ZG
UnigineBench First benchmarking results of NVIDIA Titan V in UNIGINE Superposition: benchmark.unigine.com/leaderboards/ 22% faster than 1080 Ti + liquid nitrogen.
@gstrouth max performance on VDI hosts here. Actually had some CPU performance warnings from vROPs a bit back on so..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Nv
Half the team I work with is out and @nvidia has a new card. Coincidence? twitter.com/seanpmassey/st…
sigfpe I currently work in surgical robotics. The controllers surgeons use with most surgical robots don’t have haptic fee..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Dz
thinks to myself: “why doesn’t this configuration match the vendor documentation?” goes back a product version in d..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…gx
CodeWisdom “A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own co..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…jw
billpollock @caliskanfurkan_ @pmelson Which reminds me that I’d also like to publish something on log analysis. I don’t know wh..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…YJ
billpollock Author wanted: I’m looking for someone to write a book on deep packet analysis. Please share.
thepeb Windows 10 Guest OS support FAQ for Horizon 7.x and 6.x kb.vmware.com/s/article/0000…