cakeis_not_alie There are days when the web client just makes me want to lie down on the tracks in defeat. Today is one of those days. I surrender, VMware.
I will not pick the good stuff out of the candy bowl. #ThingsToTellMyself #fb
free product idea: pumpkin spice corndogs #fb
“Dennis’s Corndog Carnage” #fb
_mlockwood After years of begging from customers, both Citrix and VMware intend to support Linux on VDI.
“All the right records in all the right places”
@UnideskCorp Champagne and stemware? This seems like quite a style upgrade from the foosball table of the 2.x launch.
OH: “putty, large print edition”
@nicolibrarian No photos online?
@nicolibrarian probably not a good voter, but looking forward to the photos of @MensStyleLab goods.
@jacobisbell have you seen a class anywhere that had something like this?
@jacobisbell for starters thinking about something like this:… where the value is so tied to how you use the data…
@jacobisbell so many variables, so much to think about there…
Check out @OReillyMedia, several free videos from their products. This set HTML UI for those with a back-end focus:…
@jacobisbell as in “we have a dataset of X, with Y records, put a dollar figure on it today?” or “we have X data, what do we keep?”
Art project is proving to be successful so far, frame ordered. Hopefully end results and photos next weekend. #fb
either making art or wasting ink, results inconclusive thus far #fb
@nicolibrarian these startup founders keep looking younger and younger.
The experience that is a local social event with @elbrownmcne
How to be a happy @UnideskCorp customer: be the first caller on a conference bridge. :) #CookieMaybe
#tbt The two times today I’ve missed typed a ‘?’ as a ‘!’ due to this almost year old change to my phone #funtimes #fb
#tbt Handed phone to one of my closest friends during a conference session, got it back with the emoji keyboard turned on. #fb
“We’re a technological university” thus it is “robotic underwater basket weaving” #fb
marcuschown She wrote the most important astrophysics PhD of the 20th century yet hardly anyone knows her name…
I may work on a college campus, but still wasn’t prepared to see a gorilla suited person on the street corner this evening. #fb
Someone handing you one of these is a good thing right? Also testing out new photo posting options.
keeponrunning I laughed at this way harder than I probably should have.
@cakeis_not_alie of course it looks like the future where the machines destroy us all, but yes, it does look impressive
jessitron The tighter your IDE is bound to the language, and the tighter you’re bound to the IDE, the harder it is to explore new languages. @n8han
took a day, but did get my @TwitPic archive
So thoughts on current photo sharing/positing services? Need to find a replacement to @TwitPic.
“it’s all fun and games until your momma says it” #fb
May have traumatized a few people yesterday in Columbia, TN; was driving around rocking some air drums and singing some tunes. #fb
@nicolibrarian @ericengelmann @mandastyron @tracesteffen @JHKrak @jarodsmith @jschnip good to hear, also looks like it was well received!
@nicolibrarian how’d your talk go?
Not even sure what to say for #AdaLovelaceDay this year.
@nicolibrarian all that plus the red @SitWithMe chair, sounds like a rocking day!
@UnideskCorp layer all the applications!
Starting to think @iShBuu sent his gremlins south to visit me for a bit. I just want to build a set of desktops! :/
I was kinda thinking that the rain was getting old, not sure this is what I had in mind replacing it… #fb
@iShBuu lab situation going any better this afternoon for you?
NCWIT “When we limit who can contribute we limit our ability to solve the world’s technical challenges.” // #GHC14 #NCWITatGHC
@MensStyleLab @nicolibrarian also, if you’re inclined to use any of those question as part of an FAQ or anything like that, go for it.
@MensStyleLab Thanks for the prompt answers. :) Weekend is little busy, but will be taking @nicolibrarian’s advice and checking out further.
@MensStyleLab 2) scheduled shipments or on demand? 3) any way to include what I already have in the consultation stage? cc:@nicolibrarian
@MensStyleLab quick look at the website, couple of questions 1) I pick what ships beforehand or open box & hope for best? cc:@nicolibrarian
@nicolibrarian @MensStyleLab for starters I know that I suffer from the finding fitted clothing too tight described in your other discussion
@nicolibrarian and @MensStyleLab clearly have their work cut out for them to meet your expectations.
@nicolibrarian if @MensStyleLab is going to upgrade me enough take over the world, you clearly believe highly in their talents… (cont.)
Code #likeagirl and show your support for #womenintech by contributing to @CODEfilm on @Indiegogo:
Today for #FollowFriday I’m simply going to remind everyone that we’re missing all the people that were driven off of twitter/social media.
@nicolibrarian and you’re telling me this help is available as a service?…
@RonOglesby well I’m sure you add complexity to the sales pitch of anyone selling against you… #AllInPointOfView
100GirlsofCode Deadline for @TNCodeAcademy code camps in Knoxville, Cookeville and Jamestown is 9 PM tonight! Learn to code!
Pinboard Things a typical User-Agent string claims to be: Mozilla, Intel, AppleWebKit, Gecko, KHTML, Chrome, Safari, Windows NT. Just be yourself!
6Gems Kimberly Bryant-Changing the Face of High-Tech with Black Girls Code | Vanderbilt Magazine | Vanderbilt University
Just like reading, coding (and understanding technology) needs to be a skill for everyone. Help @100GirlsofCode,…
osgOlivia Hey, did you know about Women in Cybersecurity conference March 27 & 28 in Atlanta? #GHC14
@RonOglesby Ah, ok. #SafeTravels You ever end up staying a while, have to get you up here to Cookeville, geek out on some VDI and such.
@RonOglesby Just passing through #BNA or here for a while?
Talking @vmwarehorizon 6 at #NashVMUG #VDI #SingingMySong
Storage panel @NashvilleVMUG, #LetsGo
@davedelaney list view in native @twitter mobile app -> “Me” -> Gear -> Lists.
#NashVMUG getting started with VMworld 2014 update
@cmidgley @RonOglesby cool. Will try to drop you an email with some follow up. #GearsTurning
@RonOglesby @cmidgley Ya, would be more immediately interested in Win10. Other part is interesting, but less pressing atm.
@cmidgley @RonOglesby getting this in a beta going to have to wait for GM or chance to see sooner?
Waiting for the @NashvilleVMUG to get started! #GettingMyVMwareOn
I prob shouldn’t be trusted with this or the tools to make it. MT “@thinkgeek: This *is* the by doddieszoomer”
@CAMertens Ah ok. Was thinking once he experienced browsing and flipping pages pre-purchase, might become more of a fan of the book fair.
@CAMertens his first book fair?
MyVMUG First ever @NashvilleVMUG User Conference is tomorrow! Don’t miss out on your chance to win a Home Lab!
@cmidgley looks like you’re demoing a couple of new features with this? ;)
People here are organizing a cheer routine for Perl compiling. #ThisDoesNotEndWell
@Michael_EDavis @SwiftOnSecurity must be one of the perks that comes with celebrity status. ;)
@iShBuu of course do need to find another customer to tweet with during the webinars! #DownsideOfThis
@iShBuu seriously enough, you lead any of the product demo webcasts, will totally drop in.
@iShBuu got ya. Congratulations. Will have to work on an excuse to need an SA. :)
Even Taylor, @SwiftOnSecurity, knows it is time to #fixvda.…
SwiftOnSecurity One time we called Dell, CDW, and Microsoft about VDI licensing, and got 4 different answers.
@iShBuu so what’s your new role?
@iShBuu bit slow replying, but hopefully, you didn’t start work at midnight on your last day…
@stephen50191 @jacobisbell so now we just have to hope the world never needs code written that configures a firewall? I’m seeing a problem..
@TLewey @UnideskCorp guess I’ll wear my “I <3 VDI” pin and see who I find.
@TLewey @UnideskCorp so maybe before asking that question I should have made sure said group was on twitter. :)
Journalism2ls PDF: How to analyze Twitter with NodeXL:…
@cmidgley maybe Unity could replace the fav icon on the umc interface?
Any fellow @UnideskCorp users going to be at the @NashvilleVMUG user conference?