commands I’ve missed having in windows over the last month or so 1) edit, 2) telnet #fb
guess it’s a good thing I didn’t have everyone over for a Daytona 500 party… #fb
“don’t get in a staring contest with a stuffed koala bear” #WisdomForToday #fb
hope everyone is having a good weekend. #fb
Starting off the day with dark overcast skys has not been good for my energy levels or state of mind. #fb
Hum… this makes those speed increases seem way less than free @Charter!
Needs a fork… #fb
@nicolibrarian I’m fairly sure the research exists to back this feeling up with cold hard facts.
I think the @ColbertReport just crashed a webserver…
my “I need to…” list is entirely to long #INeedToMakeMyListShorter #fb
simonw Twitter to move away from hashbangs (#! style URLs) - hooray :)
@hcayless rock on!
found an old fortune last night “Consume less. Share more. Enjoy life.” #fb
Well @OmniFocus is showing how software support should be. No, “not supported, will be supported at release” they start working!
OmniFocus We’ve heard lots of reports that OmniFocus fails to launch on Mountain Lion. We’re looking into it.
music: check, caffeine: check, mile long todo list: check (seem to have a surplus of those).
“There’s no kill switch on awesome[ness]” #fb
@danaferguson Ah, so good Computer Scientists!
@danaferguson Wouldn’t a truely nerdy nerd work out the graph without google?
it is freezing cold outside and yet I want an ice cream snickers bar! #fb
right now feels like it is: later in the day than it is, Saturday, and earlier in the year than it really is. #fb
no way I’d buy a 4G LTE phone over an r2 unit, especially The r2-d2! #fb
it occurs to me that talking to myself as I walk around the grocery store (other than singing), might not be a good idea. #fb
pretty sure you should be able to work out people’s ages by what songs they sign along with in the grocery store. #fb
finding an electrical plug fingers first, probably isn’t the best of techniques… #fb
dirkriehle Worst professorial pun ever: The job of a professor is to put the ding in fun.
My goodies from @ZicklePop
Still questioning if @ZicklePop is running some kind of social engineering experiment… #MaybeShouldntQuestion #FreeStickers
having a hard time accepting that it is February. Year has started off going fast. #fb
cuwise A nostalgic look at CS education and an appeal to upgrade kids’ skills
Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: academic scholarship for undergrad senior and grad student females in CS. #fb
part of the fun of visiting these days is to see which page design I end up with… #fb