@CarbonWebOS Any ideas what causes this to occur when loading lists? #DoesNotHappenEverytime http://twitpic.com/5yx2w2
justgrimes wish I had a information time machine where I could read things now but automagically know them in the past when I could’ve really used it
SimpleLoveTweet Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if you’re the only one fighting. #SLT
The same roads that took me away from high school and on to the next phase of my life are now taking me back to the reunion. #fb
@lgvelazco If only you knew a few people, or say maybe several hundred, who write software for windows and the web… ;)
@lgvelazco The lack of a windows client doesn’t bother me too much with @omnifocus, do wish they had more mobile options however.
Record linkage gone wrong :( - NewsChannel5.com | http://t.co/li27y99
@maxey2005 That was the year Party in the USA came out right? ;) #JustHadTo
GeorgeReese Anyone know off the top of their heads if in Java Float.Nan == Double.NaN ?
@gailcarmichael Ya, had a similar experience a couple of days ago, have to say I was impressed, the rest of google+ I’m still figuring out.
smashingmag Free HTML Book: The Node Beginner Book - http://bit.ly/r4QoHR
just made my first paid purchase on the mac app store. Sorta think I’ve opened a pandora’s box, but I guess time will tell. #fb
@ZicklePop it’s been a while since I’ve found a bug like that in an apple product. #HappyDance
anyone else having problems with the “Download All Free Updates” button for updating apps in the new version of iTunes? #fb
Questioning if I’m the only techie mac user not installing lion today… Keeping both systems on same version of OS X. #fb
this has been a good day, and a great evening #fb
having a great night, it’s almost as if @summermistine is here. #LookForwardToHerReturn
going to attempt something new on the cooking front, but first have to get sone additional cooking tools. #CouldGetInteresting #fb
librarycongress Did you miss the terrific documentary on the Library of Congress last night on C-SPAN? Watch it here: http://t.co/1h4JGhv
@KellyCDB hope your day turned out well!
@KellyCDB Sounds like a crappy dude, glad you made the most of the day. Hope it’s been an enjoyable day! #YouGoGirl
IBMResearch The @mayoclinic using tools to ID & sort health info from any EMR, regardless of file format & data org. http://t.co/AJZc7vQ
… going so far as to include how to leave the service in the FAQ, for a performance outage beyond their control. (cc: @Pinboard)
Speaking of @Pinboard really liked the way they handled their recent service disruption. Lots of larger organizations could learn from it…
Six bookmarks left on my laptop, rest in @Pinboard. As soon as I figure out how I want to tag these six, they will be in the cloud too!
tennesseetech President Bob Bell announces his July 2012 retirement. http://fb.me/177HCi66C
“You’re not here to impress other designers, your job is to make your users’ lives better.” — #UndercoverUX #UndercoverManifesto #fb
finally sitting down to read Undercover User Experience Design. #OverdueReading http://t.co/EhJ2AT8 #fb
billatk Yay! Apple has donated my original QuickDraw and MacPaint source code to the Computer History Museum for people to download and read.
developerworks Learn how to build #browser #applications using RPG and #ExtJS > http://su.pr/2dSXRY #webdesign #code #webapp #JSON #Java #CPP #app
today is proving to be very interesting. #fb
@maxey2005 @theycallmemags Don’t get too excited, it’s just low earth orbit… #GalaxyMightBePushingIt
once upon a time buying a book was simple, now it’s 800 numbers and webpages and odd error messages. #fb
meyerweb I so wish I had thought of this first: LOL BOX MODEL http://flic.kr/p/a1gYgx
Artist Makes ASCII Art Physical With Typewriter | Underwire | Wired.com http://t.co/UTZaeNT #fb
brownorama “Those are my *playgroup* friends. He’s my *school* best friend.” Apparently, the #5yo understands Circles better than I do.
Video games and kids: How young is too young? #cnn http://t.co/i3tN5qQ #fb
Download the FREE mixtape from @Anarbor: http://anarbor.net/mixta… #AnarborMixtape
au_wic @juliendanny: @Facebook #ghc11 Recipients will be notified on August 5th. Best of luck to you!!! :)
First a Muppets movie, now the smurfs. This year’s movies are either going to be epic great or epic #fail. #fb
InnovatED A new report shows that the number of HS students learning online has tripled over the past 3 years. http://t.co/jbCN1aZ (via @GOOD)