@kanadaj … worried that people think I’d actually do it.
@kanadaj have seen this reply both on here and on Facebook. Flattered that folks think I’m talented enough to drive and tweet, …
this is not suppose to be the night of dodging cars coming at you head-on! #fb

therealadam Michael Collins, the only human not in this picture, took the only ANTI-SELIFE in history. buff.ly/19OKYDi pic.twitter.com/15LAgqKjFR
anyone running their own CardDav server or using a service that supports it? #fb
Dear world, “silently dropping data|data fields” is not a valid data handling plan. #fb
Not sure “wonder how hard it is to run my own carddav server” is the appropriate 1st response to my problem, but it can’t be far behind. #fb
developerWorks “A systems programmer has seen the terrors of the world and understood the intrinsic horror of existence.” ow.ly/s60Rv ^KS

nunnersT Ever feel like everything’s gone full circle? (or it might be a figure-of-eight by now. I’m kind of losing track..) pic.twitter.com/wflY6Xip5V
Hoping everyone finds themselves in the company of family and friends. #MerryChristmas #fb
@iShBuu Was using Rob Z’s post from Nov 18th. Matches up with what you’re saying here and a few of your posts in the forum I found this AM.
@iShBuu Ya, started with one pool, but used all of its applications. Like I said seems to have helped, but not as dramatic as some describe.
alaynacs Stay safe everyone. No last minute item or errand is more important than your safety and the safety of others.
clearly in a good mood at the moment, randomly busting out words to various songs
@iShBuu that’s the road I’m going down now. Small test case so far, seems “better” but not as good as I would like. #MoreTestingRequired
New in that last tweet, btw, is mid-November.
Trying out the new info from @UnideskCorp to speed up login times on non-persistent #VDI desktops.
I don’t always build a desktop with just an OS layer, but when I do, I’m usually up to something.
If your Christmas tree is only 2 feet tall it is acceptable to start with the topper right? #fb
Tried to implement a “no more than one R2-D2 per piece of furniture” rule while decorating for Christmas. Almost failed. #fb
Ok, so who put “severe storm” as what they wanted for Christmas in @CAH’s holiday order form?
Singing School House Rocks songs. #HavingAGoodWeekend #fb
@kanadaj I often do my Fall grading to Elf’s Lament.
Another sign I might not be right: decide to listen to Christmas music, 1st song that came to mind Stephen Colbert’s Another Christmas Song.
OH: “I was blinded by Bojangles”
BrainBattleICPC “You cannot stay in one place: you either go forward or go backward”- Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

It’s a Lego turkey, of course I’m going to RT it. MT @nostarch: Happy holidays from all of us at No Starch! pic.twitter.com/yrIKbl0xfG
[while testing UPSs] Q: “I get two?” A1: “ya, they’re redundant” A2: “redundant array of bad batteries”
fioroco humans can go three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without air, and thirty seconds without checking our phones

UberFacts These are Underwater Mangrove Trees. pic.twitter.com/d7ZXwNCSmC
vmwareview Tennessee Tech University Enhances Student Outcomes, Reduces Costs with Desktop Virtualization Solution from VMware hrzn.ws/1jfFRSG
Finished leading the @UnideskCorp customer webinar covering #TnTechVDI w/team. Next topic in the room was signing up for STV webinar.
@iShBuu Hope you’re enjoying things so far.
UnideskCorp Who’s on the Tennessee Tech webinar right now? Feel free to live tweet with #TNTechVDI as the hashtag.
Be sure to thank @elbrownmcne’s son for the dinosaur hidden in today’s @UnideskCorp webcast.
UnideskCorp In 20 minutes hear how Tenn Tech deployed 1000+ desktops on a ltd budget with Unidesk @DellEnterprise & @vmwareview bit.ly/J1RI68
Pretty sure I can’t live tweet my own @UnideskCorp webcast. #WouldLikeToTry
UnideskCorp Tennesee Tech enchances student outcome & reduces cost w/ #VDI from @DellEnterprise @vmwareview
& Unidesk! Read here: bit.ly/19PW6Mr
WesleyLowery Stop whatever you’re doing and read @billy_baker’s timeline right now. I’m in tears
tomrose_ Nearing 450 sign-ups for Tenn Tech #VDI webinar on @UnideskCorp and @vmwareview Record is 525. Help us beat it! unidesk.com/tntech
Tragically technology doesn’t support sending cupcakes to all the attendees in my upcoming webinar appearance.
Now to make it through the next couple of days for this webinar. #fb
Rackspace Are you a College student who’s got a passion for cyber security? Be a Rackspace intern! bit.ly/19JNA1x
mpk Internet history 101: 1993 - research on kittens. 2003 - kittens dot com! $450m seed capital IPO crash! 2013 - curated artisanal kittens.
and there’s @VNASH72 with the quote of the day! (cc: @elbrownmcne)
Just described my day as “just wearing the Star Wars and keeping it real” — slightly worried what this week has done to me. #fb
so I guess this is my “grading face” :/ #fb
The challenge has been made. @elbrownmcne, #DennisHood has challenged you to take the EMC storage exam and get a 92 or greater.
UnideskCorp RETWEET and then REGISTER to hear Tennessee Tech’s @vmwareview @dell_storage #VDI Story: 1000+ desktops on ltd budget bit.ly/J1RI68
shiflett While I love friends, photos, and sharing, are we just not that interested in other problems technology can be solving?

ftcreature ‘Scuse me… Your kitten printer is running out of toner. pic.twitter.com/NNhYpkKWXl
NCWIT [reading] From Grace Hopper to Ada Lovelace: women who revolutionized computer science: bit.ly/1cB5nfv // via @csmonitor
Let’s face it, I’m at least a little proud that I picked out a cereal with a Star Wars pen, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing about it. #fb
rmondello The Safari team is looking for interns. If you’re interested in contributing to and learning from a world-class web browser, let me know!
cody_bunch Get-VM | remove-VM -confirm:$false #FiveWordTechHorrors
don’t anyone feel compelled to point out the next line of that song to me
“They’re gonna put me in the [webinar] They’re gonna make a [minor VDI] star out of me”
UnideskCorp 1,000+ Desktops on a Limited Budget! Register now and hear Tennessee Tech’s #VDI Story! bit.ly/J1RI68
@iShBuu thanks for retweeting the webinar info. Hope you’ll be able to attend, should be a lot of fun.
fak3r Last night my son asked how santa kept his naughty versus nice list straight. I resisted telling him about hadoop, databases and #bigdata
Why my sitwithme photo is just now making it online. Gave a student group the opportunity of first reveal. twitpic.com/do6ke7
A slightly more fun pose for @SitWithMe. From #SEWIC2013 flic.kr/p/idzCsF
Sitting to take a stand. #sitwithme flic.kr/p/idzB6x
@jacobisbell new what? speakers? music that plays?
thefirstwebsite 45 years ago Doug Engelbart’s seminal Mother of All Demos showcased computer mouse, hypertext, word processing + more sloan.stanford.edu/mousesite/1968…
@jacobisbell as far as I know the bells have been virtual as long as I’ve been at Tech.
ruthef 6 @NCWITAIC girls featured by @washingtonpost today washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovati… @NCWIT
Morgan_Kaufmann Obama kicks off CS Education Week w/Code.org: ‘Don’t just play on your phone, program it’ - ow.ly/rArzu #HourofCode @CSEdWeek
FindingAda Today’s Google Doodle celebrates birth of Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, computing pioneer, programmed Harvard Mark I google.co.uk/search?site=&q…
The #kidsnetworkbooks and #kidsnetworkingbooks hashtags on twitter this evening are rather entertaining. #fb
cody_bunch Where The Token Ring Ends #kidsnetworkingbooks
cody_bunch The Very Hungry Flash App #kidsnetworkingbooks
UnicornInstitut Defending The Generalists In The Web Design Industry bit.ly/nxRc84
Own an android phone? Take photos? Try Tinsel! play.google.com/store/apps/det… #tinselapp #fb
and class wraps for another semester twitpic.com/dnwytf
My actual plan was for the #FollowFriday to go with a pic update, but the photo work is taking longer than I expected.
#LastMinute #FollowFriday recommendation: @SitWithMe
adruin “It used to be we archived by default in grandma’s attic. Now we have to take action to archive” - @PaulMSparrow1 @Newseum #FIAumd
smashingmag A very good introduction to URL rewriting, by @drewm in 24ways: 24ways.org/2013/url-rewri…
Would be interesting to see a series of these “what people ‘remember’ vs what really happened”. m.fastcodesign.com/3022215/termin… #fb
I’m not sure what “lovely weather for a sleigh ride together” looks like, but I’m pretty sure that a cold heavy rain isn’t it. #fb

flowchainsensei Information, knowledge, wisdom: pic.twitter.com/CvrJrBm29g
so that was the last class of the semester #frustrated
“it turns out I don’t define my manliness on the basis of an excel chart”

StoneLibrande Prepping for my #SimCity talk at Autodesk University. I love seeing the game on the 9012x1050 pixel wall. #AU2013 pic.twitter.com/OhPsKOn0sN
Math, Monster Trucks, and Family: sfgate.com/sports/article… #STEMMakesEverythingBetter #fb
Star Wars Instagram feed starts off with Vader selfie, does this mean Instagram is part of the dark side? wired.com/underwire/2013… #fb
Guess this means R2-D2 is crowd sourced for the new @starwars movies. starwarsblog.starwars.com/2013/11/19/r2-… #fb
Eating at a Mexican restaurant with Star Wars on is a very interesting experience. #fb
There is show that is nothing but 2 guys destroying stuff. I think this is a sign of too many channels. #fb