Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

September 2018

mikerenfro It’s encrypted at rest, *and* decrypted at rest: it’s Schrodiger’s file.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:10 AM, Sep 27th, 2018 via Twitter for iPhone)

Yesterday’s after work activity: fun with @etrVMUG. Today’s after work activity: on phone getting a hard drive dispatched.

via Twitter for iPad

I think @VMware is try to test everyone’s conviction to no change Friday with these vRealize releases

via Twitter for iPhone

So seems the take away this morning is don’t go with my tweet last night re:vROPs 7.0 and v4h.…

via Twitter for iPhone

Seeing all the tweets about 7.0, decided to go check on for Horizon, was not disappointed, found…js

via Twitter Web Client

Just committed to being co-presenter along with @damaccammon for the March @etrVMUG meeting. Month of .

via Twitter for iPhone

Trying to help @mattheldstab out and get some @etrVMUG folks to signup for or follow along with blogtober tech…DF

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While @etrVMUG is talking @VMwareHOL, worth noting that the 2018 labs have started going up.…

via Twitter for iPhone

Maybe not the most exciting part of recent news, but reminder that 5.5 exited General Support yesterday.…

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Got to @etrVMUG a bit late, so right into the excitement of announcements.

via Twitter for iPhone

Today @cloudcredible Virutal event tasks. Next Thursday (at a more reasonable hour), fun with…32

via Twitter Web Client

@mkbaldwin21 well your tweeted about the unusualness of it, so seems you were surprised

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mkbaldwin21

@mikerenfro, we got you to come to the dark side, surely we can get you to eat an egg after 10:30”

via Twitter for iPhone

Sunny_Dua Coming out with vROps 7.0 with backward compatibility with vROps 6.7. Very Very soon..…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:59 PM, Sep 10th, 2018 via Twitter for iPhone)

mikerenfro Is it truly theft if it’s just a hash collision?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:47 PM, Sep 7th, 2018 via Twitter for iPhone)

Wednesday: @EucDay announcement, Thursday: @vmwarehorizon 7.6 release, Friday has a lot to live up to.

via Twitter for iPhone

Horizon client 4.9 for iOS is in the app store.

via Twitter for iPad

@gstrouth @maryjofoley made for a fun lunch time discussion over here

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to kayakerscout

@gstrouth @maryjofoley you will however have like 10 months of vendors updating their software to support…an

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gstrouth

EucDay Mark That Calendar! is coming to Minnesota on March 12th, 2019! We are returning to @normandale_cc…wv

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:52 PM, Sep 5th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

Can’t wait! This year I make the goal.…

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