parisreview “In any language it is a struggle to make a sentence say exactly what you mean.” —Arthur
abookapart Hooray, it’s Blue Beanie Day #bbd13! Join in the fun and find out how/where to share your blue-capped selfies:
CuteOverloads Christmas time yet?
Clearest sign yet Black Friday has gotten out of hand: drove by the Amazon distribution center off of #TN840 and the police where there. #fb
So I think Kermit is lip syncing this one. #fb
thinkgeek Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at ThinkGeek! Now, go back to fixing your relatives’ computers.
What you end up with when you take reading recommendations from your grad school adviser. #fb
Wishing everyone in the @tennesseetech community safe travels for the holiday.
NCWIT [#jobs] @tennesseetech seeks Assistant Professor in Computer Science:
VZWSupport Good morning! Random Fact: The average person unlocks his or her smartphone 110 times a day. Think about that….
thinkgeek Today in Geek History: Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865 & the world followed her down the rabbit hole.
hey @elbrownmcne, you have to at least yell “ramming speed” before you do that!
@nicolibrarian all in due time
So @nostarch asked about loving legos & books. If they had added star wars, they’d have had my bank account info before I realized the point
… the weekend rolls around such that there is time to enjoy it, and the rain and the cold moves in. #DoNotApprove
so like last Thursday it was wonderful fall weather, like pile of leaves and a day at the park weather…
@nicolibrarian I fear I’d end up disagreeing with 8ball too much for it to be part of my decision making process. But coolness on the app!
Hey @VNASH72, everyone was out of the room by about 5:40. So I guess I got everyone’s wishes met.
hutterdesign Time Lapse - 12 hours - 1 Picture RT via @Globe_Picsnow #photography #TravelTuesday #TimeLapse
MSFTResearch .@MSFTResearch develops #HourofCode tutorials to teach programming in 15 minutes
@nicolibrarian details?!? what awesomeness does it do?
“Don’t be helping my help” - @VNASH72
Folding laundry and randomly have the oompa loompa song playing in my head. #fb
developerWorks Build a sentiment analysis application with Node.js, Express, sentiment, and ntwitter: ^KS
wanted: electrons, apply within
random song outburst for the day: Train, Save Me SanFrancisco. #fb
Start desktop rebuild, wait a couple of hours, new version of View is released!
ICPCNews This year, over 33,430 contestants and 4,115 coaches from 2,385 universities in 89 countries on six continents competed at over 400 sites!
warning: catching up on expected/committed emails
Saw a 30 foot HDMI cable on sale today, pretty sure I lost some nerd points with my reaction: “I don’t really need a 30 foot HDMI cable” #fb
Most of the week there have been 3 songs in my head. Two of them were from the #SEWIC campfire. #GoodTimes #fb
Think my next cooking undertaking needs to be making hot and sour soup.
WomenOfHistory Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason.
@jacobisbell Probably not. iLearn update and email tonight or, more likely, tomorrow. Will share some outlining and such from class.
I’m pretty sure the only sure thing to say about class tonight is that it was a frustrating experience all around. #SadFace #fb
have a feeling if there weren’t a building in the way, I’d be looking at an amazing sunset out the classroom windows this evening. #fb
So the new iOS @twitter app seems to make the screen feel larger.
testing in progress: please remain quiet and don’t bury your cow
@jacobisbell huh?
Hey @elbrownmcne, @VNASH72 and I realized a bit ago that if you’d gotten pregnant at the same time you left Tech, you’d have a baby now!
tennesseetech Get up on the latest news: TTU is now offering students free digital access to the Tennessean.
Full house for the @ttuCyberEagles guest lecture!
@jacobisbell, @VNASH72 made me do it.
[Sees a tiger] “That is neither a golden eagle nor a deer. I may never have been out of the United States but I’ve been to a zoo or two” #fb
mashable Did you know? About 12 LEGO minifigures are produced every second
Is good to be reminded of the community one is surrounded by. Sometimes this is a fun campfire; other times a question asked in concern. #fb
FastCompany A Girl Who Codes
AbandonedPics Trolley Graveyard near Boston, Massachusetts
you get one group lost one time and they replace you with a tour bus. #fb
Hearing about the success of WiT (Women in Technology) at James Madison University. #SEWIC
ben_henderson Great vibe at the Southeast Women in Computing Conference. @SWCC2013 #SEWIC2013
ruthef Newsflash! Women in Cyber Security conf. 4/11-12, 2014 #cybersecurity #sewic2013
“manly bugs” — @summermistine
Asking a room full of Computer Scientists who uses the terminal, this may not be a representative sample for the larger population. #SEWIC
Getting on some education innovation at #SEWIC
@stephen50191 I’m pretty happy with where I ended up.
“everybody dips, humans dive, robots skim” — Dr. Weigle speaking on user behavior in the Internet Archive #SEWIC
summermistine “Our stories are told on the web.” #SEWIC2013
CKuziemsky WISH workshop at #AMIA2013 -Amazing how many fields - HCI, comp sci, medical informatics, org analysis etc. work on HIT systems issues
HardSciFiMovies A ship calls for battle stations with blaring sirens and red strobe lights. The crew is unable to function. A UX designer is belatedly hired
read news item, 1st reaction: “I have to share this with my friend!”, 2nd: “This is rather messed up and wrong.” #MayHaveTheProcessingWrong
nawanan #AMIA2013 Tutorial T01 on CIS Architecture: “Two copies of anything will kill you.” Dr. Allan Pryor
DepressedDarth Texting would be so much cooler if there were Star Wars emoticons.
NCWIT [reading] “A lot of companies have products focused on females & can’t find enough women to staff their programming.”
j_antman We have the word “iff”. Can we start using “inn”, as in “this works inn the test environment”?
Two wrong/missed turns in two states, pretty sure that still counts as a success for travel to #SEWIC. #fb
corey_latislaw “The reason I don’t have a plan is because if I have a plan I’m limited to today’s options.” @sherylsandberg
@andreleibovici I’ll be doing some more testing and then following up with our account reps next week.
@andreleibovici … user problems with until Monday.
@andreleibovici … with multi-display client and single display desktop pool. Identified workaround, but won’t have anyone to answer…
@andreleibovici … managed to do one test today of the new. 2.2.0 Windows client, found displays issues…
@andreleibovici following what seems to be the preferred method we point our BYOD users to the VMware page for clients…
@andreleibovici new release with major changes (Windows version) on a Friday! Really?!?
This afternoon’s fall weather was a great time to enjoy a caramel apple spice.
Received my amazing gift tags yesterday from @WillowCreekEtsy! #fb
@panic anything new?
Obvious lesson from today’s class: if you’re connected via ssh to a box, don’t down the Ethernet interface you’re connected to. #fb
Hey, @elbrownmcne, why is your voicemail hanging up on me?!?!
just a regularly evening, emailing a venn diagram to friends ;) #fb
FIAumd Have you heard about #FIAumd partner @smithsonian’s Digital Volunteer Project? Help transcribe history & science
It’s like washing a load of bath towels, then finding the missing washcloth #OneHandOnTheFabricSoftener #fb
Being a Jeremy, I feel like there should be something in the t-mobile commercials I could use as a ringtone. #HaveNotFoundItYet #fb
@thinkgeek I think I can work backwards from the data that is there, I but liked the old interface a lot lot better!
@thinkgeek For each purchase I see: the credit & a running balance. There use to be an additional column that was points remaining for each.
Plato gives advice to Harry [Potter]:
jessitron 94% of us claim to value creativity in others, and only 57% claim to value beauty.
I claim we are fooling ourselves.…
dchest Q: What’s important in CSS and not important in JavaScript?
A: !important.
Guess I can’t cite Scott Pilgrim vs the World for cutting into my productivity, wasn’t getting things done prior to starting to watch. #fb
Sign at the gas station “try our pumpkin spice”. I guess there’s some additional options on the 87 octane now. #fb
@thinkgeek new one not so much, any way to find out when oldest points unused expire?
@thinkgeek old geek points page made it easy to see what points had been used and which ones hadn’t, enabled finding points near expiration
So Star Wars: Episode VII comes out Dec. 18th, 2015. Maybe that’ll give my friends and I enough time to make our plans to go see it? ;) #fb
started a text message to @elbrownmcne, forgot what I was going to say, now you get a chance to complete it, message: hey, are you…
developerWorks .@BruceDouglass, “Forget 7 ± 2” #dWRational ^PO
@jacobisbell Yes, but their first plan was trying to talk me into giving a quiz.
who knew maps could bring people together #fb
this afternoon/evening has been full of interesting conversations #fb
“Wait a second!” - Me connecting students’ comments tonight with my prior motivation as an undergrad to get faculty to travel abroad. #fb
Observation: “Forced march” is probably not the correct facial expression for walking across campus holding hands with your girlfriend. #fb
hukl Binary trees - they really exist!! (via @IAmMarth)
The work is never really done. -… #fb
I’d write a tweet, but not sure it should be tagged “#DayInTheLifeOfASysAdmin” or “#TwoDaysInTheLifeOfASysAdmin”
cweichen .@xamat Best accidental subtitle ever! #pleasereplacetheLAMP
@Paul112890 so who is “everyone”? (cc: @stephen50191)
@stephen50191 @Paul112890 would save me from buying it
@stephen50191 also, given that you can’t get Computer Science students to eat pizza, I doubt you’d have much luck. (cc: @Paul112890)
@stephen50191 @Paul112890 but real quotes from me are much better
@stephen50191 no, no, no (cc: @elbrownmcne)
DH: “something looks different”
Me: “maybe it’s because you don’t normally see me at 8:15 at night?”
Stayed busy with the PC^2 server/admin today at the @tennesseetech #ACM_ICPC site. Didn’t get to post/check any tweets during the contest.
FindingAda Your Saturday night read - Ada Lovelace: Victorian computing visionary… #Pash4Sci
Usually don’t get in on the Follow Friday recommendations, but in light of her awesomeness today, a pointer towards @summermistine.
@dougtalbert getting back into twitter?
BrainBattleICPC Lots of Regional Contests taking place this weekend! Good luck to all of the competitors! #ICPC2014
TUAW Western Digital warns customers of Mavericks external hard drive data loss issue [post]
voidspace OH: You’ll take to Python like a duck-typed object to water…