Happy New Year! #fb
So #2016 is here, let’s see what we can do with it! #fb

designatednerd Today is the 46th anniversary of date handling being hard. pic.twitter.com/uSjFteBpe3
what appears to be a failed package update later, guess that day is going to be the day the right video output cable shows up. :(
Non-Ethernet based access to my single board computer - ya, ya, I’ll get around to getting that working again someday…
frazelledazzell 10,000 cores when all you need is more ram

amyengineer RT @nselby: Who among us who has been there can disagree? pic.twitter.com/WfCk5vPEJR <<ha!
“So much for theoretical [comp sci], we’re just going to go outside and shoot each other” — dinner discussion went from CS to a duel. #fb
@CharlesGonzales red box has stayed north of me, just wait and see right now
Turns out, “play chess against a computer” is not a particularly good answer to the question “what can I do while this file copies?” #fb

MicrosoftPress New free ebook! Introducing Microsoft #SQLServer 2016, Preview Edition bit.ly/1Io6rGG #ITPro #Hyperscale pic.twitter.com/D3Qb14G5Kq
discussing a video card’s outputs with @ClintDrums, me: “overrated, just wrap it in a packet” #VDILife
more time in the document spent on vCOPs -> vROPs than vROP version upgrades.
lesson learned for the day: don’t get @vRealizeOps for Horizon two versions behind, upgrade docs are slightly confusing.
“If you wish to switch to the vmxnet3 driver from e1000…” well you know this is going to be a fun afternoon.
@Michael_EDavis seems reasonable
michaelweissca Wow! Full text of A Pattern Language on @internetarchive #patterns #design archive.org/stream/APatter…

catehstn This from @skamille is so important and helpful - Reorgs Happen - buff.ly/1O7qMMn pic.twitter.com/AuV3iPJc6z
what’s the largest smiling emoticon that exists?
Someone please tell me that @VMTurbo’s “Monsterous Latency and his cronies” exist as in plush form.
@stevied_82 thanks!
some days are sing your heart out to P!nk kind of days
@RonOglesby the real question is if their localization team also put together a version of this that says “your files: all the lolz”
#vBrownbag [poorly] takes on timezones #ProblemsInIT
Last #vBrownBag of 2015.
kmruddy Congrats to all the #vBrownbag winners and a big thanks to all the sponsors!

pluralsight Every tweet is a book for a child in need. Share your favorite children’s book using #StartupSanta and we’ll donate! pic.twitter.com/awUdo4w9HC
@Michael_EDavis @brianmadden I’m not sure @RonOglesby shouldn’t drop the niceness and go with “Layering, why aren’t you using it already?”
Got on in time for talk of new features, so #win.
Just got on the Unidesk webinar, do I now hold a record for latest person to join?
@UnideskCorp office lunch, will jump on once I get back to my desk.
#VDI, #HigherEd, and #Unidesk, bound to be a good time. Add on end of year to this and you know it will be great. twitter.com/unideskcorp/st…
Didn’t see it make a splash on twitter, but @VMwareEducation blog has draft #VCAP6 blueprints (in PDF format even) posted. Aka Part 3 of 3.
@rdcumby you missed the chair move, offer for nicely done sign still stand? Want to do the honors on the name plate?
Sure sign you’re a HigherEd #VDI admin: time to move computer to new office: < 1 hour, time to move zero-/thin-clients, ~3 days.
and we all had a Merry Christmas. #fb
seanpmassey Read the release notes for Horizon 6.2.1 before upgrading. Lots of big changes with SSL and client support.
spec_perf #GfxSpeak covers new #SPEC #workstation #performance benchmark, SPECwpc V2.0, with improved #storage #scalability. ow.ly/VJaE9
So it turns out there are situations where it becomes really hard to tell if @rdcumby is being serious or sarcastic. #TodayILearned
@TheLazyAdm patch first, then confess might be a better plan ;)
This week got a whole lot more interesting. Looking forward to some VCIX-DTM details from @VMwareEducation. twitter.com/vmwareeducatio…
Hands up or not, patch your server. twitter.com/thelazyadm/sta…
Going to be recommending the recording of @CTOAdvisor’s #vBrownBag session to some coworkers and look forward to next week’s presentation.
@CTOAdvisor Looking forward to your presentation!
Came to lunch, they brought the specials board over to our table. Guess we strike them as a special kind of special.
@iShBuu easiest source was going to be my cell phone, first thing that came to mind and probably wouldn’t cause me problems was a podcast
Just got kinda meta around here, needed to have audio input for zero-client testing, played the Frontline Chatter podcast.
thanks to @MacMike for the inspiration for my first ever Twitter poll
Which would you rather support
@JimmyConroy @UnideskCorp it is a workday ending in -y, so yes. :) But that has nothing to do with hockey.
Any of the @UnideskCorp crew at the Bruins game tonight?

rafabene #Linux Performance Observability Tools - Very useful! pic.twitter.com/AZZ6EV7IoD
@tennesseetech @TTUPrezPhil On a more serious note, did enjoy the music break. :)
Hey @tennesseetech, it really isn’t a winter wonderland until we all get a week of closure emails from @TTUPrezPhil. #SpringSemesterGoals
@VDI_Tech_Guy yep, that’s the version I’m seeing. :) Thanks for the help and additional info.
@VDI_Tech_Guy planning winter break upgrades and thus sorting out what steps we’ll need to do on the desktops.
@VDI_Tech_Guy ESXi 5.5 - 2302651, View agent version, tools
Anyone else have same driver versions before & after? @VMware @vmwarehorizon @VDI_Tech_Guy Info missing from post? twitter.com/vmware/status/…
Took the Horizon: Design and Deploy when in beta back in Oct from @LinusBourque. Enjoyable and beneficial class! twitter.com/AKennemer_IT/s…
jfrappier Looks like a must read… Thanks @mistwire ! twitter.com/Kim_Bottu/stat…
because some mornings, one display full of #vROPs just isn’t enough.
anthonyrhook 5 blog post series from @virtualjad on #vRA7: virtualjad.com/spotlight-seri… #vBrownBag
Finally making it to another #vBrownBag, been too long since I’ve ducked in. Looking forward to some vRealize Automation #vRA!
@shauninman baby’s first Amazon delivery?