Time to practice saying, “No, I’m not playing a video game, I’m testing an award winning infrastructure technology.” twitter.com/katieenice/sta…
Congratulations @mattheldstab! twitter.com/vcenternerd/st…
@vhojan @jketels Thanks for that info. As many times as the date has moved, I don’t have high confidence in that happening, but we’ll see.
So maybe someone that is in Vegas and also waiting for VCAP6-DTM Design results could see what the odds makers say for a release date?
@seanpmassey Guess even with the fancy GPUs, no respect for VDI. :) I’ll have to spend some lab time with UEM it seems.
@seanpmassey great articulation of the business rules that come with real world VDI, you hand roll your solution? twitter.com/vbrownbag/stat…
@ALDTD enjoyed both your presentations today. Community one was another reminder that I need to start blogging.
@ALDTD I watched the stream, was impressed you managed to talk betas and everything without a single remark on the VCAP6-DTM design beta. :)
“Workload analytics driving infrastructure design” with @vcdx001 on the @vBrownBag Techtalk Live Stream
Full house for the first @ttuCyberEagles meeting of the year. Chairs full, lots of folks standing in the back.
@vCenterNerd & smaller scale/similar topic, if there’s any early thoughts on incorporating new @NVIDIAGRID metrics in #LoginVSI tests. (2/2)
@vCenterNerd if @LoginVSI is still a future event, I would be interested in any updates on LoginGFX loginvsi.com/blog/529-nvidi… (1/2)
Made it to the stream for @seanpmassey presentation. Enjoying the presentation, wish scripting @vmwarehorizon wasn’t in such a sad state.
Will have to catch @steveathanas and @mattheldstab’s #vBrownbag presentation on the recording, schedule didn’t quite work out.
thombrown Completely agree. Regardless of tool, defining the process is always the toughest step it seems. twitter.com/vNickC/status/…
networkingnerd “You can’t beat stone tablets for retention.” - @DeepStorageNet #VMUnderground #OpeningActs
Took a break from the livestream after careers, now back for storage/HCI. No popcorn however..#GuessIForgotSomethingntwitter.com/solidfire/stat…Os
Did the #OpeningActs livestream just gain a red tint for everyone, or just me?
Just finished watching the #OpeningActs career panel. Great job by @gminks moderating and, when needed, forcing the hard question(s).
Because somethings are just too good not to share. :) twitter.com/richrogersiot/…
TTU_CoE “I give back because I love seeing what you’re all doing.” - Mary Patterson’68Math #tntech #techyeah #wingsup pic.twitter.com/KMRtO2CYse
Hopefully some fellow non-VMworld attendees will check out the schedule, vbrownbag.com/2016/08/vbrown…, and we can have a online peanut gallery.
Great looking #VDI sessions in @VMworld @vBrownBag TechTalk schedule, including @steveathanas and @mattheldstab talking VDI and #HigherEd.
@kanadaj Thanks!
@jshiplett @pnuw most discussions of this statue trigger a head/desk reaction from me. This exchange has me laughing! Also, welcome to TN.
So @NVIDIAGRID released new drivers on my birthday. @VMwareEducation want to join the party & release VCAP6-DTM Design beta results?
AmandaMSaunders Great post from @seanpmassey on the new @NVIDIAGRID August 2016 release. thevirtualhorizon.com/2016/08/24/wha…
@AmandaMSaunders @TonyPaikeday @devoirf @rhbBSE Really enjoyed today’s webinar. Excited for the August release!
willasaywhat @SwiftOnSecurity that’s twisted
SwiftOnSecurity Why couldn’t the python app tie her shoes?
She never had to deal with two threads before.
RandyDGroves Remote and virtualized Autodesk Maya is now possible. Read this whitepaper: knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya/l… pic.twitter.com/z2t3kGRgn4
@manogirl library here is/was working on having copies of textbooks either of their own or on loan from facility for campus learning commons
@ALDTD @jshiplett guess the upside of no VMworld for me, not stressing about scheduling an exam :) . Also, yes, yes we totally do.
@jshiplett when GA availability was announced, availability at VMworld was specifically called out, blogs.vmware.com/education/2016…. Good luck!
@AndrewNadeau @UnideskCorp yep all set. Hopefully now giving someone in support a good laugh with my ticket.
@UnideskCorp emailed webmaster as the error page instructed.
I know it is Friday and all, but there still someone around @UnideskCorp HQ that can take care of a support portal login issue?
@erickbm @ALDTD @VMwareEducation I’m seeing test dates for it within Pearson Vue at multiple test sites. Unless I missed point of message.
@rhbBSE @patlee @jweiss63 @TonyPaikeday @uber_tech_geek March 2015 vGPU deployment guide notes the 2 vibs are mutually exclusive (see 13.1)
@ALDTD @erickbm so new @VMwareEducation blog post, blogs.vmware.com/education/2016…. Not sure I have much confidence in “beginning of September.”
Couldn’t install a set of Windows Updates, finally realized system was out of free disk space. #ProblemSolved
I like that Windows 7 finally got a roll up. Withholding an opinion on going full swing to only rollups. twitter.com/maryjofoley/st…
I’m arguing with a robot over the location of an imaginary line and #losing. #RobotUprising #fb
Retweeting this to share and so I can find later, assign percentage to each goal as you see fit. twitter.com/rayheffer/stat…
Thanks to @jessitron, I now know more about both technology teams and Pokémon Go. #WinWin #MoreTweetsToFollowAfterFood
Waiting for the closing #ScenicCitySummit keynote by @jessitron. Has been a good day, nice mix of topics.
jessitron Keep it simple. Save your energy for the hardest parts.
@pushorpull on coding & rock climbing.
Today’s brave presenter: @housecor offered to let people try things on his computer while he was presenting from it. #HowToZoomOnAMac
Now time for @jessicaivins of @CenterCentre with “Useful, Usable, and Desirable: Designing for People” #ScenicCitySummit
When all else fails, change something and see what happens. twitter.com/thepracticalde…
@ALDTD always have a certain unease between the score report & everything showing up on the transcript.
presenter is @mamund
Personal plan: hear DevOps enough that I figure it out
#ScenicCitySummit is off to a great start. Up next for me, “DevOps and Microservices”
ScenicSummit @housecor is opening the first #ScenicCitySummit talking about owning the technology adoption curve. pic.twitter.com/xV0FX7BiBV
TTU_CoE @tennesseetech ‘s @cyber bootcamp was featured on @NC5 tonight. #TechYeah #WingsUp #Cookeville @ambareensiraj twitter.com/nc5/status/763…
@RonOglesby exciting! Good luck to both of you.
@seanpmassey I was all set to join @Mike_Colson in the stare down coalition, but I’ll respect your wishes. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.
@Ssun__nusS good to hear you’re on the recovery side of things.
@gunnarwb congratulations
@AmandaMSaunders @lwignall @tkreidl @Azure @nvidia this likes like an interesting (possibly electrifying?) story.
alphadoggs .@UTCCIO Tom Hoover: “If u don’t market yourself in IT no one else will” #campustech pic.twitter.com/ZvmRsD6C8f
@ALDTD that’s a solid plan on the screen there… :)
@ALDTD congratulations! Hopefully you’re taking some time / a drink to celebrate this before continuing with the VCDX design documentation.
@vDelboy @seanpmassey @scott_lowe @vmwarehorizon set up new desktop this week, broke down & locally used the ADM template to set full screen
@seanpmassey @vDelboy @scott_lowe @vmwarehorizon but yes, annoys me endlessly. Especially when grabs more displays than pool configuration.
@seanpmassey @vDelboy @scott_lowe @vmwarehorizon I assumed that prevented ignorance starting a “view doesn’t support >1 display” opinion
Looking at the VCAP6-DTM exams? @SOSTech_WP’s post has helpful details for the deploy exam. #LikeVersionNumbers twitter.com/SOSTech_WP/sta…
@MyVMUG, received EVALExperience survey email today, question “What products are you currently using?” only allows selecting single product.