The answer to today’s class question was mostly yes, as usual goofed on one or two simple things, otherwise made it.
@rdcumby step one has got to be to get out of the office
Looks like your wish was granted quickly @ndroftheline.…
@BitsandGuns True. As many stops as you’ve made in solution exchange for me, I’ve got no complaints. Hope experience is treating you well.
Today’s class question, “Can Jeremy remember enough Python syntax to make it through today’s demos?” #TuneInNow
Upside: @VMwareEdu posted another new class today (or at least really recently). Downside: still not the class I’m looking for. #EUC #Design
@LiquidwareLabs only good on-site?
So @BitsandGuns explores the trade floor and I fix printer issues… :)
soft-serve [ice cream] as a service (SSaaS)
This needs to be a browser plugin, like now.…
Glad that, “ya, let’s buy a GPU test system for VDI” wasn’t my answer last month.…
#OpeningActs blasting through the awkwardness of career discussions with laughter
Sitting at home, clapping along to the @Josh_Atwell muting joke(s), enjoying the #OpeningActs live stream. #BringOnTheAutomation.
sadatshami A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
“Eye of the Tiger” was much better Friday intro than “The Reason”. Starting off the day to the words “I’m not a perfect person” is a downer.
Hopefully “kid at heart also qualifies”…
@ndroftheline cool find!
VMware kb 2117244 for example.
@jacobisbell confirmed that it was an intentional reboot? There >=1 known bug in the virtual desktop world that cause unexpected reboots.
@ndroftheline my first thought was to make sure @jacobisbell had graduated from #TnTech just to make sure it wasn’t me doing something bad.
Adamant_Yves BREAKING NEWS: Women and girls who are not your daughters, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives etc are human too.
More at 6.
TLewey “For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way?”
RonOglesby Chapter 10: A goal without a plan is just a wish. Wishes are useless.
eck79 Very cool to finally see this! VMware Horizon 6 3D Engineering Workloads
Reference Architecture >
Of course I did once watch @elbrownmcne almost walk out in front of a bus and make good on this one. #CloseCall
Just how far down does “hit by a bus” actually rank for cause of death in the IT field? #SomeoneHasToHaveAStudy #FreeThesisIdea
“Hit by a bus” as been the fear of IT pros for as long as I’ve known. What event in early comp history seeded this?…
@Pinboard for someone who takes such an unconventional approach to running a business, hit by a bus seems like such a cliché way to go.
Pinboard Sentences I never expected to read: “While the fridge implements SSL, it fails to validate SSL certificates”
sometimes when people say you can’t go home, they say it figuratively, other times there’s a parade between you and home. #fb
me1000 Apparently the HTML5 spec takes a stab at Twitter.…
Rarely product logo compels me to action, but @lamw has cool stickers. Lab is safe however, won’t be at VMworld.…
Have moved on to such questions as “Why is there an owl in the cafeteria?” and “How do people under 5 1/2 feet get silverware?”
Answered the first question while checking out new @tennesseetech cafeteria “how do I end up with food?”
@nicolibrarian thanks for sharing
nicolibrarian “Ownership” of tasks at # work & how it matters to you & your employees: #agile #scrum
@UnideskCorp So thanks to whomever fixed that. :)
Was never sure if it was my browser or something server side, but today actually managed to use IE to upload log files to @UnideskCorp.
Not every workplace you almost have a head on hallway collision with your unit leader in full academic regalia. #tntech #convocation
addyosmani When you try deleting a line of CSS:
Free parody book idea: “Oh, the things I haven’t done.” #fb
Theme songs for the commute this morning Danger Zone and The Boys are Back in Town. Seems both fitting and overly hopeful for Friday. #fb
“Web browsers are why we can’t have nice things”
andreleibovici Introducing the Technical Preview of Docker Engine for Windows Server 2016…
tennesseetech Connecting to EagleNet wireless network…
maryjofoley Looks like the RSAT tools for Win 10 are starting to roll out, too:… (thanks @lush_cmte)
Tried this out yet @ClintDrums?…
“In North America, four out of five Roomba owners name their robot vacuum cleaners.” #PuckIsNotAlone
So @SwiftOnSecurity is probably right, they’re going to take over, but at least most of them will have cute names:…
@ndroftheline If you find something please share. Doubly so for anything that does a good job mapping functionality names between offerings.
@shauninman More than once I’ve discovered months after the fact I’ve done the same with favorites.
j_c_fitz Fixing a problem in production:
multiple streaming services available, end up watching Big Bang Theory reruns… #fb
@mkbaldwin21 The hashtag wasn’t my creation, students came up with it during @WiCySconference this (2015) year.
@mkbaldwin21 Well up side, I’m fairly regularly in each of the major browsers. #ExceptChrome
@mkbaldwin21 I’ve shocked students, even members of #TeamEy, for years by using the platform default browser, why change now?
“I don’t really want to figure out a new browser this month” - @kayakerscout
@100GirlsofCode and of course the Women in CyberSecurity Conference (March 31 - April 2, 2016), @WiCySconference.
@100GirlsofCode plug for the Southeast Women in Computing Conference: (Nov 13 - 15, 2015)
WeAreTeachers From @autodesk: Learn to teach 3D design with free Autodesk software and learning tools:
I’m sure the @UnideskCorp solution architects just love me volunteering their services to people. :) #YouAreWelcome
@VMwareEducation Interested in vcix6-dtm, maybe release some blueprints and help me move that along? :)
rebel against the system, go to work on Saturday — summarized thought of @rdcumby
@CarlWebster @UnideskCorp @RonOglesby @cmidgley at the right time look forward to hearing/reading about this.
First thought, “that seems awfully gimmicky” Second thought, “birthday road trip?” #fb
So I go all day and then find out it is #lefthandersday?! #BetterLateThanNever
chuckhollis Nice review of HCIbench storage performance testing tool for hyperconverged — or any busy vSphere cluster!… #VSAN
rhbBSE Tools, my list of list of the best tools for graphics, Citrix, vmware, benchmarking, GPUs, NVIDIA etc…
@RonOglesby as a good customer I’d be letting you down if I didn’t take such opportunities to champion for a few of my fav feature reqs :)
@RonOglesby had an exciting chat chat with @cmidgley and @AbernathyAndrea today, so totally agree.
Also to the fine folks at @UnideskCorp, I could totally get use to reading documentation with the phrase “Unidesk API”. #JustSaying
Continuing cool things fast, @UnideskCorp posts multi-site layer copy (kinda a big deal) after close of business, being all “no big deal.”
the central time zone, where all those shows on too late to watch during the week are on an hour earlier #fb
jasonboche New blog post: RHEL 7, open-vm-tools, and guest customization…
@tarajwillis @mkbaldwin21 @mattwillis also makes sense for the deck to win as it plays every hand vs each of you playing every other hand.
@tarajwillis @mkbaldwin21 @mattwillis ok, makes sense. Might be interesting to add a deck player to 3 player as well.
Can’t help but feel that an error message I’ve never seen before appearing in our VDI environment isn’t the best way to start off the week.
DynamicWebPaige “The Python community has long been the refuge for folks who finally took the red pill and woke up from the Perl Matrix.” @Steve_Yegge
@mattwillis In general I don’t even find 3 person apples to apples all that enjoyable, but will try to keep an open mind.
A) That’s just how we roll. B) Things do get a touch confusing when new messages come in.
Ongoing discussion with friends, subject line is a date in June, current discussion is dinner plans for some unknown date in the future.
@mattwillis you playing apples to apples with two people (well plus cat)?
Chubbies Boss: “How good are you at PowerPoint?”
Me: “I Excel at it.”
Boss: “Was that a Microsoft Office pun?”
Me: “Word.”
@dey5401 Have a theory, but beyond that no
Started working on another project, figured out the work was already done.
For the past two days I’ve been trying to figure out who/what I had committed to working with on Monday, solved that mystery a bit ago.
Seems I’m finishing the day strong.
“Well the term is social butterfly, and no one starts life as a butterfly.”
and there was that
The challenge question for the day: “Why is there a parking line through the mulch?”
nytimes A hashtag —#ILookLikeAnEngineerr — is aiming to break gender stereotypes in
HelgeKlein Published new free tool:
FileIOTest – times the duration of file IO…eq
gslis_help_desk Facebook will roll out a security checkup tool for desktop users soon:…
this is the project that never ends, it goes on and on my friend…
Let’s make the failures bright green.
@cakeis_not_alie sorry to hear that, good luck with whatever issues face you!
If maintaining that Pluto is a planet is allowed, can I refuse to acknowledge @KermitTheFrog’s & @RealMissPiggy’s news? #fb
@nicolibrarian @YoKbacon of course!
You know you’re tired of running out of something when you restock by buying four of them at once. #fb
@cakeis_not_alie hard drive failure?
WhiteHouse “Ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, and they can be inspired by any kind of life experience.”
“ain’t got no Internet” you say?…
Upgraded home PC to #Windows10, required a trip thru the BIOS to finish up, but went smoothly.
@UnideskCorp #ReplyYouHadToSeeComingFrom AMileAway Sounds good, just need my layering solution to support Windows 10 now. ;)
WiCySconference The 2016 Women in Cybersecurity Third Annual Conference will take place in Dallas, Texas! #cyber #cybersecurity
@nicolibrarian don’t leave out magic eight balls! Also, I feel like this post-it is missing the “pull harder” option.
Obviously the fling itself isn’t supported, but what does that mean for the things it touches.
Probably one of my biggest issues with @vmwflings is exactly what’s come in in the VMFork fling discussion. Lack of clear support boundary.
However, being a @vmwflings, there are still some limitations. @hypervisor_fr’s replies to the original, point these out nicely.
Very cool to see this into something end-user accessible.…
props to @VMwareEducation for a much better exam/cert retirement than March’s VCAP retirements. Advance notice + new exams already in place.
reading @VMware documentation and quoting Weird Al lyrics. #DownhillFromHere
cdespinosa iMac box is a trapezoid with the front 10° out of parallel with the back. Which means that if you have 36 of them…