@nicolibrarian thanks for sharing

nicolibrarian “Ownership” of tasks at # work & how it matters to you & your employees: bit.ly/1U5hNz1. #agile #scrum pic.twitter.com/DQdRj45l2F
@UnideskCorp So thanks to whomever fixed that. :)
Was never sure if it was my browser or something server side, but today actually managed to use IE to upload log files to @UnideskCorp.
Not every workplace you almost have a head on hallway collision with your unit leader in full academic regalia. #tntech #convocation

addyosmani When you try deleting a line of CSS: pic.twitter.com/xtHxscyHt0
Free parody book idea: “Oh, the things I haven’t done.” #fb
Theme songs for the commute this morning Danger Zone and The Boys are Back in Town. Seems both fitting and overly hopeful for Friday. #fb