@grouchyCEO drats, saw pictures of the pool table, remembered foosball at 2.x launch, was trying to figure out something you didn’t have
@grouchyCEO maybe time to do some acquiring… … have you considered a pinball machine?
Missed my #leapsecond, maybe I blinked? #fb
Hey @OReillyMedia, is there a reason @Sybex ebooks are ~$20 more purchased on your site vs other e-retailers? Is this the price of DRM Free?
abrightumbrella Nope, not everyone has JavaScript. Embrace progressive enhancement. ow.ly/O0Csl #ux
This is really a thing!? #fb twitter.com/ntotten/status…
dukeleto Next time you want to add first/last name to your form/database, stop and read this: w3.org/International/… Let’s stop that broken pattern
thisisdey If you system admins/ infosec professionals will read one thing today. Read this! twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurit…

100GirlsofCode Check out this crew in the @NashvillePost Summer Magazine! #100girlsofcode pic.twitter.com/BapVP02Bq5
@100GirlsofCode very cool!
Troubleshooting Windows updates is interesting to start with. Doing so over the phone with a family member adds so much to the experience.
@MacMike And now to cause you a ton of mental pain for the rest of the conference: twitter.com/willrad/status…
You would of course be wrong, very very wrong.
You’d think at some point I’d become smart enough to not restart a network interface I’m actively using for remote mgmt of something. #fb
seems to be the day to collect out of office replies, think I got 5 today
It’s Monday, the boss isn’t here, let’s go get Chinese food for lunch. #fb
“… and there’s a warthog in the sky” #FunWithClouds #fb

benbendc Hooray! #NodeXL crosses 400K downloads, continuing steady climb #infovis #netvis #HCIL #umdcs nodexl.codeplex.com pic.twitter.com/aGsKT254LV
@Michael_EDavis Something like: kb.vmware.com/kb/2068724? I.e. yes, and very commonly right after deploying desktops (cc: @RonOglesby @iShBuu)
From the size of response box, guessing that @MyVMUG wasn’t expecting 3 short paragraphs as answer to single survey question. #TypedItAnyway
UnideskCorp Today’s webinar attendees questioned #VDI & @AutoCAD compatibility. @EganCompany solves this with #Unidesk & @Tegile bit.ly/1JYQm8b
Got excited that my show was on tonight, then remembered the season ended last week :(
@iShBuu We have a statewide higher edu symposium every year, noticeable increase in Twitter usage this year. #HappensWhenItHappens
@iShBuu going to try and catch at least part of the higher edu round table one right before the hangout #BadTiming
@iShBuu I haven’t made that many webinars recently, so that’s slowed me down.
@UnideskCorp Is having @iShBuu and I both present an effort to make sure no one tweets anything? #NoBackchannel
It may be Friday afternoon, but I probably shouldn’t sing in my office with the door open.
So A) who has a million monkeys? and B) why did they give them typewriters?
Lesson from this morning: cardboard box is 100% compatible with all Ethernet adapters.
“This is Canada, you can’t hunt zombies here” #ThinksSaidAfterLunch #OutOfContextQuotes
Free #vSphere performance book from @PacktPub for another 18 hours: packtpub.com/packt/offers/f….
Any other recommendations for things to look at? It does need to be free.
Looking to simulate poor quality/low bandwidth network links. Trying out @fbOpenSource’s ATC facebook.github.io/augmented-traf…. Anyone with experience?
“Why does my office smell like onions? There’s no ogres here” #GroundsMaintenance

thinkgeek Everything is awesome - but this cake is especially awesome. LEGO Cake by Cupcakes by SJ: j.mp/1S30D66 pic.twitter.com/YFyUbbNGN6
lwignall The @NVIDIAGRID vGPU App Guide for @AutodeskRevit on @vmwarehorizon is live! lnkd.in/bivphgf
pretty sure I spent more time figuring out the song I started randomly singing than I did singing it
“that’s what some talking head on television told me”
@MindTheVirt Could also see those vendors doing bake-offs (with a common desktop config) but could see problems like: blogs.vmware.com/storage/2015/0…
@MindTheVirt Would be an interesting question to put some of the vendors selling packaged solutions, start building a body of knowledge.
@MindTheVirt As someone who is trying to find someone with a similar setup to compare some application benchmarks, I totally understand.
@davidstamen @VMware @MyVMUG Yep, obvious now to get keys out early. :) #HindsightAndAllThat
@VMware @MyVMUG For those wanting to match existing prod env, or working on remaining v5 exam, value of advantage membership lost.
While I like #EVALExperience now having vSphere v6, is early to have pulled v5 products. Think @VMware and @MyVMUG could have handled better
seanpmassey Anyone know if the VCIX-DT exams will be available by VMworld timeframe?
MicrosoftPress Want to become a #Visio 2013 Power User? Check out these courses by author Scott Helmers bit.ly/1eTuCyX #MSDev #ITPro
Stickers make home lab hosts faster right?
@jenseninman @shauninman congratulations and best of luck!
d_glynn Heads up @dell_storage #equallogic peeps, MEM 1.3 / VSM 4.5 / firmware 8.0.2 all went EPA today #vSphere 6.0 and #vvol goodness all round
@LoginVSI have had good conversations with John L and James H so far. Have another call scheduled for tomorrow & waiting for trial key now.
If the installer tells me to grab a cup of coffee, I have to do it right? Also, can I expense it?
taking @LoginVSI for a spin today
another day, another commute without air conditioned seats and easy located lateral files #fb
@iShBuu @buckley_bill if it is I’ll fell the need submit more feature requests to see the artwork get updated
MyVMUG Version 6 is now available for #EVALExperience! Be sure to get your #VMUGAdvantage subscription today! hubs.ly/y0S9Hp0
Spent the day visiting with some fellow IT admins at @MercerYou. Thanks to everyone who hosted us. #GreatConversations #EveryoneGetsBetter
@ndroftheline mine doesn’t do that unidesk.com/support/learn/… . Think I should take that up with my vendor? ;) #YaYaIKnow # StillHadToGoThere
@MindTheVirt too many variables: storage, fabric, size/complexity of image/layers. Hard 4 single piece of tech to produce a consistent time.
Knieriemen “Gartner All-Flash Array Magic Quadrant: A Bad Influence” from @DeepStorageNet - ow.ly/NNnUU <-spot on!
jgoldschrafe Microsoft announces intent to provide SSH support, and that the PowerShell team are now contributors to OpenSSH: blogs.msdn.com/b/looking_forw…
So @BitsandGuns and I have found the future, it’s a car we can’t afford.
road trip rule: “we don’t push buttons labeled door or buttons adjacent to door buttons while the vehicle is in motion”

Windows Summer just got an upgrade. #Windows10 will release worldwide on July 29, 2015: wndw.ms/hoDh6F pic.twitter.com/VaytYlCeaR