It seems a few of my students have taken heavily to twitter.
BobMetcalfe Standing in the Ethernet shrine at PARC. #Ethernet40
“here’s to the geeks” — @StephenAtHome #fb
HermanMillerEDU If you had 3 minutes with your school’s president, what would you say? Let us know in our Student Video Contest!
Hey @elbrownmcne, discussion in #CSC3100 has turned to one space or two after a period.
the people they’re on repeat #fb
Seems like I know someone in just about every town/county they name during this storm report. #LocalBoy #fb
@stephen50191 solution: during lectures, draw at podium; group work time, sit on podium. FYI: Podium sitting has caused me to injure my foot
@stephen50191 @JacobIsbell The other GUI was a much better nineties style application.
Was called a “Magical Lab Fairy” this evening. MixMasterJ was a much better title. #fb
@iShBuu — ok, “at login” = “when you push the forum link”
@iShBuu The page that at login that shows recent postings, I think it is showing the right ones, just not display the dates correctly.
attempting iOS update to 6.1 #PhoneFirst #Crazy #MaySlowDownThePosts #fb
anyone else having problems with @UnideskCorp forum pages showing odd results for recent activities?
So #OffTopic #SubTopic in #CSC3100 today, use of twitter. Anyone have a getting started guide I can share with students? #fb
log into twitter, have 5 new followers, 4 of them are eggs. #MaybeMostNewEver
@JacobIsbell I didn’t say anything bad about the tour groups! #OnceTookOneMyself #GaveSomeResHallToursToo (cc: @elbrownmcne)
Today: lots of thin clients taken care of, another interesting class, and dinner. #CallMeDone #fb
Today’s theme: thin-clients behaving badly, or at least unexpectedly… #fb
Seems to be a good number of tour groups on the @tennesseetech campus today.
MarkDavis Apollo 1 fire 45 yrs ago today, shuttle Challenger 27 yrs ago tomorrow, Columbia breakup on reentry 10 yrs ago Fri. Remember their sacrifice
@RonOglesby clearly Monday. Up against 5 thin-clients that decided sometime over the weekend that video output was an optional activity.
librarythingtim Looking over big library tech RFP—it’s a recipe for badly designed software from bad companies. Library software sucks for a reason.
HermanMiller RT @HermanMillerEDU: Students, tell us “What Makes a Learning Space Great?” in our 4th Annual Student Video Contest!
osuosl Past OSL students are now working at places like @mozilla, @Rackspace, and @google. You could be next! Spread the word.…
Was there a broadcast of Easy A this evening? — Otherwise it is randomly trending…
smashingmag If you always wanted to have a nice reference for time (Unix time, time zones etc.), here’s a post worth bookmarking:
sinus headache :( #fb
trying to figure out why something is working isn’t something I find myself needing todo, but today is that day. #VDIMagic
@danaferguson hope you have a good weekend.
@OReillyMedia good timing with this, using one of the books as course text for teaching a web programming class. #MadeSeveralStudentsHappy
“One good arm and a nose” #fb
wishing safe travels to all the students headed back to Cookeville and @tennesseetech this week.
spends all day question way foot hurts, comes home, folds foot back on 5-star base of chair… A) question answered, B) bad Jeremy! #fb
on the plus side, I’ve got my java install procedure down at this point.
Really should have worn another layer. Getting too cold outside, keeping all the layers on inside. #fb
Went mudding in a Volkswagen! #fb
and then Elmo randomly appeared… #ClearlyFriday #ThinkEricIsInvolved #fb
attempting to make chicken with white barbecue sauce. #SeeHowThisGoes #fb
@RonOglesby also keeping a list on my whiteboard of issues preventing 5.0 to 5.1 vSphere upgrade. :)
@RonOglesby have a feeling folks doing that to upgrade to #Unidesk 2.0 are going to be happy with the result. #Enjoying20
@RonOglesby 4.x to 5.x or 5.0 to 5.1?
Did something to my foot yesterday, seem to be paying today. No I didn’t jump down from a teaching station #ThisTimeAtLeast. #fb
why does amazon have coupons now? #JustLowerThePrice #fb
BeeStapler “I know, I’ll use regular expressions,” thought Jay-Z. Now he had 100 problems.
HybridPed This year: Learning should be more engaged, teachers better supported, students more empowered, and education wilder and more daring.
Happy New Year!