_KatkaW_ What time is it? What day is it? #postVMworldfeels pic.twitter.com/SBzo0L1TZL
thepeb My new blog post.. Since I am getting so many questions about how to change certificate on vIDM I hope it will be u..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tb
@arielsanchezmor Safe travels!

LEGO_Group We’ve built the impossible: a full-sized LEGO Technic @Bugatti Chiron …and it drives#BuildforRealapic.twitter.com/8YPxk7miGZGZ
As a @MyVMUG member (one without a spouse to boot) glad to see the support for @spousetivities at @VMworld. twitter.com/spousetivities…
@Magneet_nl Was great to meet you in person! Safe travels home.
@AmandaMSaunders @NVIDIAVirt pretty sure no one seeing me dance is an key component of world peace
molikop Do you love #EUC? do you want to test new tech? @VMware has an open invitation according with @shawnbass..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…dW
@AmandaMSaunders @NVIDIAVirt I’d like to revise my answer for what I’d do with a vGPU…
Ah! Just realized I got the hashtag wrong, was suppose to be #AndThatsHowIGotSeanPMasseyInTrouble. Knew the whole I..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Y4
vmwarecode Last day running our Maker space Rapsberry Pi Liota/Wavefront Lab at the VMvillage at #VMworld2018! Come check it o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Mv
“It’s a cost savings” #AndThatsIGotSeanPMasseyInTrouble #seanpmasseyfacts @seanpmassey @wonder_nerd @ExploreVM
Time for #CODE5546U, Building and Monitoring IOT with @WavefrontHQ. #Table4 is the place be, joined by fellow..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9W
Good pointers on Linux SSO for Horizon desktops from @virtualhobbit #VIN2650BU
Think #VIN2650BU may have just spelled out a pretty good use case for those delivery drones, or a new prime carrier..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ot
DuncanYB This is very impressive, rendering of found shipwrecks. Nice one @_KatkaW_ and @virtualhobbit. Even doing 3d prints..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9b
seanpmassey Validating assumptions is key. Otherwise you’ll be looking for an electrician to rewire your rack to accept differ..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…6V
seanpmassey Great #EUCChampion turnout for @virtualhobbit and @_KatkaW_’s session.

FrankDenneman @virtualhobbit and @_KatkaW_ taking us with them on their journey across the Black Sea #vin2650BU pic.twitter.com/CkNuBknemB
@epruett1975 you still on site?

In addition to presenters @_KatkaW_ and @virtualhobbit, #VIN2650BU has a session mascot this morning. pic.twitter.com/9cm3iE7BxO
This was a great session, lots to absorb and lots of questions to think about. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
Snuck into @AmandaBlev’s session #LDT1907BU a couple of minutes late. Seems my #VMworld sessions today are brought..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…AO
be sure to check techzone.vmware.com for the reference architecture documents #WIN3451BUR #VMworld
@gstrouth which session were you in?
“Hopefully this matches what you deployed” also fun to hear in an architecture presentation. #WIN3451BUR

Well this diagram would have helped mapping out #Horizon for @arielsanchezmor last night. #WIN3451BUR pic.twitter.com/HGjHPI0fH4
Numbers can change, always go up. #WIN3451BUR
Reference architecture includes guidance on SQL server configuration. (also an example of 3rd party products you ne..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…5U
Data and applications factor into selection of architecture, not just the Horizon components to consider. Not so us..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…uK
Can do a stretched cluster, but must failover all brokers at once.
Nice reminder that your brokers for a single pod have to be in the same location to be supported. #WIN3451BUR #VMworld
Active/active vs active/passive users between sites is different from active/active vs active/passive datacenter #WIN3451BUR #VMworld
Quick lunch, now back in Oceanside C for #WIN3451BUR on architecting @vmwarehorizon 7. I’d make an offer to come jo..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…wG
Quick lunch time selfie with a Trevor Pott (@cakeis_not_alie) authored #GorillaGuide from @actualtechmedia and my..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Gj
chrisdhalstead I submitted a new #VMware Fling for migration or backup / restore of Identity Manager applications and entitlements..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Aq
vBrownBag Thom Greene - Automating Troubleshooting with vSphere Operations Manager youtu.be/0RV4_849HxM
Hey @NVIDIAVirt, What would I use an NVIDIA vGPU for? Personally: I’d play Civilization 6 on something newer than m..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…5G
Glad to see cloud bursting getting some attention. #GetThereOneDay #WIN3492BU
Hybrid and Multi-cloud management up #WIN3492BU #VMworld
The complexity of JMP certificate configuration getting a shout out in #WIN3492BU

getting starting now pic.twitter.com/W9YKoXTPhR
vmikeb The other night, @vhojan told me “thank you for your support!” But I honestly think it’s the other way around: than..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…MN
Grabbed a second row seat in #WIN3492BU. Having a fun chat with the presenters. Is a big room for discussion of JMP, come on by Oceanside C.
not a great look to have a stream of people leaving the general session when it was obviously getting down to the l..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Hk
@gstrouth yep, always have to stop and parse that one
Bacon_Is_King Howling @sakacc is my current #VMworld2018 keynote highlight
the @VMwareTurtles represented in today’s general session #VMworld

sakacc Well, THAT’S something you don’t see every day. @spoonen tickling the ivories at #VMworld2018 @VMware pic.twitter.com/43wfJO9otH
patlee It is great that there is live band playing instead of canned music or a DJ to accompany the day 2 keynote with..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Qo
It’s only Tuesday (or so my calendar tells me) and at this point I may not even catch up in my twitter notifications, much less timeline.
Unsure of where you want to go at 12:30? Check out this upgrade session. twitter.com/vcenternerd/st…
Trying to tweet and talk at the same time, audience has filled in a bit since I took the photo.

Getting ready for today’s general session, seemed like the arena was the place to be today. #GSUTUES #VMworld pic.twitter.com/vTJw4dPnVj
kmruddy Putting a #PowerShell terminal in the #vSphere (H5) Client and running #PowerCLI commands, that is last night’s..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…lM
@DynamicWebPaige sounds like a possibly painful start to the day, hopefully no injuries and an improved day ahead
Can confirm, on tram this AM. twitter.com/gstrouth/statu…
Had a great time at the @vmwarecode #CODEHACK hackathon. Great team that came together around @vmwarehorizon.
JuliaBKlaus #VMworld2018 {code} #Hackathon rocked this year! So grateful for being part of this community! Thanks..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Rq
WorkspaceONE Did you miss all the updates from the #bestEUCteam #DigitalWorkspace Keynote? Catch up on the blog:..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Lg
thepeb Made some corrections to my ports collection post.. VMware Identity Manager Network Ports blogs.vmware.com/horizontech/20…
I look way too deep in though in this photo. twitter.com/vgonzilla/stat…
al_rasheed Kudos to the @vmwarecode team including @KripaSitaraman @elsajmayer @Jennivmtn @mrtommyberry @JuliaBKlaus & anyone..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…XA
The View API & PS team session turned into as much group therapy for Horizon exposure as coding. #CODEHACK #GiveUsPublicAPIs
shocking news: Horizon APIs are painful
Lesson from #HACK6013U: @kmruddy’s beard produces #PowerCLI one liners.
importcarguy The beard, the man, the myth, the legend @kmruddy starting out the @PowerCLI #Hackathon learning session #VMworld..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…BI

Powershell primer with @kmruddy. #HACK6013U pic.twitter.com/7lcp2tagiZ
So evidently I look like a #VDI admin, walked by the @LoginVSI booth, had someone attempt to interest me in their p..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…wn
Your #vSphere version keeping you from making use of new features? Reaching end of support for your version? Be sur..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…y8
Fred_vBrain @seanpmassey @vhojan I think it’s the tenth anniversary of the year of VDI :)
Digital Workspaces keynote in an hour. For those following #VMworld from home, I’m sure there will be a ton of good tweets on #DW3727KU.
I’m guessing I can’t live tweet an expert led workshop, so probably quiet for a bit.
a “Happy VDI” from @brianmadden to close out #WIN3530PU
Candy crush isn’t an enterprise app? :) #WIN3530PU
the joy of “where did this GPO come from” #WIN3530PU
day two of #VMworld, second mention of shortcomings of OneDrive for Business coming out in #WIN3530PU
shortcomings of the “big bang” upfront solution capital spending approach, organization locked to a solution regard..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…M0
While answering a very specific question, feel like this discussion of more rapidly adapting to change is going to..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…3o
I feel like we need a shameless plug bell for mentions of Skype for Business. #WIN3530PU
wonder_nerd All 4 panalist said hyper-converged infrastructure is a great option for #VDI #WIN3530PU
the endpoint matters: performance, functionality, management #WIN3530PU
.@brianmadden using #HigherEd’s procrastinating student population to spell out the motivation for hourly billing o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0n
woohoo! #HigherEd lab environments leading off the audience questions in #WIN3530PU #VMworld
on to #GPU: capacity, technology chocies (vGPU vs soft), vmotion (6.7U1) #WIN3530PU #VMworld
Windows 10 update lifecycle at odds with infrastructure update lifecycle. #WIN3530PU
Some Linux desktop in #VDI installs represented in the audience for #WIN3530PU. #VMworld

wonder_nerd Talking about bursting workloads in #WIN3530PU #EUCChampion seasonal workers… pic.twitter.com/qBrItRs8mm
@wonder_nerd @vmwarehorizon do wish they had made it back to the “interested in running in the cloud question”

anthonyrhook “Users are people too!”
Panel on all things VDI.
#vExpert #EUCChampion #WIN3530PU pic.twitter.com/g250ZHz6Eq

wonder_nerd I caught that #mirage joke… #WIN3530PU pic.twitter.com/hpTMOMQ9fJ
VirtualLukeG Standing room only for #VMworld #WIN3530PU EUC Champions Panel w/ @brianmadden @youngtech @molikop @lenzker..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…jF
Importance of knowing your use cases and applications from @seanpmassey #WIN3530PU #VMworld
BryanZanoli @youngtech sharing how important internal marketing and branding is for #VDI adoption and success in the enterprise..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Vh
persistent or non-persistent, @brianmadden trying to start a riot? #WIN3530PU

even got it printed on t-shirts pic.twitter.com/UFZ9PaheCx
There it is! “the year of VDI finally” #WIN3530PU
I don’t care what @brianmadden says, I plan to stick with “@seanpmassey told me to do it” as justifications for major decisions. #WIN3530PU
Yep, it’s the EUC Champions Panel, wall in to the panelists talking beer supplies. #WIN3530PU #EUCChampions
Time to talk VSAN with Jeff Hunter (@jhuntervmware) in #MTE5047U. Side note: “Table 10” has a distinct lack of a table.
for the curious, I think I was on the ground at #VMworld for something like 2 hours before getting into a a GPU & VDI discussion.
Great opportunities to pick up some @NVIDIAVirt vGPU knowledge. twitter.com/nvidiavirt/sta…
Just realized that the three panelist in this session are from states adjacent to Tennessee. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
anthonyrhook “He carries around a whole book of @seanpmassey facts.” - @ExploreVM
#SeanMasseyFacts #VMworld #EUCChampion..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…2n
Getting ready for the start of #IND3721U, the Education Industry Workshop.
First people I find (onsite) that I know @VirtuallyBoring and @RaybishopTN from @etrVMUG. Was good to chat with both of you.

in case anyone wants to give their homelab that VMvillage look: tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/ut… #VMworld #CanNotNotSeeIt pic.twitter.com/KMQA1pAAAf
badge pickup complete, guess I’m officially here.
@epruett1975 sounds like a plan
Not sure when it happened, but just noticed I’ve hit 500 followers. Birthday is starting off right.
drink water now #VMworld3Word
Also spotted a couple of @MyVMUG folks, so continuing last year’s tradition of flying into Vegas with members of that team.
clearly this flight is headed to #VMworld, overhearing multiple conversations about servers and IT at the gate.
I too am questioning past me’s flight picking abilities. #EarlyMorning twitter.com/mike_colson/st…
@mikestanley no personal experience with, but the supermicro e200 and e300 boxes with Xeon D processors might fit that
Walking outside to the band playing is a pleasant reminder that the students have returned to campus. #fb
So if you’re a cloud services provider and you run your own workload on your cloud, do you refer to it as running i..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…OF
Can’t even have a good GPU discussion these days without CPU issues factoring into the discussion. #Insidetrack
#Insidetrack briefing this morning. Looking forward to seeing what’s new with #Liquidware #AWS #NVIDIA and #Stratodesk.
gaycyborg If you are interested in research in rural areas and are thinking about attending the #CSCW2018 conference, conside..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bW
ThatAndromeda If you get pwned, your computer is just other people’s cloud, huh.
@mikestanley Mixed feelings on this. Do like having the content available; regardless of budget, impossible to be e..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Sw
“If you’re not pressing keys, you’re never going to get Shakespeare”
@vhojan @vdidesignguide @VMworld very cool!
@LoginVSI obviously was going to be stop by, but you definitely have my attention now
“take over the world” is a much better “what we do every night” than “patch/upgrade all the things” #fb
@Magneet_nl congratulations!
Upon cross-examination I did have to admit that, yes, I kinda did want to take on the establishment.
“I just want to give everyone a windows desktop remotely, I don’t want to take on the establishment”
@CloudMakerBrian Looks like a good time! Sorry I didn’t make it, had a few patches to take care of. :)
@mikestanley elsewhere being?
@MyVMUG vDog modeled the cape well, hopefully there were treats at the end of that walk?
realized this evening I stick to the most basic of emojis because of fear of not correctly identifying the official..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…W6
I’ve had really good luck this summer scheduling deployment (of physical devices) activities such that they overlap..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…PG
well we’re up to 2/3rds of blood, sweat, and tears
seanpmassey Planning to upgrade your VDI environment to Windows 10? Want some tips to be more successful? My #vbrownbag sessi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Gs
@seanpmassey @VMworld stumbled across your session in the last day or two, added to schedule, looking forward to it
Just unhooked the last Tera1 zero-client on campus.
Two weeks until the #VMworld #DigitalWorkspace Showcase Keynote. Start off this week by saving yourself a seat: my.vmworld.com/widget/vmware/…
_qaz_qaz Microsoft open-sourced Detours (great project for weekends)
Detours is a software package for monitoring and instru..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…FC
@mattheldstab @Cubs @benzobrist18 well that’s one way to start off the week!
Magneet_nl Want to play with the #horizon API’s during the #vmworld @vmwarecode #Hackathon? Sign up in the schedule builder an..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ZV
self-inflicted ordering issue means @vhojan’s book showed up a day later than planned, guess I’ll have to read fast..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…sg
@AmandaMSaunders looking forward to this
spoonen Super excited about this announcement today: We’re honored to host @Malala Yousafzai – Nobel Peace Prize winner –twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ubTh0s
@mikestanley Glad the talk went well. Yep, always more fun to talk about the successes over the failure. Lots of va..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…jd
@mikestanley Both look very nice. Was this one of your MS Teams talks?
@VTsnowboarder42 @mattheldstab @vhojan @vdidesignguide Have one expected then to. Seems like no one will be getting work done on Thursday.
Congratulations to those new to @vExpert. Be sure to take @arielsanchezmor up on this offer. twitter.com/arielsanchezmo…
@BTNimble @nedegan @NimbleStorage @HPE_Storage Looks like quite the full house!
@mikerenfro @mikestanley @MicrosoftTeams but we’d still want to ;)
@mikestanley @MicrosoftTeams ah ok, may be looking at myself late this year/start of next with @mikerenfro.
@mikestanley @MicrosoftTeams done anything with bots in teams?