Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

November 2018

@antiheroine seems it might be time for a retro game night

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jaffoneh Clarity 1.0 is officially out. This marks a huge milestone for @VMwareClarity. Could have not done this without…lo

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MyVMUG The December Virtual Event Agenda is LIVE featuring keynote speaker @cswolf!

Check it out and register today!

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@lukaswinn Be it good news, bad news, or a bit of both, appreciate the updates.

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Looking forward to Patrick’s presentation next week. Have consistently seen positive comments for past…JK

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“I’m pretty sure they outrank skittles on the healthyness scale”

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@Michael_EDavis they blink green and red, should be good to go

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t-shirts for the masses? whiteboard magnets? another book? There’s also a part of me that would find it quite…GV

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Now just a week away. Look forward to seeing everyone at @NashvilleVMUG UserCon!…

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@mikestanley @CommsNinja Nashville normally has UserCon in the fall and an all day spring event.

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@mikestanley @CommsNinja Was all set to suggest a road trip over the mountains, but then realized that’s the same…2N

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RebeccaFitzhugh ICYMI is available for FREE (aka my favorite price), thanks to @rubrikInc. Get your copy…UU

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Well I think with this all the home lab and blogging roadblocks are of my own creation/procrastination. Time to…Nv

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MyVMUG If you’ve ever wanted an excuse to go to 🎸Music CIty🎸, you have one now! On 12/4, the VMUG UserCon rolls through…yf

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Disappearing KB articles was not on the agenda for today!

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Uneventful trip back from @etrVMUG, good roads and no further odd status lights from my truck. Stay safe out…kv

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day was full of being productively social, glad to now be home

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The festive accents for @etrVMUG fit well with the today’s dropping temperatures. Time for a @MyVMUG sweater?…Zn

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Seems I have a bit of a presentation prep reputation. Asked @mikerenfro to look over the single slide in a…QK

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*while preparing a VDI presentation*
@mikerenfro: “you should add a happy end user”
me: “the happy end users are…kz

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few observations I’ve made in the last few minutes: 1) after work I purchased a bag of sour patch kids candy, 2)…9I

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“If there will ever be a year of DaaS, 2019 will be it.” One and done really isn’t how we roll with these things.…

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shortly after midnight is maybe not the best time for a “oh, that’d be a cool project” idea to strike

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@gstrouth @MackenzieKMeier and by the magic of spring releases, don’t have to support it as long

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WorkspaceONE You’re invited to join @brianmadden TOMORROW for a night of EUC community tech talks & beer during Europe……66

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Today’s the day, keynote at Europe. Take good notes for the rest of us!

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@mattheldstab Thanks for organizing things again this year!

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@askaresh ok, those posts will happen, just wasn’t going to get them done last night

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