Typing commands on a projector screen, everyone’s favorite error prone activity.
Watching @TTU_CSC security students give end-of-semester presentations during @ttuCyberEagles meeting.
Always best to be careful on days entire songs have been written about. Upside, song of the day is an easy pick. #Rembrandts
@andreleibovici @tomrose_ @RonOglesby this should be fun to see the results of!
OH: “Well that’s better than doing a Buttermilk Chuggin’ and then doing a 5k” #fb
@nicolibrarian I’ll keep an eye out for things. I have a more basic problem; don’t prioritize reading. Looking forward to taking part!
… The downside of knowing how to implement all your cool technology ideas but lacking the time seems to be way under reported. (2/2)
So the downside of not understanding technology and not being able to program are fairly well reported. … (1/2)
@nicolibrarian Suggestions of current software, no. Seemingly cool ideas, yes. Time to implement, not so much…
A #FollowFriday suggestion: Take a look at @nicolibrarian and her #10twbk (10 tweet book) project. Grab a book, do some reading, & join in!
@gunnarwb Surely I’m not the only one who uses cruse control to avoid “issues” in speed-trap towns/areas.
@nicolibrarian have you looked at anything to aggregate and/or collect tweets for this?
Born With Curiosity: The Grace Hopper Story on @Indiegogo igg.me/p/687077/twtr/…
MIT RT @MIT_alumni As seen at #MIT: Can I borrow a cup of #robots? bit.ly/1rp01KF pic.twitter.com/E18sqe5d4W
tomrose_ Thx to @2AngeloB and Luke from Fresno County Office of EDU for another informative @UnideskCorp @vmwareview webinar! #AwesomeLiveDemo
beckypants If you are in #stem I urge you to find out about @FindingAda and @Science_Grrl - because science is for everyone
@nicolibrarian … This may be a good motivation to do so. Will also share with some folks! (2/2)
@nicolibrarian Looks like a really fun idea, I need to read (things of substantive size), more often. … (1/2)
late afternoon @twitter lesson via @nicolibrarian: information people are (possibly unhealthily) drawn to post it notes
@nicolibrarian this may not be good for my wallet. Will have to try some of these.
UnideskCorp THANK YOU THANK YOU to Angelo and Luke at Fresno County Office of Education for a great #VDI Webinar and Tech Talk!
@iShBuu @tomrose_ @UnideskCorp and on top of that we were talking about never hearing it. #ThatHasToBeGoodForBusiness
@iShBuu I’m game, I do however fear @tomrose_ might expect us to be slightly more on topic however… :)
Cool! Another admin that follows the “if it’s a file, it’s on the desktop” approach to file management.
Now a name drop for @UnideskCorp support, solution architects, and forums. All great #VDI resources.
@iShBuu @cheipler @msteague1001 @Hientropy was thinking the same! Maybe we could get a conference call going to listen to hold music?
Hey! A TnTech name drop in the current @UnideskCorp webinar. :)
@msteague1001 when we do see issues, they tend to be with build/rebuild tasks, not built desktops that are live. #LowStressIssues
@msteague1001 @iShBuu have some mad respect going for today’s presenters. Fire in the morning followed by webinar as scheduled! #impressive
@msteague1001 @Hientropy @iShBuu @UnideskCorp everyone keeps talking about the hold music. Still haven’t found a reason to call…
@iShBuu probably why @tomrose_ puts the twitter handles for the presenters at the end. :) #delayedHeckling
@iShBuu upside of not being the presenter, actually getting to have lunch :)
Stuffed from lunch, so can’t complain too much to @tomrose_ about GoToWebinar’s lack of a pizza button.
“VDI Tech Talk” with Fresno County Office of Education and @UnideskCorp, this should be a sufficiently nerdy way to kickoff the afternoon.
UnideskCorp In 15 minutes hear Fresno County Office of Education’s #VDI success story and get your questions answered! Register:
I can’t be the only one for whom storage of email signatures on the server would make sense. #LifeInAMobileWorld
Having to reference @VMware’s own documentation back to them usually isn’t a good sign for starting a support ticket.
m.huffpost.com/us/entry/51860… So how many of these items can one own before it becomes disturbing? Purely “asking for a friend,” of course. ;) #fb
@tomrose_ @MattConnorsUNH @unhcp @UnideskCorp @UofNH pizza is now a webinar option!?!?
@RonOglesby Think I’m a bit beyond “before you start,” but still look forward to the work-in-progress and results.
Follow up from @tennesseetech about #WiCyS2014, featuring @ambareensiraj and several @TTU_CSC students: tntech.edu/pressreleases/… #GoodNews #fb
It’s really only Monday?!?!? #fb
RonOglesby oh how times change: pic.twitter.com/FQHrlPzSxB
JamesMSama You don’t need someone who will solve all of your problems for you, just someone who won’t let you face them alone.
@Joey_vm_Ware if you need to chat with an edu that’s gone down the VDI licensing road before, feel free to reach out to me.
Hid Easter eggs today, including one that everyone gave up looking for. #fb
Nothing says family time at Easter like discussing mass tragedies. #WeMayBeDoingThisWrong
@Joey_vm_Ware assume you’ve looked at the student option for campus agreement? Reduces VDA needs for student devices (cc: @gunnarwb @vTexan)
mistydemeo Colonel Panic, in the server room, with the driver.
lizzieohreally Too young for Gen X, too old to be a Millennial? Welcome, Oregon Trail Generation (you died of dysentery).
vmwarehorizon Unidesk Brings Enhanced VDI Management to Horizon 6 dlvr.it/5R4pmd
thinkgeek Yep, Stormtroopers always miss: j.mp/P9IDv3 pic.twitter.com/zV0hXmSEPq
@UnideskCorp Well there was a moment of questioning if my eyes or monitors were going out. Compared to the un-updated blog pages to confirm.
Like the darker red on the @UnideskCorp website. :)
dougtalbert Congrats to Marc Robinson for successfully defending his M.S. thesis - Gesture-Based Interface for Astronomy Presentation Software
@gailcarmichael if you can share the results you get would be interested in seeing them as well.
@iShBuu I, single dude in need of not not making one or more ridiculous decisions while purchasing furniture, did the asking.
@RonOglesby care to toss a follow this way?
NCWIT We’re working w/ @codeorg to put together something awesome this #MothersDay. #womenintech and #girlsintech can help: bit.ly/Rj2Q3w
[I’m] not sure what the rules are for taking another man’s wife to the IKEA.
is there a such thing as conference lag? #NeverLeftCentralTimeZone
isacanashville #ISACA experts agree that Heartbleed is a long-term issue. ow.ly/vERCM
@kayakerscout: #FYI: when step 1 is “load washer”, step 2 “start washer” is important for forward progress. #fb
PCoIP_Guru “Eye of the tiger”played on a dot matrix printer vimeo.com/58200103 pic.twitter.com/Yba5JkUd8k
Interesting side #WiCyS2014 adventure, bracketing the weekend with explanations of stagecoaches and related in cross-cultural exchanges.
dawnisabel Heading home from #WiCyS2014! Kudos to @ambareensiraj and the rest of the conference team; looking forward to 2015 in Atlanta!
Hearing good things about #WiCyS2014 lighting talk from/about #TTUCyberEagles.
DrKrueger76 Unidesk Version 2.6 Announcement:unidesk.com/about-us/press… (Available Q2/2014)
NSF It’s #CherryBlossom season in DC! #DidYouKnow they are members of the rose family? pic.twitter.com/6cL6bYjzlt
#WiCyS almost as large as first Grace Hopper conference… #BigThingsToCome
mdoylema #wicys2014 - AMBAREEN rocked this conference! Great job!!
Student memberships in ACM, only $19. #WiCyS2014 attendees, be sure to look for the ACM-W checkbox when joining.
Great idea from #WiCyS2014 breakfast, if not a member already, join #ACM and #ACMW. (@TheOfficialACM)
On a more serious note, @ambareensiraj , #WiCyS2014 has been great! Looking forward to day two.
Writing a tweet because @ambareensiraj told me to. #AlsoHowIGetInTrouble
jenseninman “…a steady diet of disciplined-based pedagogical scholarship is like eating food from only one culture.” —Weimer
#WiCyS2014 Social activity will be fun, @VNASH72 guarantees it.
@MacMike now where the T in TLS went, I don’t know…
Hate the context such discussions are happening under, but had a great time geeking out in a LS discussion with @MacMike.
@gunnarwb congratulations, hope everyone is doing well!
robbertmurray1 If Microsoft is such a good partner have them fix the VDI licensing #Horizon6
“Kentucky Fried Taco”
billschrier 50 years ago IBM unveiled the System 360 mainframe; programs created for it run today. It helped send men to the moon ow.ly/vz9Ev
TNCodeAcademy Emphasis on web, computer literacy skills key to future economic success nooga.com/166148/emphasi… via @NoogaNews @ChloeNooga
anitaborg_org GHC Scholarship apps due 4/16. Ask for those rec letters! Apply: bit.ly/1kxEew5 #scholarship #CSstudents pic.twitter.com/lWjhG9sPQw
Discovered a new way to pick laundry loads. It is called “wash the stuff you just spilled detergent all over” #fb
Woke up this morning with “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” in my head. Drove around this evening singing Passenger songs. #MusicalDay #GoodDay
tennesseetech Wishing the quidditch team lots of luck at the World Cup this weekend! fb.me/6AcbYtaXj
As a result, I now I kinda want a Goo Goo Cluster. #BeenForeverSinceLastOne #fb
Passed gas station on way home this evening advertisement for cigarettes on sign. Somehow misread this as an ad for Goo Goo Clusters. #fb
NCWIT BIG NEWS! Students age 13+ have the chance to attend this year’s Apple WWDC conference for free on a scholarship. developer.apple.com/wwdc/students
kylemurley #vBrownbag OH: VDI is often the weird cousin nobody wants to talk about
DepressedDarth iFighter pic.twitter.com/j0w7jmRE1v
thinkgeek It’s World Autism Day! For April, 100% of this shirt’s proceeds go to ASAN, @autselfadvocacy: j.mp/1i2ruLi pic.twitter.com/bqcFbNKB2n
@AndrewNadeau it is surprisingly hard to pay attention to the webinar and tweet at the same time.
@RonOglesby re: API question. The way you answered my question had me laughing through the next several questions.
@UnideskCorp webinar feature request: ability to give feedback similar to clapping when @RonOglesby and @rzylowski say stuff that I like.
plan: I’ll get a milkshake for the @UnideskCorp UCP webinar. reality: I had a milkshake before the #Unidesk webinar.
Some light encouragement from @rdcumby has resulted in my RSS reader no longer looking like my email. Mostly caught up on all my feeds.