Interesting side #WiCyS2014 adventure, bracketing the weekend with explanations of stagecoaches and related in cross-cultural exchanges.
dawnisabel Heading home from #WiCyS2014! Kudos to @ambareensiraj and the rest of the conference team; looking forward to 2015 in Atlanta!
Hearing good things about #WiCyS2014 lighting talk from/about #TTUCyberEagles.
DrKrueger76 Unidesk Version 2.6… (Available Q2/2014)

NSF It’s #CherryBlossom season in DC! #DidYouKnow they are members of the rose family?
#WiCyS almost as large as first Grace Hopper conference… #BigThingsToCome
mdoylema #wicys2014 - AMBAREEN rocked this conference! Great job!!
Student memberships in ACM, only $19. #WiCyS2014 attendees, be sure to look for the ACM-W checkbox when joining.
Great idea from #WiCyS2014 breakfast, if not a member already, join #ACM and #ACMW. (@TheOfficialACM)
On a more serious note, @ambareensiraj , #WiCyS2014 has been great! Looking forward to day two.
Writing a tweet because @ambareensiraj told me to. #AlsoHowIGetInTrouble