Happy New Year everyone! #fb
eLearnMag Art vs. Information Science: The Same Knowledge, with Smarter Design, Serves Everyone… http://t.co/z6PdMvv
@maxey2005 Briley Parkway?
griffey Eliza, after hitting the wrong thing on her iPod touch “This is a disaster!”
griffey Free Pinboard account for librarians! http://pinboard.in/blog/…
Well it’s at least a white Christmas Eve here.
Just took advantage of this bundle http://bit.ly/dVHpS3 to get my first @RosenfeldMedia book, will have to do some crazy cool prototyping.
and @thinkgeek said he wouldn’t be here for Christmas! They clearly know how to use the force AND green pipes. http://twitpic.com/3ixogz
ghc Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing February 18-19, 2011 Loudonville, OH http://ow.ly/3tiaJ #ghrc (Grace Hopper Regional Consortium)
ghc applications are open for 2011/2012 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships http://ow.ly/3tuCB great program!
anyone have experiences with non-google email hosting they want to share?
So the more I see the new one the more I like the old @AMIAinformatix logo.
elbrownmcne Academic Housekeeping: Have you looked at your CV lately - publications, committees, awards…
syngress Sample a chapter of #Microsoft #Virtualization: http://ow.ly/34xYF Available for purchase: http://ow.ly/34xZw
@cameronmoll So now you just need someone to offer to pay double for it (thus taking it off your hands) and burn it.
This has to be one of the more interesting finals I’ve given. #fb
reillyusa Microsoft tablet range to be named “Microsoft Enhanced Handheld” or “MEH” for short.
Microsoft_EDU What if TJ, GW & JH had #MSWord to craft the Declaration of Independence? http://bit.ly/eQv8J2 #office2010
Just FYI, “drive it like you stole it” is not an advisable snow driving technique. #fb
terriko Ever come close to washing out of STEM? Did and felt better? Came back? Commenter would like some support/stories: http://ur1.ca/2klp9
got the latest @CACMmag, looks to be a good one. Pixar interview, #CSEdWeek, universal info. access, IT model curric discussion in VE, +more
@ZicklePop and yes, one of the people was from MIT.
@ZicklePop You laugh, but I was at dinner a few years back as part of an ACM event, and that was a discussion at one end of the table.
this may have to be my new goal in life, to be called out in a man page. #fb
found in a man page “Don’t do as Berkeley did and …” #unix #funwithunixSaturday #fb
And yes, the missing part of said label was important.
If you’re in a tech discipline, or tech side of a discipline, and including a table, be sure axis labels are readable in the printed paper.
@maxey2005 Sounds like a great evening, and a great reminder of just how good you have it.
@lgvelazco well there goes that perk :(
I don’t know why anyone would think Emerald would be plotting my demise in that photo.
@lgvelazco If I remember from your photos, said free soda even comes in MS cans. ;)
So @anchesney just proposed a standard for smileys, possibly as an extension to POSIX…
to badly rework a @thinkgeek shirt, “come to the Computer Science side, we’ve got cookies and cake” #fb http://twitpic.com/3er2wq
Donning a Star Wars t-shirt today. #maytheforcebewithkatie #fb http://twitpic.com/3epyhr
MicrosoftPress Free Jump Start Course on Windows Azure Development next week - December 15-17, 2010: http://bit.ly/fb0OwW
jsteeleeditor Ever wondered what your Twitter network looks like? Today’s Strata Gem from @edd will help you find out. http://oreil.ly/gzm82d
Hey @uxmag, I’d like to read about changing face computing & think about info usage. Do I win a copy of ‘Smart Things’? http://uxm.ag/gs
NASA C’mon boys! Space is for girls, too! http://bit.ly/cNT2Pa #MayTheForceBeWithKatie
Pong: the newest Olympic sport. #fb
“awk’s not like perl and for that we are all thankful” —Me #fb
katezwaard 6% of undergrads replied “sometimes” to a survey q asking if they have ever had a fatal heart attack while watching TV — M. Lesk #idcc10
Jeremy has left #BrunerHall #fb
OReillyMedia Strata Gems: Five data blogs you should read — Data geekery, visualization and journalism http://t.co/MMRTuah via @radar
@thinkgeek cool! I could see with the holiday rush on not getting into that right now, will keep an eye out for something in the future.
@thinkgeek super cool move! Any chance of an effort to let people donate and pool geekpoints to get starwars toys out to kids organizations?
radar An anti-harassment policy for tech conferences: http://bit.ly/g8xiRM Reasons why this is needed: http://bit.ly/i66mdT
@trevormunoz have you ever been to a conference that didn’t have wifi trouble?
@griffey Ya, barring someone doing “maintenance” on your nameservers or something, didn’t have much hope of that being it.
@griffey but that was case of joomla totally not working, not an case of intermittent working.
@griffey saw something like that happen with MySQL was only listening on loopback and joomla was trying to connect to actual hostname.
@gailcarmichael good luck!
edd Today’s Strata Gem is about finding data sources http://edd.me/gNvk8f – some good starting points for free & for-pay services #strataconf
DeanDebra Between 2000-2008 the number of incoming undergrad women interested in majoring in CS declined 79% #CSEdWeek http://bit.ly/hzMn9L via @NCWIT
OH Mother: “You know what dad needs? An extension cord.”
comp_science How do we validate data and code, and decrease the reviewer’s workload? http://bit.ly/fpbjqh
brownorama HB (4yo): I want to make a web site. Me: OK. HB: So we need to get your book and follow the instructions. #candiehappy
@nicolibrarian Can’t say I have some high-minded use in mind, just need some video to play with the new HTML5 video element.
@nicolibrarian Wonderful and timely pointer, needed a video to work with for a little experiment over the break, now have a source!
Thanks, @trevormunoz for pointing to that last link!
paige_roberts Have you read @ernestopriego ‘s gentle and thoughtful post on the value of twitter for a scholar? http://bit.ly/eisJ4F | @HASTAC
Enjoyed seeing the #WEBD capstone presentations this afternoon, some really nice features, including: faceted browsing and mobile streaming.
@mrwtn865 I think I’m below my usual posting rate. My twitter timeline is a source of professional/industry news for both LIS and CS.
that has to be one of the worst explanations of INNERJOIN I’ve done. :( #fb
ScholCommons ColorBrewer site suggests schemes to make your charts and maps look more polished. http://ow.ly/3j0Ho
radar 5 free and open source data mining tools: http://bit.ly/icMC8m via @edd #strataconf #data
@trevormunoz and now I’ve learned about a new website (www.wordnik.com). Tragically, probably won’t remember the word long term…
getting ready this morning I figured out solution to programing/data structure problem for project I haven’t touched in months #usetrees #fb
@mrwtn865 I’ve got places to be, academic-ing to be done, and as @wade712 would point out grades to post.
DabsDotCom To win a #Kinect and 360 bundle from Dabs.com, RT this post. For a second entry, click here: http://bit.ly/hyoSLq