Lots of annual #vBrownBag end of year fun this evening. Return of Commitmas, might have been something else…
rspruijt .@NVIDIAGRID #Windows10 vGPU profile sizing guide: images.nvidia.com/content/pdf/gr… >> great insights from performance team..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…ur
cstalhood Application Publishing with #VMware #Horizon 7 < 52 page Quick-Start Guide vmware.com/techpapers/201… pic.twitter.com/ZWQKweqYXM
NVIDIAGRID How to select the right vGPU profile for #Windows10 nvda.ws/2gtyHvo pic.twitter.com/KNc53vfkky
If you work with me on VDI, you’ll be getting a link to this in the AM with some discussion. twitter.com/NVIDIAGRID/sta…
Useful info if your lab environment is otherwise storage challenged, or if you’re looking for some extra datastores..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…ul
Interesting discussion of security practices in PHP development, code audits, and overall security in practice. twitter.com/sitepointdotco…
SwiftOnSecurity Users don’t want security if it’s toorrrtuurreee
Don’t say I didn’t, Don’t say I didn’t waarrnnn yaaaa
@VirtualG_UK @mylesagray @Kim_Bottu @RebeccaFitzhugh @lenzker @wojciehnet @fbuechsel @JanUmlandt @benediktmayer @ALDTD VCAP6-DTM Design
@mylesagray @Kim_Bottu @RebeccaFitzhugh @lenzker @wojciehnet @fbuechsel @JanUmlandt @benediktmayer @ALDTD @VirtualG_UK mine changed this AM
@wjconrad this mean you still don’t have an answer on your VCAP-DTM Deploy exam?
Good to see @mattheldstab and @EucDay getting some praise. twitter.com/vmwarehorizon/…
@patlee No doubt. So far haven’t been able to get buy-in/funding to refresh Tera1 zero-clients.
@lamw @fdlsistemi @cdickmann @DanaNourie download link in the instructions is still working for me, was there ever a “traditional” download?
Excited for this, do wish it didn’t require latest release. twitter.com/patlee/status/…
Would add a comment with this, but I think @kmruddy has it covered. #HappyDays #HappyDesktops twitter.com/kmruddy/status…
Has been a while since I’be deployed a #Unidesk cachepoint. Guess I did ok if the only problem is a cosmetic issue.
alexiamadd If you paste the DOI of a journal article here, this site it will attempt to locate an #openaccess version. #proptip oadoi.org
WiCySconference We are pleased to see Admiral Grace Hopper awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. twitter.com/usatoday/statu…
Shadertoy The Shader of the Week is ‘Kelp Forest’ by BigWIngs : shadertoy.com/view/llcSz8 pic.twitter.com/sT1uOMJu4k
tntechcsc CSC Alumna and the first MS graduate April Crockett on developing software for the TTU library! ow.ly/ARCh306fCOk
AmandaMSaunders Great new GPU sizing tool by @MagnarJohnsen to help you choose the correct vGPU Profile with @NVIDIAGRID…twitter.com/i/web/status/7…9H
If you’re in the desktop/application remoting space and haven’t checked out @MagnarJohnsen’s work, view this as you..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…AX
cstalhood Remote Display Analyzer for RDP bramwolfs.com/2016/11/16/rem… @bramwolfs pic.twitter.com/xw7jArKInf
also realized how rusty some of those skills are for me
That’s possibly the most *nix commands I’ve run on an esxi host ever. There was sed, awk, uniq, and cat.
ellenfromnowon They say font design is a thankless, hard job. I disagree, I say it’s character building.
@rhbBSE @NVIDIAGRID figured that was the case, will also be sharing internally to drive at the need for GPU on all our VDI workloads.
Had to bail on the @NVIDIAGRID webinar, too much drilling going on in the building. Hopefully can catch the rest on recording.
Webinar started! twitter.com/amandamsaunder…
@nicolibrarian someone has good parents! :)
@AmandaMSaunders design looks similar to the wine and coffee you posted a while back, these from a set? Also are they drink coasters?
@AmandaMSaunders my other thought seeing this was “I’m glad I stayed off twitter until I left work…” otherwise I might be saying the same
Talking to one of my cousins about attire for events: “The Civil War wasn’t exactly known for its clubbing scene.” #fb
@AmandaMSaunders alternative title, “How to get in trouble next week”
About to get started: vSphere 6.5 Developer & Automation Interfaces Deep Dive with @kmruddy at #NashVMUG. flic.kr/p/P5Qop8
VMTNcommunity Awesome crowd at @NashvilleVMUG today! An inspiring community event. pic.twitter.com/AHktmFdguc
Enjoyed talking zero/thin clients at #NashVMUG with @10ZiGTechnology twitter.com/10zigtechnolog…
#NashVMUG Community session on PowerShell with Tim Warner.
Not the best photo, but spied a @UnideskCorp logo on @kmruddy’s slide of vSphere API consumers. flic.kr/p/NBCU6U
Automate all the things! @kmruddy starting off #NashVMUG with keynote on vSphere developer & automation interfaces.
Here we go! twitter.com/kmruddy/status…
Glad to see @twitter handles make an appearance on the @MyVMUG #NashVMUG badges. :) #Connections #Networking
Another year of #NashVMUG, another year of @NashvilleVMUG not brining the gravy. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s…
Someone warm the projectors, on the way to #NashVMUG!
@wjconrad thanks for sharing the VCAP6-DTM tips and good luck with your results!
@erickbm @ALDTD @jshiplett clearly waiting is viewed as an integral part of the beta exam experience :)
I may have laughed entirely too much & too hard at this. #fb twitter.com/asmallfiction/…
@kmruddy thanks for clearing that up, look forward to seeing you at @NashvilleVMUG.
@NashvilleVMUG got that, there’s also a 3:50 session with the same title and abstract as @kmruddy’s morning keynote…
rhbBSE This is a brilliant article for anyone interested in iRay, Solidworks Visualize, rendering…. twitter.com/develop3d/stat…
@tkreidl @AmandaMSaunders @seanpmassey @NVIDIAGRID was thinking of robotic cats before watching video, now I want to watch robot soccer live
interesting day musically:
this morning had “Picture” -Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow stuck in my head; afternoon “If You Could Only See” -Tonic #fb
@AmandaMSaunders @seanpmassey @tkreidl @NVIDIAGRID at least one of those tabs a cat right? It’s always the cats…
Hey @NashvilleVMUG, both morning keynote and afternoon session on “vSphere Modern Developer & Auto…” actually happening? Or one an error?
Should visit the full @MyVMUG webpage more often. Discovered today that Chattanooga now has a VMUG (@CHA_VMUG).
TheJewberwocky Presented without comment. @stahnma #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/oeVy1PYvNH
@ALDTD @thombrown @cstalhood is interesting. Another reason for an app/use case to need a unique desktop pool removed.
@UnideskCorp not sure it counts as rumor if you tweet it from the official account… :) Of course looking forward to it either way.