Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

September 2014

Slowly narrowing down the problem space…

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any other HigherEd admins going to the @NashvilleVMUG User Conference?

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ok, where did the month of September go, and can someone bring it back?

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Pop Up Video is on!

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jessitron “It’s time as technologists we started paying attention to the cultural values that we might be embedding in our software.” @benhammersley

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:42 PM, Sep 27th, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

@iShBuu success! Seems a popular day for windows, I was hanging curtain rods today (and will be tomorrow too).

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So any of my addicted followers tried the new Post-It Plus App yet?…

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@iShBuu hopefully your project doesn’t end with an unexpected “and now I’ll let that dry overnight”

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JimmyConroy “Creating desktops is just as easy as going to a pizza website and choosing toppings you want” - @Marc_Pruett @UnideskCorp

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:48 PM, Sep 26th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

@iShBuu you do still get a warning about not being able to modify any settings newer than v8 hardware, but did what I needed to do.

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@iShBuu made the jump, things seem to have gone well. Also then got to make use of the new U2 5.5 client functionality.

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@UnideskCorp support when you need it, monkeys for when you don’t [need support]. More serious note, great news and great communication.

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@grouchyCEO logic like that is only going to deny someone their ability to play buzzword bingo.

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@100GirlsofCode’s effort to expand across Southeast. Take a look, support if you can, Indiegogo proj

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Bit behind for the day in my tweets, but time to catch up. Time to catch up.

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anyone have ArcGlobe running in a @vmwarehorizon 3D enabled (software) pool?

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closed before submitting recording *head desk* *head desk*

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@ndroftheline @iShBuu @JimmyConroy I see “server”, glad someone else posted likewise. Kept rereading & worrying I was broken.

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evetsnosdoog @kayakerscout It’s the small things that continue to humble me, or I’m just getting old. Probably a bit of both. The joys of being human.

via Twitter for Windows Phone (retweeted on 10:07 PM, Sep 23rd, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

@evetsnosdoog you’ve summarized the experience quite well there.

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@iShBuu Did ok with that layer (plastic clip), the layer after that wrapped around the loaf with “PULL HERE” printed on it was the problem.

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fortunate to have the privilege of a college education, almost defeated by the packaging for a loaf of bread.

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Went to remove a deleted desktop from a View pool, then remembered that does that automatically now.

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Saw a @FedEx truck today at lunch, had to resist storming it in search of the @UnideskCorp robot.

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Why isn’t the only interface for the @CocaCola freestyle machine the accessible one?

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@purplecone had a issue within the last week of a couple of machines complaining about dVS ports, but pretty sure the VM saw the nic.

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jessitron Coding is so much more than apps and websites. @samaaron
It’s joy, love, respect, kindness. Music, robots, unicorns. @gigasquid

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:20 PM, Sep 19th, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

Two VMs, same tools versions, one “upgrade available”, the other “current”. esxi builds in the cluster are all the same… wut?

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All I’m saying is, why can’t we have the delivery speed displayed in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World?

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Probably shouldn’t start singing in the middle of Wendy’s.

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At this point, how out of line would it be to flood @vmwflings contest with submissions of production capable versions of existing projects?

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@mattwillis but “welp I had a couple of stacks rusting behind the barn” was just a far funnier context compared to serious discussion.

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@mattwillis It sounded like an interview question kind of thing, assumed that was the context. Mixed feelings about usefulness in that realm

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TACC “History’s Female Programmers Will No Longer Be Forgotten,” the women who coded ENIAC…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:18 PM, Sep 16th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

cmidgley Unidesk 2.8 Feature of the Day: Deeper vSphere integration with granular control over sockets and cores.

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Forget Hammer, it’s meta-time! “@hollybrocks: There’s a hotel in London with a CLOCK MADE OF CLOCKS…

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@mattwillis that parts on hand theory kinda falls apart when it comes to software, doesn’t it?

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elgwhoppo @youngtech @andyjmorgan I see what you’re saying about having it backwards. Real world: Moving to ESXi 5.5.0 U2 will require View 6.0.1 : )

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:29 PM, Sep 14th, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

OKBJGM “One of the most radical things you can do is to actually believe women when they talk about their experiences.”…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:28 PM, Sep 14th, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

@nicolibrarian is it too late to sign up to sell “food content”, hand people raw ingredients?

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@nicolibrarian “music content” i have visions of one musician playing a note every 45 secs or so.

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casey_dugan finding #1:Developers make very different faces at their systems than users @wernergeyer

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:15 PM, Sep 14th, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)

OUCH! Running the top of one’s hand into the side of a doorframe hurts. Anyone want to repeat this, verify the results?

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Went from having no idea what to watch for a movie night to having 2 ideas for what to watch.

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Today I learned 1) that the VMware Interop matrix includes vmtools/esxi compatibility information, and 2) you can get ahead on tools.

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@cmidgley long term, the cachepoint change is cool; short term, sockets & cores have my attention.

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@cmidgley the product & experience certainly benefits from the enthusiasm of everyone in the company.

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nicolibrarian Start seeing female founders! Add your own, let’s this movement!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:13 PM, Sep 12th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

@cmidgley Excited for the new version, but not sure about calling this a “was” before there is a prod release of the new version.

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Hey it is new video on the @UnideskCorp website. I know some of those folks!

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@msteague1001 @iShBuu maybe someone needs to ask Bob where the robot is? He seems like a knowledgable dude.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to iShBuu

Josh_Atwell I think the @unidesk folks should start posting Lost & Found Robot flyers on all @FedEx trucks they see.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:16 PM, Sep 10th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

Will be optimistically hopeful that the beta -> release cycle is as short for 2.8 as it was for 2.7! @UnideskCorp

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@iShBuu @Michael_EDavis sounds like I need to test some higher settings (once upgrading virtual hardware), currently running 64-96.

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@iShBuu Hadn’t run into that barrier until last month, but yes one of the things on my mind. What are you setting for video memory on pools?

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@iShBuu been happy with v10 hardware for VDI desktops? — Still have v8, figured once I get some things off my list I’d upgrade.

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@iShBuu saw a rumor during VMworld it was happening, waited to see it in something official before getting too excited.

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@iShBuu see the release notes for 5.5U2 “Unable to edit settings for VMs with hw version 10 using the vSphere client” -> “resolved …”

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@iShBuu think we’ll have some folks here happy about the edit v10 hardware from native client functionality in new vSphere client.

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@iShBuu I installed the new View agent on a single box to see if they accidentally fixed an issue I have with the installer,

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Anyone have a full list of the updates @VMware released today? vSphere 5.5 U2, View 6.0.1, v4h 1.7, anything else?

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Hey @VMwareCares, when did undocumented regressions become features?

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MarcDrummond What makes @mollydotcom so fantastic is how unrelentingly passionate she is for making the web a better place for **everyone.**

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:23 PM, Sep 5th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

onlinelearningI Wow…Development costs PER course for Georgia Tech’s CS MOOC degree up to $400,000. Incredible.…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 7:21 PM, Sep 5th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

@gstrouth which makes flings that only have value in production less than useful doesn’t it?

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vmwflings Get the new Fling View Auditing Portal, a web portal that serves as an extension to Horizon View Administrator.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:34 AM, Sep 5th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

Security Engineering book referenced by Joe, this morning’s @ttuCyberEagles guest speaker:…

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TwitPic Twitpic is shutting down, read our blog for more info - Please retweet

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:37 PM, Sep 4th, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

Always great to have @TTU_CSC alumni return to speak to students, glad to see strong student turn out.

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Great turn out for the first @ttuCyberEagles meeting of the semester.

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NewScientist article about @LegoAcademics,…. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the tweets.

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mollydotcom HTML is not a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. It has not been improved by mashing it up with other languages

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Sep 1st, 2014 via Twitter for Mac)