xenappblog Automate WSUS on Windows 2016 Server Core - xenappblog.com/2017/automate-… pic.twitter.com/8SsdtHuvQx
@ALDTD thanks for presenting on #vbrownbag, great job!
Sounds like the #vbrownbag NSX series is going to rock!
Wait MATH and PHYSICS at the same time @ALDTD? #vbrownbag
@arielsanchezmor @ALDTD @tbgree00 @RebeccaFitzhugh maybe @ALDTD sent you a virtual switch?
Serious note, go @ALDTD plugging shares! #vbrownbag
So @ALDTD is sending us all pizza via multiple routes, right? #vbrownbag
Surely two locations washing out to the ocean is better than one, is twice as much! @ALDTD @rebeccafizhugh #vbrownbag
@RebeccaFitzhugh @ALDTD Well of course, you’re doing well at it too, keep going
@tbgree00 my gif game is weak, so gotta keep up somehow
On #vbrownbag @RebeccaFitzhugh with the STP history and a Perlman name drop. #StumpTim

arielsanchezmor OMG @ALDTD just started his VCAP design presentation! Come join us!
attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/18772… pic.twitter.com/LLJSiuEYhA
Come for the heckling, stay for the networking knowledge dropping. Or maybe I have this backwards… twitter.com/RebeccaFitzhug…
@antiheroine while acknowledging it has already been said once, ouch
If you run out of IP addresses, your desktop builds aren’t going to go well. #TheVDILife
Worth a look for anyone running nested ESXi. twitter.com/vmwflings/stat…
Coworker: “Pretty sure you can VDI with a broken nose.” This after I almost took a door to the face while checking on a lab.
@mattheldstab @vCenterNerd @EmHender @MyVMUG I’m not sure you have the cause figured out, but I like the outcome you’re proposing.
“You can now install PowerCLI directly from the PowerShell Gallery!” twitter.com/kmruddy/status…
NVIDIADesign Hamlet takes the virtual stage with help of NVIDIA #GPUs as one of the first live theater performances in #VR..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Mu

NVIDIADC Run #deeplearning training with #Caffe2 to get a speedup on NVIDIA GPUs. Get started today: nvda.ws/2pCBLKo pic.twitter.com/RCDCX8fvgJ
“I/O, I/O it’s off to disk I go”
“they just don’t make gorilla street art like they use to”
lamw Bad/Corrupted USB keys are real thing! Here’s quick script on how to check if you’re ESXi install is still healthy github.com/lamw/vghetto-s…
Seems every time I looked at the forecast yesterday the t-storms were further and further into the evening. This morning: thunderstorm.
@eck79 enjoyed your presentation today @NashvilleVMUG, even if you did tell me to not do what I was considering.
“that other VDI vendor” - @eck79 This may have to be the quote of the day.
mbbroberg Shout out to the team behind VMware’s Project Platypus - an API explorer for a ton of platforms #vExpert..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…6h
Let’s do this! @eck79 talking vCenter server + availability at @NashvilleVMUG flic.kr/p/TCB3wk
A great opportunity to contribute to the #EUC body of knowledge. Doesn’t take long to add your responses! twitter.com/rspruijt/statu…
One of the sessions I’m looking forward to at tomorrow’s @NashvilleVMUG meeting. twitter.com/eck79/status/8…

SwiftOnSecurity Today is Windows Vista’s End Of Life for updates and support. pic.twitter.com/9jDUqcS7m5
Departing from the systems style sessions at #THEITS with @georgespake talking about Redux and web apps.
Behind on my #THEITS tweets, but in a session now hearing about @TechCEROC & opportunities for collaboration between IT services & academic
Most popular question right now, “where do I get one of these microphones?” #tntech-caic flic.kr/p/SpgTh4
#TTU-CIAC @dougtalbert selling Data Science. flic.kr/p/SmysL5
Always trilled to hear Ambareen Siraj talk about #WiCyS. Great history, even greater future. flic.kr/p/T45p9b
CyberCorps, representing largest single grant in TnTech history, supporting @tntechcsc undergraduate and… flic.kr/p/Tzsw1j
Heard from Mary Patterson on diversity, now Ambareen Siraj on CyberSecurity and CyberSecurity Education. #TTU-CIAC flic.kr/p/SpdJVF
Starting off the morning with some fellow @tntechalumni at #TTU-CIAC.
Evening social reception was great. Enjoyed seeing so many @tntechcsc faces tonight! twitter.com/tntechcsc/stat…

MagnarJohnsen New version of GPUSizer ready for my DUCUG presentation on friday. pic.twitter.com/O0dxhWIAgS
TechCEROC Tennessee Tech CyberCorps SFS application deadline is May 31, 2017. tntech.edu/ceroc/educatio… #CyberCorpsSFS
“Probably best to just not let Gallagher in the datacenter.”