Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

January 28th, 2013

@stephen50191 @JacobIsbell The other GUI was a much better nineties style application.

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Was called a “Magical Lab Fairy” this evening. MixMasterJ was a much better title.

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@iShBuu @cmidgley Will do, probably tomorrow. I can take some screenshots and the like.

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@iShBuu — ok, “at login” = “when you push the forum link”

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@iShBuu The page that at login that shows recent postings, I think it is showing the right ones, just not display the dates correctly.

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anyone else having problems with @UnideskCorp forum pages showing odd results for recent activities?

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So in today, use of twitter. Anyone have a getting started guide I can share with students?

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log into twitter, have 5 new followers, 4 of them are eggs.

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Today: lots of thin clients taken care of, another interesting class, and dinner.

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Today’s theme: thin-clients behaving badly, or at least unexpectedly…

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Seems to be a good number of tour groups on the @tennesseetech campus today.

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MarkDavis Apollo 1 fire 45 yrs ago today, shuttle Challenger 27 yrs ago tomorrow, Columbia breakup on reentry 10 yrs ago Fri. Remember their sacrifice

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@RonOglesby clearly Monday. Up against 5 thin-clients that decided sometime over the weekend that video output was an optional activity.

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librarythingtim Looking over big library tech RFP—it’s a recipe for badly designed software from bad companies. Library software sucks for a reason.

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