Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

August 14th, 2015

@mkbaldwin21 The hashtag wasn’t my creation, students came up with it during @WiCySconference this (2015) year.

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@mkbaldwin21 Well up side, I’m fairly regularly in each of the major browsers.

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@mkbaldwin21 I’ve shocked students, even members of , for years by using the platform default browser, why change now?

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“I don’t really want to figure out a new browser this month” - @kayakerscout

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@100GirlsofCode and of course the Women in CyberSecurity Conference (March 31 - April 2, 2016), @WiCySconference.

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@100GirlsofCode plug for the Southeast Women in Computing Conference: (Nov 13 - 15, 2015)

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WeAreTeachers From @autodesk: Learn to teach 3D design with free Autodesk software and learning tools:

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I’m sure the @UnideskCorp solution architects just love me volunteering their services to people. :)

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@VMwareEducation Interested in vcix6-dtm, maybe release some blueprints and help me move that along? :)

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rebel against the system, go to work on Saturday — summarized thought of @rdcumby

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@CarlWebster @UnideskCorp @RonOglesby @cmidgley at the right time look forward to hearing/reading about this.

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First thought, “that seems awfully gimmicky” Second thought, “birthday road trip?”

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