I prob shouldn’t be trusted with this or the tools to make it. MT “@thinkgeek: This *is* the droid..j.mp/1oP1eIJ4u by doddieszoomer”
@CAMertens Ah ok. Was thinking once he experienced browsing and flipping pages pre-purchase, might become more of a fan of the book fair.
@CAMertens his first book fair?
MyVMUG First ever @NashvilleVMUG User Conference is tomorrow! Don’t miss out on your chance to win a Home Lab! vmug.com/nashvmug
@cmidgley looks like you’re demoing a couple of new features with this? ;)
People here are organizing a cheer routine for Perl compiling. #ThisDoesNotEndWell
@Michael_EDavis @SwiftOnSecurity must be one of the perks that comes with celebrity status. ;)