Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

October 6th, 2010

So I’ve now used twitter to figure out the current facebook mime. #socialworldcolide #fb

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So what happens if I put an HTML5 video element in a blink element? #notthatIwoulddosuchathing

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IBMResearch Collaboratories: Shared interest, shared expertise co-located to maximize impact - relationships around the world. #RIA10

via CoTweet (retweeted on 3:58 PM, Oct 6th, 2010 via web)

I have just been informed that glitter “crushes men’s souls” #fb

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IBMResearch How should we as computer scientists be interacting with consumers of our technology - i.e. massive scale analytics solutions #RIA10

via CoTweet (retweeted on 3:37 PM, Oct 6th, 2010 via web)

The survey results for @alistapart’s People Who Make Websites 2009 are up: (…) #fb

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