adruin #chi2010 “there are more ipads in this room than any where else in the world…” keynote Genevive Bell
@nicolibrarian … and for that matter also credit for being an awesome person. She came to @TnTechCSC several years ago and gave a talk.
@nicolibrarian … and even with printed copies, don’t use highlighters much. Julie Starr deserves all the credit for helping you …
@nicolibrarian I have to admit that I know about the article and that’s about it. I don’t do much technical reading on the screen, …
@nicolibrarian do the instructions on page 2 of:… not still work? Don’t have in front of me.
if devices are split between techie and non-tech users, what impact is not having the movers & shakers as early adapters going to have? #fb
nicolibrarian “The future is already here. It’s just not very evenly distributed.” William Gibson
so I’m pretty sure that being able to lean on the bed and turn off the light is a bad thing.
anyone needing a todo list in might want to take a look at http://hci.rwth-aachen.d…. One of the posters at #chi2010.
@robiobierto didn’t really check this one out, but I have seen escalators that had all the steps removed before.
@mrwtn865 and besides I’m on a bit of a tweeting spree, so if you post some stuff I won’t feel like quite the spammer.
@mrwtn865 Well I’m out of ideas on places, so you can probably go ahead.
to everyone posting line about escalators never being out of order just stairs. I saw it today, a sign for an out of order escalator. #fb
interesting note from today: Atlanta Police have segways! #fb
cameras seem to have become require conference equipment, lots of photo taking of slides and posters.
hopefully that one makes up for anyone who was getting tired/bored of my HCI related stuff
IU Advanced Algorithms Reading Group to host weekend’s 60th Midwest Theory Day… #fb
found it funny that everyone asking about the text message entry presentation went up to the podium holding their cell phone. #chi2010
epic#FAIL ftw! #chi2010