played with Microsoft Expression Suite for bit, finding the dark UI hard to use, also a bit lost in general, may need to find some docs. #fb
maybe the whole point of apple’s big fancy server farm is for when they launch new releases of iOS ;)
me: “and if it’s on twitter, it’s on the internet, and thus it must be true right?” #fb
Starting to think that instead of getting all my friends in one place to play Mario Kart, just need to get a distance party going. #fb
Got my PS 208 Locke Lions t-shirt from @panic today. Get one today and be the cool kid on your block (
Not sure on this one… RT @cultofmac: Brighten Up Your Mac With Bros And Mos
It seems I have a follow cost of 96.2 milliscobles. (…) (@followcost) Now if only I knew what this meant.
edchi geek out! RT @terrellrussell RT @ciphergoth Draw a symbol, get the LaTeX equivalent I will use this all the time!
Morgan_Kaufmann Just scheduled twitter sales for the rest of 2010. Watch out for your favorite MK #Data Management books on Fri and #Graphics on Wed!
merrierm Started social media paper discussion group. wnt 2 follow along remotely? #MSRSocPapers - ths week: Aardvark WWW paper