Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

April 11th, 2011

and all the tasks for April 11th are done! #fb

via Twitter for Mac

anyone have ideas on what amazon expects the recovery time of their $25 to be? Wouldn’t seem like they’d want to wait very long. 1 Year?

via Twitter for Mac

so does dropping the price of a kindle $25, ads or not, really open the device up to new customers?

via Twitter for Mac

glad I actually found my visibone reference the other day, came in handy today to get some stuff written quickly!

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MaryBethRaven IBM announces Maqetta, an open source, HTML 5 design tool

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:45 PM, Apr 11th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

pretty sure I lose major nerd points, just changed computers to have nicer GUI tool for task Had tools on other system, just not as good #fb

via Twitter for Mac

Great way to wind up a Monday! I got all the overdue tasks in @OmniFocus done, now on to the today ones. #haveAFeeling5pmWillHurt #fb

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