step 3, eat!
benbendc AMIA Task Force report: 10 ways to Improve EHR Safety and Quality via Usability…
step 2: prep… #NowWait #fb
@stephen50191 chocolate in hand always trumps chocolate in theory.
ok, step 1 is a bag of ghirardelli chocolate… #fb
#BadUI 101: put a dialog with button in front of me on my touch screen then when I go to push it, pop up a second dialog above that. #fb

lol -> “@MicrosoftBI: May your Valentine’s Day be filled with #bigdata!” #fb
song on the radio starts: “if you ain’t got two kids by 21 you’re probably going to die alone” #radioOff #fb
linux_at_ibm #IBM offers education on a variety of z/VM, #Linux on System z and z/VSE topics in the form of “Live Virtual Classes”:
so one of the local radio stations is giving away a Valentines Day dinner today. #TalkAboutPlansComingTogetherLastMinute #fb