Despite being the golden cookies and non-typical filling, only managed to get two eaten before my body was questioning what I was doing.
So once again my students’ faith in the greatness of Oreo Cookies lead me to try out another pack of Oreos. #fb
@RonOglesby Once you get those t-shirts, maybe you could recreate this with a t-shirt cannon?
@iShBuu was mostly confirmation of what we had already worked out, so quick and mostly painless. Looking at some new BYOD use cases.
Yep, I’m a VDI admin, starting off the week with a software licensing discussion.
@JimPConroy the glass, you’re using it wrong :) (cc: @iShBuu)
thinkgeek Today in Geek History: In 1997, Mario Kart 64 released on the N64. Beware the Blue Shell!