@mikestanley look forward to seeing what you do with the Knoxville area VMUG!
Enjoyed talking to @mikestanley this evening at @TNAquarium re: @VMware, @MyVMUG, community involvement, and many things virtual.
Didn’t get to extend in person thanks to @cmmowery and Chad M (MTSU) for being on the #THEITSVDI panel today. Had to run to next session.
Good day at #THEITS15, got to put some faces to some twitter handles.
VMware RT @sweigand: If @VMware, @mesosphere, @coreoslinux, @pivotal, @docker, or #microservices interest you, watch this! vmw.re/1bmiNzL

TTU_CoE TECHx April 27 in Derryberry Auditorium from 5 to 7 p.m. FREE and open to the public #tntech pic.twitter.com/imwVXbBUeT
Hey @MacMike, some news for you. — Haven’t had a chance yet to check any of this out. twitter.com/robbeekmans/st…
@nic_winn seems we just had an excitement break for you. :)
Thanks everyone for a great discussion, #THEITSVDI. Lots of good questions and comments re: #VDI in higher ed.
Getting ready to start the day with the #THEITS15 keynote. Dr. McQueen, Tennessee Department of Education - “Asking the Right Questions”