Computer Avenue, the Electronic Avenue of the digital age. #HereAllNight
seems fitting that post #EUCDay I find myself driving down Computer Avenue. #NeededMoreFlash
BonnieBauder Great day at #EUCDay! A lot of good content and conversations! Thanks to @mattheldstab @rogerlund @vmrick @mnvmug @MyVMUG

AtlantisSDS Calling All #VDI Experts! Share Knowledge today to be featured in a Best Practices Guide:
Left phone on podium after turning the floor over to @iShBuu. Figured it would be out of place to shove him over to retrieve it.
For those following along at home (or @UnideskCorp HQ), the answer for today, is no he can’t.
So the year of the Layered, non-persistent virtual desktop? #EUCDay #WillShowMyselfOut
instant clone parents: one per host per datastore #EUCDay
wouldn’t be a VDI discussion without a mention of Microsoft licensing #VDA #PainAndTears #EUCDay
Surprised analogy isn’t more popular. Not enough crossover between desktop admins & devop embracing server admins?…
@gstrouth was a good session, always enjoy hearing about other EDU deployments
Now Design Fundamentals with @seanpmassey #EUCDay #TheFunRolesOn
Opening with the question “What problem(s) are you trying to solve?” - @T_REX_VDI #EUCDay Easy to get distracted with day to day technology.
get answers to your burning questions, such as, “can @kayakerscout live tweet his own session?”…
Ken: user gets persistence, IT gets non-persistent #EUCDay
Non-persistent desktop plug! Technology is filling in historical problem spots in that space. #AlwaysBeenAFan #WelcomeAboard #EUCDay
Mike_Colson Love that @shawnbass is talking about maturity cycle that EUC stack from VMware has undergone. This isn’t VDI it’s user empowerment #EUCDay
running an environment with heavy ad hoc usage, on demand capacity would be useful functionality
Will be interesting to see the forthcoming opportunities for integrating cloud hosting/services into #VDI and application delivery. #EUCDay

EucDay @shawnbass talking Blast Extreme and feature parity with the PCoIP protocol. #EUCDAY
Instant Clones! #EUCDay
now @shawnbass is providing more motivation for that 4k display I need on my desk, for testing. :) #BossNotOnTwitter

Mike_Colson Blast extreme is H.264 optimized so you can watch cat videos on your mobile device and not kill you battery. #EUCDay
#EUCDay @shawnbass now talking #BlastExtreme
I put all the #EUCDay speaker @twitter handles from the program in a list:…
have to stop tweeting long enough to acknowledge a shoutout from @mattheldstab during the opening #EUCDay remarks
Ended up on the same banner with @shawnbass. #EUCDay #FunTime
Alive and awake this morning, #EUCDay will soon be getting underway.
Well #EUCDay activities are off to a great start! Now just have to get up in the morning. :)