What it looks like when a bunch of EUC Pros get together for a day. Be sure to checkout @iShBuu and I’s presentation twitter.com/mattheldstab/s…
Didn’t write many tweets from my personal account during #WiCyS, but I’d encourage everyone to check this out. twitter.com/thecyberwire/s…
FCoTRUserGroup PowerShell clearly ripped off its user interface from Zork

jtkantor Harvard’s medical library has a therapy dog that students can “check out.” Here’s his record in the library catalog. pic.twitter.com/pJfTepPhY2
@ALDTD congratulations and good luck!

rspruijt “It’s not a question of whether or not you’ll use GPUs but when you’ll use them” @shawnbass @TeamRGE #GTC16 pic.twitter.com/AmtOyXaHHH
discussion of 64-bit office
@ClintDrums “what are relational databases for, anyway?”
me: “sources for my huge excel files”
@jfrappier @vCenterNerd @kmruddy @jaslanger @seanpmassey sounds like you’re lining up quite the A-level team but I’d also be glad to chip in