jasonklee79 Most realistic hair! twitter.com/mattpharr/stat…

F5Networks October is National #Cybersecurity Awareness Month, how are you becoming more #CyberAware? oak.ctx.ly/r/5691h pic.twitter.com/ICJ7VGezzC
Texiwill Latest Win10 update forced me to re-install the View Agents, VMware Tools to make View work…. something to think about.
@NVIDIAGRID looking forward to diving into the details on this. Time to have some fun with my @DellEMC account team.
@AmandaMSaunders also, ouch, hopefully trouble free after. Currently sitting on a full @SouthwestAir flight waiting for the gate myself.
@AmandaMSaunders is @Delta stealing them off of incoming planes? Trying to figure out what takes 2 1/2 hours and would be the solution
nuintari The only thing I hate worse than getting an Nvidia card working in X, is getting anything else working in X.
OpenManage integration with Microsoft System Center. Hope I’ve picked up enough from @ClintDrums & @bhwallsttu to not be lost. #DellEMCWorld
Now with @NVIDIAGRID support, #VxRailRocks. The fun of #DellEMCWorld rolls on. twitter.com/tonypaikeday/s…