Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

January 9th, 2017

@ALDTD @jshiplett @btkrausen I’m laughing way to hard at the inclusion of “now” in this question.

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@ClintDrums looks like you just need to find a way to present at . Have a feeling our popper…Zz

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@mikestanley @grouchyCEO @UnideskCorp @RonOglesby Mike, you should totally come back to the land of VDI & RDSH! We have layers, GPUs, & SSDs

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@RonOglesby @CarlWebster fine looking slide there Ron, hope you hit them full force with the awesomeness

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“all the RPMs” - @ClintDrums; “no, if your SSDs are spinning, you’ve either done something wrong or mounted your SSD on your fan” - me

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This is @UnideskCorp experience. Has been great working with @grouchyCEO, @cmidgley, @RonOglesby, @iShBuu, so…ZY

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Congrats to the entire Unidesk team, some great folks, including a great support team behind the product……2A

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munichbeer Anyone happy to help? James is our recent superstar intern who is coming back to Citrix in the summer!…

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Why is “time zone support” something that has to be explicitly enabled on a calendar application?

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