@vmugDanielle likewise!
I think I spend as much time today at #UserCon in conversations as I did sessions. Could get use to that trend.
Thanks @NashvilleVMUG, had a RaspberryPi on the “to get” list to try out as a thin-client. :)

vmugDanielle The final UserCon session of 2017 with Marek Kwasniewski #NASHVMUG #UserCon pic.twitter.com/MmgeRlhduH
Closing keynote already!?!? Day has flown by with @NashvilleVMUG
Time to talk #vRNI at @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon. Or maybe we’re taking #Vernie…

vmugDanielle The race is on at the #NASHVMUG #UserCon pic.twitter.com/7SXmXh0N22
@VMnate @vmwarehorizon also great to see the turn out for this #EUC session, have been to some fairly empty..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…TL
didn’t have @ELVERs_Opinion’s handle until the end of the session, which turned out great
Workspace One at @NashVMUG #UserCon @VMnate, I promise not to ask Jonathan about packaging @vmwarehorizon mac client flic.kr/p/21w67Rh
@vmugDanielle So now I’m in a whiteboard storage session with Elver Sena Sosa! @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon
step 1: I’ll go to the community session, step 2: @vmugDanielle is in the hallway recruiting attendees for the community session.
@MyVMUG @NashvilleVMUG Will be here until the end, hopefully some other folks will be too, as I already have a physical copy.
MyVMUG @kayakerscout We’ll also be giving away physical copies today at the @NashvilleVMUG if you stick around till the end of the day!
woohoo! Lots of new faces at @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon, good to see new faces in the crowd
given changes, new maximums guide for vSphere 6.5U1 published, updates original 6.5 guide @eck79 at @NashvilleVMUG

vmugDanielle @eck79 kicks off a great day here at the #NASHVMUG #UserCon pic.twitter.com/JSfM20iv03
Among the many cool things discussed at @NashvilleVMUG opening is a reminder to your Host Resource Deep Dive ebook…twitter.com/i/web/status/9…8p
Was an early start to the day & got a bit of a walk/hike in to get to @NashvilleVMUG, but here and ready to get this #UserCon underway!
@vmugDanielle @eck79 Sleep maybe? 12:22am is some dedication to the cause.
computerfact the world never says hello back