Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

May 16th, 2018

@rspruijt @VDILIKEAPRO @MarkPlettenberg Thanks for all the hard work! Look forward to seeing the results.

via Twitter for iPad in reply to rspruijt

tbgree00 Do you wish you could automate your environment but the forms just don’t cut it? Join @Codydearkland…74

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:32 PM, May 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

Less than 24 hours before @etrVMUG meeting. If the free registration isn’t enticing enough, there has been…fK

via Twitter Web Client

You know it has been a good afternoon when you have to catch up on WRITING tweets for the day.

via Twitter Web Client