@seanpmassey at the rate they’re tweeting them, I don’t think we’re going to miss too many of them.
This looks like the face of man who already know’s what the caption is going to be. twitter.com/steveathanas/s…
@CTOAdvisor several &compare? Have no idea, but look forward to the post-implementation content you produce on this..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bE
@mikestanley @RealLisaC Exactly, so the person taking notes on their primary system is shown as doing something bad..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…us
@mikestanley @RealLisaC Or you could be one of other devices with a screen and apps that most of us seem to carry around these days.
@mattheldstab @mnvmug @Hooters @mallofamerica @NerdBlurt @arielsanchezmor @RichardKenyan @uber_tech_geek I would sa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…It
Hope everyone has a great day @mnvmug tomorrow! twitter.com/myvmug/status/…