@mikestanley Last phone I had the Product (Red) phone and case. That lasted until the case started to crack on the..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Mh
cockroach_ray “late fines are not effective in promoting the return of books or increasing the number of residents in compliance,..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…31
@mikestanley If it works for you, go for it. Be interested to hear if swapping back and fourth makes recognizing th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Fn

rakyll The Go team is serious about artwork. This is apparently how the cloud is built. pic.twitter.com/wDcQ33kBpt
If you’ll be attending @ATLVMUG UserCon, be sure to check this out, make sure you win and not me. twitter.com/myvmug/status/…