@VDIHacker @NashvilleVMUG Ya, walked out with some things to think about. Was good to see you. Good luck finish up..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…16
Community hour awaits, but first @VDIHacker talking security. Better than standard disclaimer. @NashvilleVMUG..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…eP
Bonus @STKPromotions #vExpert shirt discussion with @Julie864 before the session got underway.
Talking data protection with @ccolotti and @Cohesity. @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon
Great track of WorkspaceONE sessions going at @NashvilleVMUG. I’ve picked some other conflicting sessions, growing..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…j7

Time to get some container knowledge from @KendrickColeman. @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon pic.twitter.com/gKMrxyWXYS

IvanAtDell Only in #nashville @MyVMUG desserts come with guitars on the table :) @NashvilleVMUG #vsan pic.twitter.com/vzFkXIRNfV
miketerrill Well, well, what do we have here? Looks like Windows 10 1909 is now on MSDN…time to check VLSC. @jarwidmark..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…vS
Escalated privileges within the Azure VMware solution docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vm…. Interesting option to have available.
Appears @jdooley_clt stuck with the professionalism attire approach for @NashvilleVMUG. No one has to go defending..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…45
Getting ready for the first post lunch session with @jdooley_clt talking Azure VMware solutions are @NashvilleVMUG..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…kp
Starting with a handy Windows tip on PowerPoint automatic flipping to extended display mode when starting a present..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bi
I’m yet again at a different @MyVMUG event when @etrVMUG meets. Hopefully will be back that way soon! Enjoy tonight. twitter.com/etrvmug/status…
Lunch and data science, @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon. Eating and tweeting could be a problem.
Great plug for @VMwareHOL from @johnnyadavis as a tool in exam prep. Great tool for anyone working with @VMware pro..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…w5
A great opportunity to hear from Patrick (@VDIHacker) today at @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon. twitter.com/vdihacker/stat…

Time to talk about @VMwareEducation VCP-DCV certification and exam with @johnnyadavis. @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon pic.twitter.com/jsWy2ifquU
everything being inner-connected means no one works in isolation, @vmKen stressing the importance of constructive c..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…BI
really enjoying this discussion of the complexity of the information technology landscape and corresponding skill set needs
“there’s more to learn than ever and it is all inner-connected” great way of summarizing the state of IT and IT ski..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…LZ

Keynote starting now at @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon. Sessions all day, so still time to get down here. pic.twitter.com/P52X3N23Y8
Go see @VMUG_Molly, get a discount code, and sign up for @VMUGAdv before leaving @NashvilleVMUG. twitter.com/vmug_molly/sta…
Keep the learning going year round after @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon with VMUG Advantage @VMUGAdv. Find someone with an..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0h

Continuing the tracking history, 2019 @NashvilleVMUG #UserCon has gravy again this year. twitter.com/kayakerscout/s… pic.twitter.com/bhhi7EFPb5